Capricorn horoscope for 17 january 2020

Capricorn horoscope predicts that this is a great year for improving yourself. Capricorn people are born between December 23rd and January 20th.
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When Mars joins Lilith from Jun 28 until Oct 20 old wounds come up from when possibly your parent found it hard to accept you grow into an adult and your budding sexuality. At this time the parent may have rejected you, feeling threatened by your burgeoning power. Venus retrograde will take place in quite a dull place.

The house of daily work and slavery.

Capricorn Horoscope – Capricorn Horoscope

Much of this time is spent sweeping the floor while gazing out of the window hoping to be rescued by a handsome prince. You could use this period to get fit, set times to go down the gym and change your diet.

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Mars retrograde is in your home sector which makes it powerful and angular for you. Not only that, but it will trigger by square the big three planets in Capricorn during its journey. This absolutely helps you tie up all the loose ends of the year. Mars erm.. Mars even in retrograde gets things done and takes brave action, it just takes a more strategic path rather than the usual impulsive reaction.

The blitz of planets in Capricorn is over for your specific decan now, so you can just enjoy the end of the Jupiter conjunction. However, you will still feel the general weight of the Capricorn stellium only now in a subtle, more supportive way, especially if you are reading this for your ascendant.

What you need to do with this is to heal and recover from all the changes that have occurred. However, there is the excitement of an eclipse on your descendant which is fantastic for relationships. May I be as bold as to say that this could be one of the best years of your life? This year you get all the juicy transits without any of the challenging ones.

In fact, this eclipse will just add some sizzle to everything else that is going on. The year starts with the romantic and imaginative Neptune sextile which works as a blossoming backdrop to the luck and success of Jupiter.

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Everything that I have talked about concerning the stellium in Capricorn in the general section applies to you in its most powerful expression. But unlike the previous year, you have Jupiter to balance everything out nicely. This means that any decan 3 goats who are after power, leadership and authority should go full throttle for it in Which means the stellium is going on in my first house… right on top of my core self.

I assure you all something is cooking…. My son is the same. This period will be a little bit colder when it comes to love. However, you like being around your friends more than ever. Your personality is somehow attractive for a lot of people. Just look out because you might end up with the wrong ones. During this time, support from the people around you will be very enjoyable.

In extreme cases, you might even build trust for a person that will betray you later on.

January 2020 Astrology Predictions – Part One

In this span, you yearn for being respected so that you feel unsettled if someone thinks that you are a fool. Hence, you are rather silent and wait. Thanks to this position, conservative thinking may appear, especially when it comes to relationships and dry humour. In this period, you will be rather honest. No matter the circumstances — whether it is appropriate or not. Since you will feel a need to stand for your opinions and ideas very firmly.

However, you might have problems in communication due to this attitude. Moreover, you will not be afraid to talk about things as they are and people will like to come to you for advice. If you know what your goal is, you are willing to go for it under all conditions. However, watch out for extreme jealousy and possessive behavior towards your partner.

Saturn Transit 2020, 2021 and 2022 – Capricorn on 24th January 2020

It could lead to bigger problems in the future. That can logically mean problems too. You will be attracted to active individuals mainly and you would choose them to be your sexual partners. What Color Matches Your Personality? Try The Quiz Now!! Capricorn sun sign will begin to see things in a new light this year in You will strive for inner harmony, as well as outer peace. You may also be more in touch with your religion this year. No matter what you do, you are likely to want to work on improving your inner self in one way or another. Test Now!

January is your birthday month, will be filled with positivity. February is an exciting month when you will have multiple plans rolling out at the same time. March is a good month for higher education or pursuing some new skill on the job front.

Venus enters Scorpio

April is a month of introspection and planning. Think well before coming to a final decision. May is the right time to put your plans into action. Do not doubt your capabilities. June is a period when you need to move forward carefully but not make any hasty decisions.

July is when you have to lead your team to victory. Be it work or love; you need to make the first move. August is a month that needs balance at all turns. Learning from experience will prove to be beneficial. September is when you need to stop looking into minor issues and instead think of the plan as a whole.

October is an inspiring month when you will be focussed on achieving your goal.