Scorpio born on december 14 horoscope

If you were born on 14th December, you have an affectionate and December 14 zodiac people are on the Sagittarius-Capricorn The planetary alignment indicates that you are not compatible with a Scorpio in any way.
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On the 17th, as the sun moves into Libra, you may experience some financial loss and be confused about what decision to take. You typically make decisions based on instinct or a strong gut reaction. Expert advice may assist. With Mercury in Virgo, you maintain a degree of enthusiasm and energy at work that is attractive. On the 6th, as Mercury moves into Libra, you will embrace new work challenges as they emerge, and seniors will be beyond satisfied with your ethics. On the 26th, Mercury moves into Scorpio, which can trigger jealousy in others who want what you have.

You do not need to hold yourself back to make others feel better. Venus in Libra encourages you to spend money on things that please you, things that are pretty, useful or endearing in some way. Mars in Capricorn urges you to concentrate and focus on that which you desire.

My Today’s Horoscope

This is how you can bring it forth into reality. The best astrologers in India can give your journey a direction, consult them on Astroyogi! Scorpio weekly horoscope - 7 Oct , Monday - 13 Oct , Sunday. Scorpio daily horoscope - 9 October Last Updated on November 27th, If you were born on 14th December, you have an affectionate and caring personality. Also, you are highly adaptable.

December 14 Birthday Astrology

As such, you can easily fit in any environment. You have a keen sense of right and wrong. You try to protect your loved ones from the adverse effects of making the wrong choices. You are under the Sagittarius zodiac sign.

Sabian Symbol

Your astrological symbol is the Archer. This symbol caters to those born between 22nd November and 21st December. The planet Jupiter exerts much influence on your life. This planetary body is responsible for your ambition, confidence, and optimism. The element Fire plays a critical role in your life.

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This element works in tandem with the elements Earth, Water, and Air to infuse bravery, intimacy, and intuition into your life. December 14 zodiac people are on the Sagittarius-Capricorn Astrological Cusp. This is the Cusp of Prophecy. The planet Saturn and Jupiter play a crucial role in the lives of these cuspers. Each of these two bodies adds much value to your life. For example, they have empowered you with a strong sense of determination and strong will. This cusp straddles two extremes. These are the sense of expansion from Sagittarius and a sense of lessons and limits from Capricorn.

As such, you get immense benefits of these two worlds!

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The Cusp of prophecy has a major influence over your finances. The fire sign Sagittarius enables you to have a keen eye for the right investment. On the other hand, the Earth sign Capricorn gives you the tenacity you need to be a serial winner. Regarding your health, we strongly advise that you take good care of your hips, thighs, and arteries.

Being a Sagittarius, you are susceptible to injuries in these parts of the body. December 14th zodiac lovers have very high standards when it comes to matters of love. You have a criterion you use to evaluate your partner before you engage in any liaison with them. This means that your love is not spontaneous. Rather, it is the calculated kind. You engage in a relationship for its practical application. Obviously, you have to be very deliberate to achieve this.

December 14 Birthday Astrology | HowStuffWorks

You prefer to know your partner thoroughly before you give them your heart. This is where courtship comes in. Although some people consider dating as a waste of time, it will serve you well. It gives the opportunity to be in touch with the real needs, motivations, and antecedents of your partner.

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The shyer Sagittarius tends to be rather gentle and reserved. Thus, you hesitate sharing your true feeling with your beloved. Fortunately, matters will not remain this way forever. In short, your family will thrive under your protection and guidance. Your ideal lover is one born under the Gemini, Aries, and Leo zodiacs. You have much in common with these individuals.

The planetary alignment indicates that you are not compatible with a Scorpio in any way. Thus, your relationship with them would be rocky and tumultuous. December 14 zodiac people inspire others with their beliefs and actions. You ooze so much positivity that you cannot go unnoticed.

You have a strong entrepreneurial spirit.

My Today's Horoscope

As such, you have your hand in most of the progressive projects that go on in your community. People are drawn by your charm and seductiveness. You exert much influence on everyone you encounter. Your sociability is a big boost to your personality.