Scorpio love tarot january 2020 ivana

Zodiac Warrior: Taurus by Epscillion on DeviantArt Zodiac Love, Zodiac Art, Zodiac Signs. More information Zodiac Scorpio Anime Warrior This seems interesting take a look at http://www. Open . See more. Pugachevsky, A. - Zodiac Capricorn, Ex Libris, Tarot, Kiev Ukraine posted it first on ” Ivana Maldonado.
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John Dee used astrology to aid Elizabeth in defeating the Armada and was without a doubt a weather worker in this — he is also the originator of the notion of the British Empire — quite a lasting effect this guy provided us with! Some karma…. He recently won the Templeton Prize. He also cites the choir — rated fifth in the world by Gramophone magazine — as a reason for his attendance. A real magus! Algol seems to be on Venus!!! I know this is considered too wide an orb for a fixed star conjunction but given the closeness of the stelliium and how it manifests….

I asked it because all astrologers in my country ask the same…because their wedding aspects are very bad…um…. Where are you from Ivana? I think people born on eclipses also have their personal lives very much obscured and become pawns of fate. He has venus in 5 in opposit. And when? I am from Serbia ex Yugoslavia , and all of our astrologers are not opthimistic. Now I will introduce one of the opinions of our astrologers: Date of marriage good for William, but not for her. Wedding of Prince William and Kate Midlton being organized with filigree precision and every minute ceremony will be planned in great detail in order to avoid any unpleasant incident.

However, astrological analysis and class royal wedding reveals many unpleasant challenges that will be exposed to future spouses, but also offers a useful lesson about choosing a favorable time for marriage. Of course the most precise chosen wedding date itself will not make a happy marriage between two incompatible people, but choosing the best time will certainly help to many differences and rough edges in the character of the two personalities fine and harmoniously united in marriage mosaic.

Horoscope royal wedding of Prince William and Kate set a future princess April 29th to th at 11 h after the London summer time and the right one can ask whether this date and time fit into the harmonious elekcioni horoscope. There is no doubt that the wedding date and time chosen by the royal astrologer, because in addition to the many bad aspects of that day, he was nevertheless chosen to be good for Prince William, but not for Kate. The Sun at the time of marriage is strongly placed at the top of the sky in the X field, so that William will be favored in their marriage and his word will be a command.

Sun is also a fixed sign of Taurus, so he will want to stay in the marriage and will stubbornly insist on its position. Sun is the star of stagnant malefic Hamal, who brings violence, danger and head injury. Kate was presented to Venus, a woman in a married relationship, and Saturn, as ruler of the VII field spouses. The wedding horoscope Venus is badly placed under the sign of his fall in Aries, in opposition with Saturn exalted in Libra. Venus is in the X field, the horoscope, so Kate will be too exposed to public criticism, and Saturn in the fourth field, field completion, indicating that the marriage will end prematurely.

As Saturn is also the ruler VIII field, the field of suffering, there is a possibility for premature termination of marriage, and this may be a tragedy that need not necessarily be negative from the perspective of the royal family. From wedding horoscopes and fate of marriage of Prince William and Kate Midlton should learn a few things to avoid when choosing a wedding date and time.

Avoid the position of the moon in the zodiac kadentnom field these are 3,6,8,9 and 12 field horoscopes , because there is no need to borrow an accident. If you want a harmonious and long marriage in which neither side can not stand, the Sun and Venus, and the rulers and the VII field should be set in harmony, because both equally deserve to be happy. Empty the moon walk, no single aspect with other planets, further complicating the matter, especially when it is in the decadent IX field in the zodiac sign of Pisces. Since Mesco points on the course of events in marriage, and as a ruler XII fields, field barriers and isolation, suggests that nothing important and good will happen in this marriage.

Moon is weak because of the pale, declining in the last quarter, is in thermal Mars, which is a wicked place for him. All this suggests the futility of hopes, and return to the starting position because of obstacles on the path towards a given goal. Moon in Pisces is the isolation, lack of genuine connection and lack of happiness in marriage.

Particularly critical period in the future marriage will th and Extremely important dates during this period, when to be especially careful, as the moon eclipses the sun, or because they are both future spouses born at the time of eclipses. First check your sun sign according to western astrology. You Should also check out your moon sign and your rising sing and see for yourself what is resonating the best. If you want to order a reading matching your personal situation, please contact me on my web site : www.

I am a tarot reader and palmist palm reading, chiromancy and I provide spiritual guidance based on my deep intuition. I provide phone and skype consultations. NB : These videos are for entertainment purpose only. Darkstar Astrology. Your Aquarius Horoscope includes a brief summary of the year ahead. Reydiant Reality. Aquarius Year Ahead Tarot Forecast !!

He is an intuitive guide who utilises his knowledge of Tarot, Astrology and Numerology to look at the energy surrounding events, situations or people. If you need any help in the aforementioned - Please seek the help of a registered professional in their field who can help you. Please treat them as such and enjoy your time on the channel. MY IG Instagram is : verooshtarot or below.

Here is the Horoscope Spread on YouTube. Barbara Goldsmith. This video covers: Love, relationships, romance, money, finances, career, work, family, home, personal development, travel, health, spirituality, empowerment. Belle Official Channel. I am not responsible for any outcome or decisions you make or any other party thereof. It is a legal requirement that we include a disclaimer. Birth Chart Analysis and characteristics and more 2. Finance Predictions for next 1 year till 4. Education Predictions for next 1 year till 5.

Health Predictions for next 1 year till 6. Lucky Numbers Numerology- Numbers to be used on routine and Mobile number etc 8. Lucky Colors Colors to be used in a daily routine as luck factor 9. Falcongrl Tarot. Annual Tarotscope Prediction for Aquarius. Happy New Year my friends! Ivana Tarot. In his mind there is a disconnect between his actions and the resulting damage. He will be very hard to live with or be around when he is in this state. If death does not remove him from office, he is divorced from reality, more so than currently, like 25th Article removal,.

Well, my birthday is in September and that would be quite a birthday gift, R, should it happen. I posted in one of the previous predictions threads that I saw him giving a resignation speech, basically saying that he doesn't want to go but he can't fight everyone, and that the ungrateful, hateful people who are against him have won. He won't admit to wrongdoing, but he will go anyway. I still see that. Mostly I work with tarot, but occasionally I get a full-on vision and this was one of the few.

I really, really hope I'm right. September rings a bell, but I often don't get a good sense of timing in these things. When did it come out that melania is going to Africa!? Oh god please let this mother fucker be out by September!

Donald Trump's Presidential Campaign

If Melania is smart she'll have a complete coastline bicycle tour of Africa, which is bigger than South America, before returning. I mist hustbin fooneral? So sad! Linda G's post today has some highlights -- What does Russia have on Senatrice Graham, will there be a suicide from this? I've just recently started using Tarot and Oracle cards. I was doing a spread on Pence, as he's from my home state of IN. As much as I want the Dotard out of office, don't want asshole Pence in office either. I just recall he had cards as in his leaving, the tower, ten of swords, it was really all bad.

And as I was sitting looking at the cards, I said to myself what in the hell is going to go down with him? Started asking if he was going to prison, and just like someone was in the room heard, he hangs himself in prison. I was startled. This voice with the cards was a first. We'll see what happens. Linda G has had quite a few items come to pass. Kirsten L is keeping track of how many predictions she gets right; doesn't seem like she's in it just to BS anyone. Rosie is much better when just doing the cards. She gets too over the top when all I want to know is when the assholes will be in prison or gone.

Dweller does a good job, as does Readings by the Empress. Empress does a lot of clarifying cards if it's not clear.


SoulLightHypno is good but long assed readings. There's also a Ganga Tarot woman, who just does cards. She's called a few things dead on recently. I am drawing severe wackadoo energy spreads. I was timid about sharing the latest one here, because if someone else dealt those cards I'd say "you just made that up, fibber. Five of Swords bully personality, aggression, hostile environment --criminal violence and sometimes in the extreme. Traditional meanings associated this card with kidnap, theft, rape and murder.

The Death next to the Chariot can mean the police. I follow a non-Tarot Intelligence Community pseudonym on Twitter. If I get some more guidance or illumination on these three Napping Box customers from him I'll elaborate here. Not all of these will be mob hits. There'll be a suicide, maybe a suicide-by-cop, I dunno. R, with so many major arcana cards in your first spread, sounds like something that is world-transforming on physical and spiritual levels.

Also, three kings together, sounds like someone is going to "clean house" … one thing to look at when there are three of anything is [italic]which one is missing? Does that mean anything to you? I will be interested in your thoughts on this. My co-worker and I keep saying that someone is going to die before this is over.

It's a feeling we both have. That would be completely out of the blue unless there is another major scandal brewing for the phony. It could also mean the deaths of their political careers. Maybe inprisonment. And one of them sounds like Pence. Some unexplained and mysterious although explained deaths are recent, no reason to think they wouldn't continue.

The oligarchic tentacles are many, long and strong. The last two spreads I shared had five of swords as first card: death can mean change or an end to a situation, but five of swords and death and the major arcana I read as murderous violence. I'm open to emending my interpretation -- I happily had the opportunity to talk to a woman wiser in the way of Tarot, and told her my lack of empath ability was probably the reason I drew oddities like 4 or 5 cards of a suit plus a Major Arcana, or four Major Arcanas, like a colouring book for early childhood people the outlines of shapes card representations are obvious and simple, because I'm a kindergartner in Tarot.

I may do another reading after an immersion in how to describe and identify people physically. It could be Pence. I'm still in the speculation phase, so sharper and more experienced prognosticators and soothsayers have advantages over me. If I experienced a precise flash of insight or heard what r did I'd hold onto that revelation, I wouldn't dismiss it.

I know of people who've had a rare and spectacular flash of insight and, following it, saved their own lives. I never saw that doomsayer before. He didn't appear like an addled vagrant, he was a clean-cut Chinese-ancestry guy, with his computer bag and a backpack, dressed business casual, who looked like he was shopping for food to make for dinner. I have an update from r The Kings as ordered in r reproduced their order in today's reading, believe it or not. We can call them Larry, Curly and Moe.

First of the deaths might not be a welcome one -- it's not obvious to me that the King of Swords is a criminal. This could be mob retaliation, there's certainly a precedent, and we've been of chaos and craziness. Then again, maybe it's Giuliani. Or it could be Pence, who is so very close to becoming President, but thwarted by the message from the Page of Swords that he's indicted, or other dooming legal setback. This is a "higher value target" than the King of Wands. With great effort, I get out of a government agency. I try so hard to get out of the corporate world.

An emotional battle, just to get out of the house. The Knight of Swords is a courageous, daring offer to relieve his burdens by abandoning them by confessing to his crime. Is it a "natural" death, from over-exertion? Is it a "faked" death to avoid punishment? Kenneth Lay of Enron. Is it suicide to avoid punishment for his actions? A-df H-i-tr]. I don't know who this is, honestly.

More experienced readers, provide insight? I didn't think it was Dotard because the King of Cups is emotionally controlled amid a chaotic raging sea, but then again if every card associated with King of Cups is incremented by one over the King of Wands' accompanying cards, if King of Wands is Pence it follows that Dotard is likely the King of Cups? Fascinating occurrence!

There was an earthquake off the coast of Oregon earlier this week. Maybe it was a precursor quake. McCain has died. I have watched this phenomena for a while now and have noticed that someone connected to someone who is prominent dies just before something big is going to happen and I believe they are helping it from the other side. I believe McCain is going to help end Trump's reign.

Obama's grandmother died the night before he was elected. There have been about 4 others that were like this but at the moment I can't remember who they are. I've always considered that more than coincidental. I keep telling people that we have no idea how much help we receive from the other side. When Obama's grandmother died everyone was lamenting that she didn't get to see him win.

I told everyone he won because of her help. Then I started to notice that someone would die a few days before another big event and I knew they died so they could help from the other side. I think the only predictions were done last year and I thought they said June but can't remember for sure. I'm the OP of the topic linked below. I have three out of six correct predictions so far. I didn't fine-tune the week as I don't get extra points for that in the death pools. How is answering a question bragging?

I think it's fucked up that someone would read so much into an answer. Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to. Asking specifically about some of the tarot readers mentioned on this thread is not asking what someone predicted on a silly DL thread about celebrity deaths yes, I'm aware, it's a DL tradition. Read me question, again. I expected an answer that has to do with the tarot readers followed in these threads. You're right, R, I apologize. I thought this was specifically a death prediction thread.

Still, you're on The DL so you know We collaborated with Andrewmfilms to make this. Check 'em out here! Most of the YT psychics predicted his death this year but as with all predictions and the psychics admit the timeline is never accurate. I didn't predict McCain's death for this week, but on a death prediction forum elsewhere, I wrote in July " 'deathy' cards seem to settle on John McCain more often than not, so my 'real world vote' is for him" as the next death from a list of fifty famous people.

The cards didn't decide on anyone for the next death from that list, so I used Random. Speaking of fresh hell, did any of you watched Rosie's latest vlog? A Latina illegitimate Trump child from Southern California of all places. Talk about irony. Orange turd needs to be humiliated. Reporting from downtown New York. Italian newspapers are reporting Trump has an "illegitimate" 29 yo daughter from the hispanic mother I had seen on the vid I find her mostly unwatchable.

She starts mimicking people and I don't know whether she's serious or trying to be funny. I don't Pence would commit suicide because he is such a strict, old-fashioned Catholicsuicide being a mortal sin and all that. R If Trump's illegitimate bi-racial daughter has blonde hair, she might be the blonde woman who will bring Trump down that the Tarot readers are seeing. One of the readers said there was a love connection.

Maybe one of the Koch brothers dies from cancer, but we don't need tarot to tell us that. They're untouchable. Semion Mogilevich is who controls Trump, not so much Putin. I want to read more about them and see if the number of deaths persists when I have more time and fewer distractions. What I could manage in the interim is that someone who was "marked for death" in Saturday's reading experiences grief, anguish, exposure from betrayal of a trusted, beloved confidante.

She's entertaining. The intro music is classical and brief too. Rosie and her little comedy routine, make her unwatchable. She didn't used to be like that, and at one time just did straight forward reading. I guess that is her attempt to raise her profile in the youtube tarot world. R So guys, I unsubscribed to Rosie. Rosie is ADD, she has talked about that and how she zones out in order to cope with her psychic abilities. It is her outlet to decompress without affecting her. People forget that channeling can be very emotionally taxing. You can literally become crazy if your psychic abilities are strong and you can't properly control them.

She types detailed descriptions of her videos in the majority of her youtube videos so those that do not or cantc't watch her videos can still read the content of her readings. Third Eye Champagne is Kirsten Langston. Kirsten and Linda live fairly close to each other. Kirsten was the first tarot reader I found, She's creative, she writes novels. She has connections to paranormal specialists, and partners with them on non-tarot topic videos. Kirsten tracks her predictions; that ranks her among my top favourites.

I can't watch Kirsten. I don't mind it occasionally but when it is in every other sentence I can't listen. I looked up her web site. She's booked till January. I wonder if her personal readings are any good. Three powerful images, they all combine to prepare something terrible, for the world, but especially an East Coast city, you will see an extravagant party become out of control, major music artist betrays a beloved and a prehistoric creature is brought back to national excitement.

Coming in bursts. Hold on I read and understand that your vision of a major political death is blurry, but can you tell this non-citizen if a Supreme Court Justice counts as a political person? A third question, r, for clarification: the political death is of an American? I don't mean to sound obtuse -- I predicted a nonAmerican political person's death yesterday and learned today he is reportedly ill. I find it very distracting. I am busy watching where she is walking instead of listening to what she is saying and I am afraid she will bump into someone or get hit by a car crossing the street while recording.

Then, she closes her eyes to channel while walking through Washington Square Park?! Anyway, here is her latest Of course I have an addiction, so, since I had to run some evening errands, I decided to do a reading while I was on my way. It looks pretty grungy, but I lo I'm itching to learn who's going to be indicted first -- Stone or Donnie Duo -- and to see what's going down in the next two weeks.

If Kavanaugh gets confirmed, that will definitely end Rosie's and LindaG's credibility already on thin ice because their Danny O'Connor predictions with me. I am also done with Rosie if she continues channeling while walking down the street and if Trump is still president after September. Not a fan of Rosie's walkathons either, r Ever since she started relying mostly on her "visions" instead of the cards, I've been getting more and more disillusioned.

How she get anything while she's on her way to pick up food or whatever, I really question. They both said they were surprised but realized it could have meant he would win in Nov. LindaG gave herself that out, r, but Rosie didn't. Rosie said the FBI would be monitoring the election since they suspected foul play, and that Danny O'Connor would appear to lose but then be declared the winner due to FBI's vigilance. It's like asking someone of a group setting out on a journey "how long until we get there? The Hanged Man showed in at least one spread in the outcome position I got it too.

I'd hate to see election results suspended or tampered. Meanwhile LindaG and Rosie keep swearing that our long national nightmare is almost over! I just find it hard to buy. In , Russia made sure Trump won the presidency. They'll make sure enough Repugs get elected this November to keep them all in charge. Thanks for tracking the tarot readers' predictions. Given a margin for human error or unforeseen circumstances, what error rate do you allow? Also, purely hypothetical, if a president is, ah, "unable to execute his responsibilities and duties" from November 1 onward, elections would still go on the next Tuesday, right?

I worried about Rosie channeling while walking through Washington Square Park. It was a potter's field a burial ground for at least 20, people who were indigent, poor, criminals some of whom were hanged from the gallows in the park , and victims of epidemics. Can you image all of the unhappy spirits who would want to attach to Rosie and go home with her? Centered on Washington Square Park, Greenwich Village is a neighborhood made legendary by the world famous artists, musicians, and writers that have flourished and created within steps of its arch.

However, what lies beneath that splendid, recently re-landscaped and renovated outdoor sanctuary is a bit more morbid. Updated a. On Monday, I wrote about the skeletons in the park. Now, there is another reason to. It was announced in August, and at that mo…. Dweller Between the Waters has a new video up, asking about the warning of violence during midterms.

She too gets The Hanged Man but it's a different question, different position, different interpretation. In the last day or two I felt some things shift and some other things click into place.

Can anyone confirm this, or is it just me? It feels like progress made, some shifts in understanding and consciousness achieved and now moving on to the next thing. But, I can't tell if it's something really big or something that's more "local. I'm not a psychic but it does feel like is something up. The McGahn thing is more important than we think. ChuckTodd saying that there will be a bombshell today, Friday. He is saying for people not to take off work. No one would protest, no one would say anything, they would just sit and watch the psychics and wait for all to happen.

Rosie did another reading last night and still says it's on. We just don't see or know a lot of the stuff that is happening behind the scenes. Cheetos twitter rants are sounding more desperate. He knows the gov't is closing in and he feels powerless to do anything now. I agree with the YT psychics that he may try to fire Sessions and Mueller. The fact that Rosie and others are willing to make predictions so close to the actually timeline instead of a vague Chuck Todd was referring to indictments since this is a holiday weekend so close to the election.

It would be a good time to clean house some since Mueller will want to go dark soon to avoid tipping the elections. People need to go not just by what others say, use your fucking intuition for god's sake. Throw some cards to see what your intuition tells you. Those complaining about Rosie and Linda need to put their own readings here if the rest don't satisfy them. I figured it was me just being paranoid but if others are feeling it, too, then I guess we're all paranoid! Something is going on. I'm not getting a warm fuzzy, tho. More like anxiety hoping the good guys can pull this off and doing what little I can to tip the scales to justice and the blu wave.

Linda asks about Pence aka Satan. Repeats her bit about Omarosa's audio book anecdote about Pence: "You really think he'll go eight years? I like your attitude. He'll go down with the ship and there'll be chaos. Linda shifts to McCain's spirit, visualizes him young and healthy. Pence'll be "discontinued. Burning Mango update: goes on about how hateful and stupid he is. Is he going to do something stupid?

Mueller is working on something else, indictments on someone close to Trump.

Trump Astrology

Not Stone. She's scattered. Money issues coming up, the Tower is the outcome. He will be blown out of his seat, judgement is coming for him. Dancing in the streets. More stuff is coming up and it has to do with Russsia. Wacky crap Trump is doing is to do with Russia. Trump will lie in state at McDonald's. In the lens of hindsight he will be viewed as the worst thing that ever took office, but it's because of him that rectification of the broken system will happen. Will she win her seat? Going to court, she'll be compensated, she will win her seat. Very upst.

Russians mucking about in the midterms [no shit, those fake accounts coming up en masse, with zero posts and six thousand followers, Ruffians! Kavanaugh" The Tower, disruption. People pushing him onward and upward. A struggle [I got this too when I read yesterday -- compromise, struggle, suspension]. Justice and Knight of Swords. Looking at financial situation, will be blown out of water. Possible he won't get in, if he does, possible he'll be out in six months. Kids: El Salvador's coming up with money so families can sue and get their children back.

A lot of lies. Be patient. Money, struggles, The Hermit on top -- be patient, this too will pass. Linda booked through Jan New video tomorrow. Will go to Oklahoma next month and with her Comanche tribe "do a little curse. We need to do a reading on Shawn Mendes and John Mayer. I somewhat get a feel John has some sexual frustration I'm not talking about sexual inclinations like there is actually something wrong with the body.

I just don't know what. I concentrated on John and got a picture of a naked John covering his privates. Medical ailment? There are feelings of unworthiness there, I wonder if it's his sexual prowess that contributes to his feelings of worthiness. I get a sense of desperation and melancholy with him. Shawn's admiration for John is genuine, if not over the top, but genuine. I ask if he is in love with John, I get no answer. Stubborn boy. Strange, I see him dress as a bride.

Is that what he is shooting for?

Maybe it means he wants to be there for John, be like his right hand? He genuinely admires John and wants to be there for him, John has an ego the size of a cruise ship. I literally see John's ego coming out of his chest and engulfs a large cruise ship like in a bubble.

However the ego as big as it is is quite fragile. I wonder if Shawm, who is quite intuitive, has red on that and that's why he has approached Mayer as a fangurl of sorts. Exploiting the ego, right there at Mayer's G spot. He won him. I'm just going to ask if Shawn is gay. I mean no intrusion, no judgement. It's just genuine curiosity. I'm using the Enchanted World cards from Zener and Farber.

Usually in a reading you pick up a card or two that stands out and brings you that moment of "aha. That's what it means" but this particular reading flows so well every card is importan and connects with the other. In this particular deck the Empress is not pregnant but it's still the card of rebirth, possibilities, and truths coming out. Two swans interlock looks while two hearts are suspended in the air, the card of being in love and romance. He is in love, with who? He wouldn't tell me earlier in the reading. He could very well be in love with two different people.

These two hearts [shown in the Illustration of the 2 of Hearts] one has a starry night. That could very well be John Mayer. The bohemian and romantic poet. However, the other heart has bids almost creating a phallic symbol within the heart. The color of this second heart almost resembles the fabric of jeans. This hearth represents the complete opposite of a bohemian. A younger more lively person?

❤️ How Could I Live Without You Libra Ivana Tarot, Love Reading

I want two say this card is representing two different people. One for sure representing John Mayer. The Prince of Hearts in the Truth position talks of a good hearted man carrying his heart in his sleave displayed for all two see as he carries his heart on his left hand. This sensitive man rides his hoarse and is search of love. Shawn has beautiful energy. I don't know if John loves him back, John carries insecurities, but if he just allowed himself freedom, Shawn could very well fill that half empty bed in John's bedroom.

It would be up to him of course. Book Appt: www. Basically, I read that he's worried, he has some sort of victory or feels victorious maybe some rallies to pump his ego? Then it goes downhill, with disappointment, loss, and the devil showed up, too. Anyway you tried to look at it, the cards were not good. I read on Pence too. I always get the hanged man with him or temperance. He's just biding his time, hoping Cheeto would be out. He also feels trapped right now. Final outcome was his leaving. I also got the Queen of Wands in both Cheeto and Pence's spreads.

It's been a regular thing.

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I tried to ask basic yes or no spread on who this woman is. Strongest 'yes' I got was that it was Putin's ex wife. Everything else was just barely a yes, like maybe they contribute somehow everyone from Ivanka, Melania, Barbara Underwood, Ivana, Wendi Deng, Angela Merkel, Stormy, alleged Cheeto baby mama, alleged baby by maid. I didn't ask about Marla or Tiffany as I figured they were kept at arm's length. It was worth a shot. Since she's been on tv almost every day, I read on Meghan McCain.

Showed she is feeling sad but also got the sense that she feels she was robbed or is being robbed - maybe something to do with the estate or just general feeling of being robbed because her father passed? I got that she finds a new purpose which gets her out of her overwhelming grief. I just had a thought - is Meghan the Queen of Wands? Overwhelmingly YES. I could see it, she continues to fight for her father, determined to bring down the person who so disrespected him.

Not sure what information she'd have unless her dad gave her files or info he had. Need that old soap opera music I'm reading that the economy in Russia isn't doing well, the divestment of USD from Russia was to shore up a crumbling economy. I'm wondering if things are worsening so much for Big Vladdy that he's out in the next month or two.

R Very interesting that Queen of Wands could be Meghan! Hope McCain helps her and Mueller from the other side to bring Donnie Bone Spurs down and get him prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law! R He's pissed off the FBI and many people in law enforcement I wouldn't be surprised if they go after him once he leaves office. I hope they strip him of his laundered money and every asset he has.

All of this is feeling late October into first week of December, an odd void after that, really clouded. The most troubling is I see no end to whatever energy is fueling Trump. There is only so many times you can red on one subject. Their big predictions are out there already, the only thing to do is wait.

But now I understand it better. It was extremely sad to see it because I could feel the pain of the animals. I saw large butterflies falling to the ground as their wings were burning.