2019 monthly horoscope capricorn born 16 october

Read your monthly horoscope to find out what this month holds for you.
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Your excellent presentation and communication skills will enable you to bring back a very profitable business project. These foreign connections will be profitable in the long run as well. Work related to beauty, garments and creativity will touch great heights from 3rd October to 28th October due to movement of Venus in your house of Profession. Make a point not to invest your blind faith on anyone in the light of the fact that there are odds of you being fooled by such people.

This Month

There will be a gush of spirituality in you and you tend to build an unimaginable fascination towards religious activities. Along with this, you would love to be involved in social and charitable acts. Your professional life will be somewhat stressful and hectic on the account of extensive work load.

You can put resources in your current or new business without worrying about the risk part. In case a previous project or business had to be shut down due to unfavorable circumstances, you can restart that work now and hope to reap good profits in the near future. Avoid unnecessary arguments with workers and employees and practice to have conversation with them in a soft and low tone.

Capricorn monthly horoscope - October

In the event that you were looking for a new job, October will bring some good job opportunities for you. Your colleagues will be very supportive throughout this period. You will finalize an important business deal with a global organization in October In such case it is reasonable to speak out heartfelt feelings instead of burying them in your heart. The initial phase of October is the best period to come up with a romantic love proposal.

You will cherish a beautiful time with your partner by going on long drives, romantic coffee and dinner dates, movie nights and so forth! There are chances of your ex returning back in your life. October supports marital relations as well.

Today's Capricorn Horoscope - Tuesday, October 8, 12222

Your spouse will turn out to be the most caring and understanding person in this entire world. Your spouse will likewise get some brilliant opportunities in their professional life. Overall, marital relation will be stacked with harmony and serenity. In the event that you were seeking for a second marriage, there are high chances in the latter half of this month.

This month is favorable for land related investment. The zodiac signs are 12 and then you can read how someone born in October can be the sign of libra or scorpio.

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Please note that who was born on October 22 might also be sagittarius according to your time of birth. For this reason it is best to calculate your natal chart accurately and find out the exact degree falls on the Sun which tells us we belong to that sign. You can calculate your natal chart free online in this page. Then come back here and read the characteristics of your sign. You can also find your ascendant , you will discover your chinese sign , mayan sign , celtic sign and read the general horoscopes relating to day , week , month and new year.

Keep the divas and drama queens off the guest list however, Capricorn. The new moon will stand in opposition to disruptive Uranus in your fifth house of passion and self-expression. An attention-hungry person who may have a large ego to boot may try to steal the spotlight and derail progress. Drunk or belligerent behavior might even erupt at a party, so dodge any scenes that look like they could blow up into a bad reality-TV moment.

This new moon also marks a great day for a digital launch or sending one of your online creations viral. If you do put yourself out there on the interwebs, watch for interference from the Uranus opposition. This advice remains in effect for the rest of the month and beyond. On October 31, trickster Mercury—the planet of communication, technology and travel—turns retrograde in Scorpio until November Been craving a little more offline time?

Start your digital detox now. Need space from a friend whose hysterics have become exhausting?

Capricorn October 2019 Astrology Horoscope Forecast

Use the retrograde to reconnect with old contacts and let this draining dynamic die down. Since Mercury retrograde can cause electronic data and devices to go up in smoke, be sure to back up all your most important files long before Halloween. Sparks could fly with a colleague or someone you meet at a professional event. Thank you, next! You can inspire others to be THEIR best selves and believe in their ability to create a loving, supportive bond. Let the story unfold organically! On October 8, Venus leaves Mars alone to heat up this professional sector when she moves on to Scorpio and your social, lighter-hearted eleventh house.

This confusing opposition of the love planet in your friendship zone and unpredictable Uranus in your romance sector is by nature destabilizing!

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Make your power moves NOW, Capricorn. With the Sun in Libra and your ambitious, status-boosting tenth house until October 23, the time is ripe for you to go after your goals with gusto. Even better? Cosmic catalyst Mars is blazing through lofty Libra from October 4 to November 19, turning your professional sector into a heat zone. Be prepared—and proactive—about going after those A-list contacts and objectives.

And be sure to look good while doing it. Give some thought to your brand: Are you known for your dapper collection of Goorin Bros. Chatty and innovative Mercury starts an extended visit to Scorpio on October 3, brightening your eleventh house of teamwork and technology. Reach out to your crew through the interwebs AND in-person meetups for leads, testimonials and promising intros.

Libra Month Dates

Start showing up at industry events later this month, once the Sun moves into Scorpio on October The Scorpio new moon on October 27 is a brilliant day to debut a refreshed look-and-feel of your online portfolio, or maybe to sign up for digital course or join a professional group. Someone you meet at a gathering could start opening doors in the coming weeks. Pay it forward by playing superconnector yourself!

Capricorn Health & Wellness Horoscope

Back up your most important data and be careful what you post. Take a breather before you overreact or, worse, burn a bridge. This, too, shall pass. On a positive note, this Mercury backspin is a perfect time to reconnect with old friends.