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The advantage of such a system is the harmonisation of all decadic frequencies at the sametime, it is no longer required, as in the case of a frequency generator, to harmonize the single levels. The system consists of a fixed and a mobile rod and works passively, without external electric power source, with the great advantage, that unnecessary disturbance is not built up. Depending on the selected angle between the fixed and the mobile rod level, the characteristic oscillation of the bio-resonance according to Paul Schmidt is generated.

Surety, many of you will still know the old television aerials below or on top of the roof, from the time before satellite TV. If these aerials were not precisely positioned, it was impossible to receive a picture.

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In such a case, the aerial had to be turned carefully, until it could receive the frequency of television. Only when the perfect position was set, did the picture appear. With the resonance module of the bio-resonance according to Paul Schmidt, it is quite similar, you have to set it right first, then the corresponding oscillation can be resonated.

For this reason, the bio-resonance devices bear scales to help set up a basic frequency value. In the end, this action is also the correct angle set-up between the fixed and the mobile level. It sounds simple, but actually, it is very difficult to build up a functioning system.

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Sing to me, sing over and over again. Sing like u have never sung until now, make me vibe.

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Look into my eyes, with oh…those black, deep eyes. My heart, soul, ears, my entire body dance in the rhythm of your moves, your voice. And what a wonderful night, with a cold dark sky full of stars. And just u and me, separated by the golden flames that enlighten your face.


But u are my nightmare too, the pain in my heart when i now u are going to leave me again, until God knows when! Still…please sing some more. Your voice sounds like an echo in my heart. It is the only thing that keeps me alive. On a Lebanese night. Posted in Uncategorized Leave a Comment.

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