Sagittarius born on december 30 horoscope

As a Capricorn born on December 30th, you are focused and of sq degrees between Sagittarius to the West and Aquarius to the East.
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As friends or intimates, they are unnervingly frank, but often sensitive to the deeper dimensions, too, and are sympathetic. The best of the Scorpio and Sagittarius is a generous spirit that sees into your soul. She knows things, like your weaknesses, but has the heart not to use it against you. The Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp is one of water and fire , and these are normally contradictory elements. Scorpio is a water sign known for its intensity, which is also a top fire sign trait.

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Scorpio's traditional ruler is Mars , the red planet of vitality and action. Scorpio's modern ruler is Pluto , known for its signature traits of psychic sleuthing, and getting to the heart of the matter. Many who fall within the Sagittarius house talk of doing shadow work, but that doesn't mean they have gone through the changes of the psyche that this requires.

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There's a sense of dying and being reborn when new revelations come to light. The revelatory gifts of both Scorpio and Sagittarius meet, and the result is often a character with an obsession to get to the bottom of things and share that knowledge with others. The element fire represents energy. Fire has strong masculine energy but often neglects the feminine principles.

My Today’s Horoscope

The biggest challenge for one guided by fire is to remain calm and peaceful, remembering that passivity is needed as much as an activity. This element connects all other elements and is found in them all. Signs belonging to this element have strong needs to feel liberated and problems with their surroundings. Their goal often is to stop pleasing others and follow their most liberating ideas.

The Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp

Airy individuals must stop talking and make concrete moves. They are balanced by earth, and they need a healthy daily routine and physical activity to remain aware of their physical existence. This is the element of constant movement, slow and steady, swirling inside us, of conception and death, illusions and fairytales.

Perhaps embracing emotion is the greatest task of all, accepting the negative with the positive, anger and sadness with love. Water people are said to be too emotional, but their sensitivity and fragility make them perfect therapists, helping those with deep emotional problems. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. November 22 — December 22 , UT1 [1]. South Node , Chiron questionable. North Node , Ceres questionable.

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Venus enters Sagittarius

Natal Electional Horary. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Sagittarius astrology. This astrology -related article is a stub.