Aquarius january 2020 vedic horoscope

The real Aquarius Horoscope revealed by a world-famous astrologer. Your general, Money and Love Forecasts. Something big will happen in.
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Outer planet transits in the year , excerpted from the Day Watch Report Package. In the Day Watch report package, the following transits are mixed with personal transits. The McCarthy era is a good example of this feeling. That even filters down to children born in this period, who are noted for anxiety and depression and the psychologically driven creativity that sometimes induces in later adulthood.

Read more about Saturn conjunct Pluto or the Saturn in Capricorn transit. Actually, a series of shallow breaths describes it better. What once you may have kept to yourself, it is time to exchange with others who have been in the same situation. Fortunately, the air is very conducive to doing just that, and what might have been hard to say before comes more easily with the knowledge that it is a two-way street of mutual trust and reward.

Either way, you win. Read more about Jupiter in Capricorn. The one-size-fits-all philosophy will see some serious setbacks as quality and quantity part company and leveling bureaucratic structures get shaken up and shaken down. This time it is likely to see the latter, when progress is not to be resisted or it will overcome you by sheer force. This does not mean you have to get on board of every new brainstorm, but if you see a juggernaut coming, either climb on or get out of the way. No means no, whether you believe it or not, and since the tendency for coercion is in the air in general, you may be the one on the receiving end to most benefit from that.

The next couple of years reveal that, as efficient and judicious effort is rewarded while those who have been only repeating operations based on previous success will find their edifices relentlessly crumble. Just as so many individual dramas were played against the backdrop of World War II begun under this aspect , your own play finds itself on a stage possessed by strong forces and currents, which, if well taken, lead on to fortune.

A planet is considered out of bounds when its declination is beyond the outer bounds or limits of that of the Sun, i. The energies of these planets tend to be a little out of control during these periods. See more dates for Out of Bounds planets here. The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its listed last aspect until the Moon enters a new sign. To learn more about how to use these tables for timing, see Void Moon Tables and Timing with the Moon. For Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.

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Jupiter is retrograde from May 14th to September 12th. Jupiter is direct the remainder of the year. Jupiter is in Capricorn until December 19th, , and in Aquarius from December 19th forward. Read about Saturn in Capricorn. Retrograde until January 10th, , and then from August 15th, , to January 14th, Apr 22, , at PM —— Pluto quintile Chiron. Nov 25, , at AM —— Pluto quintile Chiron.

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Another way of looking at a list of aspects plus astrological events for the year is found here: Astro Events. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese.

Aquarius Horoscope - Get Your Predictions Now! |

By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use found here. Friend's Email Address. Your Name. Mars retrograde this year is in Aries which is really the antithesis of your own energy, plus will be spent in your 12th house of self-undoing where is can do some damage if you are not vigilant.

This way you will keep out of trouble and less likely to be found hammered on a sunbed in Benidorm.. Mars will spend so much time in this house you might inadvertently unearth some hidden enemies….

The timeline of Saturn – Pluto conjunction of years 12222–2020–2021 and its karmic meaning

You are enjoying fundamental change within your physical body and soul which is impacting the rest of your life. Uranus works quite strangely in Taurus, so like the rest of us, you are still trying to figure it out. Does Uranus in Taurus work like the sign Aquarius? Could be! It could actually be resistance to progressivism in the collective which makes you a microscopic version of what is happening in the wider world. This transit will last a few years on and off, so if you want to make radical changes to your appearance, that might start happening now too….

Lucky you! You get probably the easiest combination of planet salad this year. The Neptune sextile will allow you to run with your dreams, while Uranus brings the inventiveness that could ignite these visions into reality. You have just the right materials to manifest romance with artistry and also travel to your bucket-list of locations. You just have to believe it is possible. Neptune as a sextile is lovely because it is the least offensive and most imaginative…. So you are going to be the busiest Taurean this year and probably the most successful as you get the benefit of the triple conjunction of Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter trine your decan.

Your proverbial chickens come home to roost and everything comes together. This is one of those life-changing years that will have a 9th house theme. Try The Karma Quiz Now!!

12222 Reports

Astrology predicts that you are likely to succeed and change in your work this year. You will need to work with your coworkers more this year. Also, try not to be impulsive at work. This is a place of business, a place to be serious. Aquarius, you will need to make some adjustments to act more professional if you want to advance in your career in What is money to you?

This will be a trivial question for you this year in Aquarius, you will have enough money to pay your bills and pay off some debts. You should be able to buy nearly everything that you want to. While this is fun and good, do your best not to fall into debt because of it.

Aquarius, this year you will need to make up your mind about what you want to do about your health. There may be some issue that you have been struggling with, and this year you will need to make a decision about it.

Aquarius Horoscope 12222 – Planetary Transit:

Some more advice, drink a lot of water, eat well, and make sure that you get enough sleep in What Color Matches Your Personality? Try The Quiz Now!! There will be some changes in your life in New opportunities, people, and changes will come your way this year. Aquarius, you need to know when and where your creativity and natural traits are needed and enjoyed.

Test Now! January will be a month when you should avoid making major decisions.