Capricorn weekly 23 to 29 tarot december

5 days ago Astral Reflections, astrologer Tim Stephens' new blog with weekly forecasts and occasional posts.
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Start preparing now. Come Saturday the 12 th , Venus opposes Uranus and your heart is in for a shock! A no-strings attached attitude works best now.

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Be willing to give others freedom. Be prepared to act from a place of non-attachment. Make this a relationship of choice, not one of need.

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Life and love is full on, excessive, black and white. Take a bold step forward! Your weekly predictions. Our website uses cookies to improve your experience and provide personalised content. Jupiter rules Sagittarius as the planet of expansion, and Saturn rules Capricorn as the planet of limits and lessons -- this means you get the best of both worlds! This combination of inspiration and sensibility blesses you with not only great visions, but also the practicality to turn them into something real. You are fueled with the passion of a Fire sign Sagittarius and the determination of an Earth sign Capricorn , pushing you forward with fierce tenacity!

The Fire element helps you think positively and get excited about life, but Fire alone can die out quickly. Thankfully you are also influenced by the Earth element, which gives you an extra dose of stamina to take things to the finish line.

People born on the Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp are social, caring, and loyal. You'll always be surrounded by people who love and admire you and are interested in what you have to say. Being as enlightened and reasonable as you are, others continually seek your advice. Just be gentle and understanding with those who come to you!

Teaching others is a strong suit of yours, as long as you don't get aggressive or impatient with people who learn at a different pace.

Things are happening and fast thanks to the Aries Full Moon!

The influence of the Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp creates brave, hardworking individuals who are ready to thrive! You're motivated and eager to climb ladders and kick some workforce butt. You may not have a tremendous amount of wiggle-room at the moment, but this could change, so accept the new normal for now and look at the best ways to get around the situation.

Are you the kind of Goat that prefers the lower reaches of the mountains or the one who aims steadily for the pinnacle? There will be challenges and reality checks — put the 7th and 13th in your diary — but all for the best of reasons. Whatever the results, they depend not so much on what you do now but what happened in the past. There is a misconception that astrologers can see the future as if we were watching scenes playing out on a cinema screen.

Weekly Horoscope by Star Sign - This Week 07 Oct - 13 Oct

We open our ephemerides planetary timetable and take endless notes on when the alignments are at their strongest and what they might mean for this person, that country or this event. Often it can seem as if fate has the upper hand, but although we cannot prevent every event that happens to us we can choose what we do in the wake of it. We have free will. So, The last year of the Teenies and the bridge to the Twenties — a decade that will change the world map, whether in terms of the land itself or in geo-political terms.

And with a degree of harmony between Saturn, Uranus, Pluto and Neptune in , this has the potential to be a great year.

Career Horoscopes

A year in which solutions can be found, or at least worked toward, in some of the most pressing global problems, including those inspired by climate change. Uranus entered Taurus in mid-May , but then moved back into Aries and will remain there until March of Uranus is the revolutionary of the planets, the innovator and the iconoclast, so its transit of this Venus-ruled earth sign for the next seven years is going to produce some exciting developments in architecture, technology, engineering, food, the beauty business, farming and agriculture.

But we can also expect financial collapses and the destruction of places and buildings of historical significance. Already in we witnessed the loss of two iconic museums in Glasgow and Brazil due to fires; and unprecedented hurricanes and typhoons devastated parts of the world from Indonesia to Hawaii.

  1. The Sagittarius-Capricorn Cusp?
  2. Your Weekly Overview:;
  3. - Horoscopes, Tarot, Psychic Readings.
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  5. We spend more money, enjoy taking holidays and getting out of our comfort zones. Then again, the last time Jupiter transited Sagittarius was in , and we can all remember what happened when the sub-prime mortgage market collapsed: it was the precipitator to the global recession. And is looking distinctly troublesome. The number Three is an harmonious number: it promotes optimism and stimulates communications.


    We stretch our boundaries in a Three year and reach out to people in different countries and embrace different cultures. The year of the Earth Pig is similarly positive. Good luck and good times are to be expected.

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