Libra weekly horoscope december 14

Libra Daily Horoscope. Libra, horoscope, weekly. Libra Weekly Horoscope This year's Libra season charges out of the gate at an especially.
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But today you should feel that things are starting to come together better. Maybe you will have a good conversation with a new member of your entourage. You could build a friendship that can help you lighten up during those tougher moments. Today you will have to do something that is related to signing a contract or making a payment for some kind of training.

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In other words, you will be making a concrete commitment in your professional life that is financial in nature. No, you are not making an error. Don't be afraid that you are getting into something that you shouldn't. You are changing and your daily life is simply following along, that's all. Instead of dragging on with something old, tired, and worn out, why not consider starting something new? If you refuse to give up on something that you know is doomed to fail, you will be in for a long frustrating road ahead of you.

You will find that this is especially true of anything involving music, beauty, creativity, and the arts. Redirect your energy towards something new and more promising. Watch for feelings of inferiority. It's possible that you live in an area where your neighbors are overly judgmental, and base their opinions of you on how well you fit the mold. The truth is that nobody fits the mold, and that nearly everyone is caught up in the game of trying to fit in.

This can continue from this point and get better until the end of December. You can feel quite challenged by other people in January and mid April to mid May. You will find that it is through partnerships that you also benefit in February and March. Venus in Gemini is a major player this year and in this time people come into your life from somewhere else.

Late October until late November is best overall for love. This is a major area of challenge this year as Saturn makes its way through this section of your horoscope.

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  7. You may feel your choices are limited by some circumstance in life, like lack of qualifications, your age, or even where you live. A decision early March can improve options for you, and you could even move before the end of the year, if this is one of your stumbling blocks.

    May and August are two possibly months for lowered vitality. You are more inclined to suffer health problems when your life is thrown out of balance and both these months have influences that could do this to you. Happy New Year! The normally sweet, retiring you will probably surprise some people this month. Sure, you have no trouble communicating.

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    Everyone else will probably find this temporary fit of confidence very sexy! Most of you will probably be spending the month the way you usually pass the time—by charming the pants off everyone around you! You early Libra people will be very focused on your job. Anybody else might let this interfere with his or her social life.

    Some of you may feel like letting your freak flag fly! Some of you will still be blessed with a heightened imagination that will help you reach your goals and ambitions, and others need to avoid confrontations around the middle of the month. The rest of you will just have to go pound sand until next month! It will all work out in the end if you stay positive. Happy Easter! Those around you will see you as a gutsy chatterbox with lots of drive and stamina.

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    Your mind will be as sharp as a tack, and with all that energy available, you might even be able to force out an important decision. Look for some help to come to you from an older person or someone in authority. Maybe you can string this person along and keep it platonic until he or she kicks off. Those born later in the sign around October 7th and after will just have to go pound sand up their butts I guess. You may feel that everything in your life has come to a screeching halt at the first part of the month. Oh yes, you're not into self-denial or postponing self gratification.

    No back seat for you!

    Libra Daily Horoscope

    Physical intimacy will be hot and sexy and probably at the expense of romance because you are inclined to put your own needs first right now. What saves the day is your realization that you have to deal with the real world - not just fantasies in your mind.

    Your Weekly Overview:

    This makes you willing to discuss agreements with others, accept your real duties, and do what is expected of you. Definitely moments of blowing hot and cold. The insanity and increased chaos at home are a clear message to you. You have to be tolerant with loved ones and family members. Visiting guests, renovations, residential moves and people at home who don't agree with you will try your patience. And hey, you do not need domestic strife. Fortunately, for you, the ace in your hip pocket is that fair Venus is travelling through your Fifth House, which promotes fun and games and pleasure with your kids.

    Creative activities will please you. Romance will flourish. You have earned this right to take a break and enjoy yourself - no guilt, no apologies. You are a natural leader; plus you are theatrical and admittedly, melodramatic. Nevertheless, right now you identify with your ideas and opinions so strongly, you might be argumentative. You feel the need to drive your point home, and you're tempted to coerce others into believing as you do. Remember that if you really want people to listen to you - whisper. Your saving grace will be your chance to enjoy quiet hours at home, even if you are entertaining.

    Your home is your refuge right now. Buy fresh flowers. Pay for a cleaner, if you can swing it. Let your energy wind down so that you can relax and enjoy your home either alone or with friends and a nice Pinot Noir. Gertrude Stein said, "Money is always there, but the pockets change. Obviously, you are not your bank account or your home.

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    Of course, you are your car. That's the exception. The upshot is you will work hard to make money and because of this ego focus, you will spend it lavishly! You might get into disputes with someone about money. Fortunately, Venus will save the day by making you appreciate the daily contacts in your world. Venus will also help you appreciate your daily surroundings.

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    Appreciation is vital to happiness. Your sign excels in law, high-fashion, interior decorating and design, arbitration and promoting peace and goodwill. You are a people pleaser, and as such, you hate to rock the boat.

    You want to make sure that everyone gets along. This week however, both the Sun and Mars are in your sign making this a time of great activity in your life! You will be aggressive, vigourous and will make a strong impression on others. You will be much more of a fighter for your own rights than usual and your physical activity will be pumped!

    This makes you trapped between the desire to be proactive and your desire to keep everyone happy. A challenge? Yes, but you can handle it. You are strong-willed. Take note that the current planetary aspects are difficult if not handled properly.