Alexandra tarot aquarius october 2019

Alexandra Vivite Somnia; videos; 33, views; Updated today Current Love Energy October . Aquarius MEETING WITH YOUR SOULMATE!.
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September is coming, and the scopes are up. So lets really embrace the zeigeist this week- and stay tuned into our flow with determined confidence x. So the magic in the air; that very Aquarian capacity to imagine new possibilities and that very Leonine capacity to creatively manifest them is palpable right now! So Full Moons tend to be a rising up of whatever emotional material that has been fomenting all month; and in Aquarius we tend toward a cool, detached analysis of these feelings rather than getting too down and dirty actually feeling them.

Which on the one hand can be genius Yes it's Leo season and the August scopes are up to guide us, as we strut through this fabulous month Leo New Moon coming up, 7. It's Leo season for sure, and a blazing good time coming up if we're ready!

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Mars, the sexy warrior god rules personal confidence, sexual conquest, how we make things happen, assert ourselves and tap into our most primal energy source; and in Leo we do it with nothing less than brazen, magnificent spunk Full Moons are always a coming to terms with whatever's driving us emotionally, and in Capricorn it's ambitious, gutsy determination to scale the heights of personal excellence!

July is here, as mid-year turns us toward a new cycle heading toward the second half of this most interesting year Happy July -scopes are up, for more detail for on your sign this month read more here The Cancerian attitude is all about emotional well-being. Neptune is our most inspired creative, spiritual, emotional connection with nothing less than universal, divine flow So we're really just warming up for big , sexy energy in our romantic lives, building as we speak If you're in love or ok, lust , or you want to be?

Yep could be mating season coming up! Full Moon in Sagittarius, exact 0. Full Moons are always a rising up of whatever emo has been building up throughout the month, and in Sag it is the ferocity of our rebellious, freedom loving spirit that we're coming to terms with right now Do we have our more impetuous passions integrated and in check by now or what? Because we have a change of pace with Venus in earthy Taurus, from now until July 6th, for a month of delicious grounding -we get to slow down and smell the roses Mars tends to power forward impulsively but Cancer likes to scuttle sideways whilst checking out the terrain with a strategic eye first; so we might have to adjust to a more lateral, seemingly kooky but actually very savvy approach to things for a while Mars in Gemini has us massively restless, light on our feet, juggling options, acutely aware of the multiplicity of options available to us and buzzing to get some kind of move forward-asap- with at least one of them!

But Saturn in Sag has standards, and is apparently blocking our path until we've slowed down and worked some serious quality control New Moon in Gemini. New Moons are always a sense of renewal, and in Gemini our refreshed perspective is sparky, playful and emotionally lucid. A lovely lightness of being is one of the perks of Gemini energy, and we embrace it! Fire energy is about passion; we follow our most visionary dreams and get in touch with our desires for a good time Yep, that's the Full Moon in Scorpio coming up 7.

Full Moons are always a rising up of whatever feelings we've been dealing with in the previous month and in Scorpio the emo is DEEP May is upon us and the scopes are up.

We have Venus completing her lengthy tour of Aries with a whole new, fiery ferocity to do love, romance, art, beauty, talent and biz on our own terms and wth as much creative confidence, shameless self promotion and with Saturn involved gritty determination as possible. And Mars in Gemini suggesting that light on our feet, multi-tasking, savvy flexibility Five weeks of full, pure Aries moxy ahead! And that Aries Venus is a fierce.. Taurus New Moon, exact New Moons are always a lovely rush of fresh new perspective; and in earthy Taurus its a chance to score a clearer, healthier relationship with our physicality.

ARIES (March 21 - April 19)

So issues around physical pleasure and well-being, food, sex and money become paramount this week Mars is how we get things done, and we're just coming out of steady Taurus progress, but now we have Gemini energy -which doesn't plod perseveringly so much as seriously multi-task Gemini Mars flits cheerfully from one exciting thing to another with a sparky restlessness that lends us a genius alacrity So seeing Patti Smith live this weekend was so inspiring read more. So where Full Moons tend to bring up any emo that's been brewing recently -in Libra it's to do with romance, relationships generally, art, biz and beauty, and boy has this stuff been simmering away lately or what!

There's some nice frisson for a good time, with adventurous Jupiter, potent Pluto and uncompromising bitch Lilith power-tripping us to grow the hell into a more powerful version of ourselves; so there's some sparky personal development right there Read more. Read more That would be the gorgeous Aries New Moon, exact We say fuq it to any limiting, defeatist ideas we've been tempted to indulge lately and say a big YES to whatever turns us on In Taurus we feel our desires in a simple, honest, direct way.

We don't have to second guess or analyse future outcomes; we just know what we want because we feel it in our bones right now and that's enough. The power of living in the present moment -gently, authentically, sans forcing things- is potent here. March is here and the scopes are UP. We have so much firepower turning us on this month. Bitch Lilith in Sag makes us all outlaw wildlings, to the extent we hold our own and no-one tells us what to do -we're running our own race. Mars in Aries is about fierce autonomy, and then into Taurus from the 10th is digging our heels in re actioning life on our OWN terms or not at all So Pisces lunations tend to invoke an oceanic flow of emotion and a shamanic, magical realist attitude at the best of times, especially an Eclipse and especially with mystical Neptune involved.

This combination is fairly straightforward so I'll keep it brief: Lilith is Queen of the rebels, iconoclasts, happily outcast lone wolves Our most authentic feelings tend to rise up during a Full Moon, and in Leo they're all about self-awareness, healthy pride, creative expression, show-off moxy, generosity, personal warmth, hot love affairs and passionate living. Yes we're all fired up and ready to go, so what are we going to do about it? For a start Venus is making a move on her lover Mars -also in Aries- this week, so we're making some love stories happen?

Well yes we're gonna try Warrior god Mars rocks into his home turf of Aries tomorrow, from 4. Mars is how we access our go-gettem life force, and in his favorite sign-Aries- we grab our kinaesthetic energy from doing whatever turns us on, on our own terms because we're driven by nothing less than pure, raw lust for life and we don't care who knows it! Aqua New Moons are always fresh, sparky and bright with promising, liberating new emotional intent for the month ahead And on that note we just happen to have TWO sets of astrological lovers hooking up in the skies right now Love goddess Venus meets magical Neptune this week-active for several more days but exact tomorrow -and right on the back of a big, watery Full Moon So this can go either way.

We're feeling everything more acutely than ever; so anything that's building up recently in our emotional lives Venus not only loves being in Pisces -where she is exalted, but also join joins mystical Neptune, the South Node of spooky old memories, Chiron the healer and nearly catches up with her lover Mars on her journey through the watery Pisces realms of Pisces in the coming month -it's a magical mystery ride coming up for the goddess of love for sure.

So was a weirdo cracker of a year or what? But never fear, it's now and I think it just might be a good one New Moons are crisp, clean new energy and Capricorn is nothing if not a raw, crisply efficient attitude to get on with it already! So we've had the seeds of some pretty major transformation in , and plenty of death in our collective zeitgeist read more.

Thrillingly unexpected, but apt, crazy opportunities are liable to strike at any moment; and yes we grab them obviously Dialogues are about to get real nuts For the rest of the week we so feel the imperative to intrigue, beguile and stun each other with strange messages -ok but watch that fine line between kooky, cute little messages and full blown disastrous misunderstandings!

Mars is all about the pursuit of our desires in full, macho assertive mode as an expression of the individual ego, and as such he can have a tricky time in the undifferentiated, oceanic realms of Pisces. Mars is brazen and explicit about his needs. Pisces is subtle and elusive But on the other hand Saturn is firmly opposing this Moon; where there is a definite sense of getting our shizz together There are a number of astro influences going on, rather than one main focus so it feels like we're being pulled in disparate directions; but not really -they all point to drop the damn control freakery already and go with the grace of universal flow for a smoother ride Sag New Moons are always a chance to re-connect with any wilding, adventurous, freedom-loving spirit we've been neglecting lately and go fly free in whatever way best turns us on Viola, Full Moon in Taurus coming up, Full Moons are an opportunity to bring to a head any emotions brewing in the previous month and there's been a helluva lot recently!

But first, current affairs. I had a go at the male president elect in my recent Mars post, so I guess it's only fair I critique the female archetype in this politico scenario in a Venus post And lo and behold one of our most genuinely visionary, authentic, free thinking, stunning poets has just left us. RIP Leonard Cohen, a gentleman and scholar, a truly great artist who reminds us all to just get on with walking our talk Read more Mars rules, if not the actual patriarchy then certainly the 'masculine' imperative to go forth and conquer, wilfully assert and satisfy our desire nature and basically Boss it Up in the world.

And Aquarius does it with a maverick, unconventional, rebellious style for sure. Re consider what is worth your investments Time, energy, money, attention and what is better to let go of a cut off your looses. Alright Spiritual Family! Hello Everyone! Will love to hear your feed back. Love, Alex. Sending love to everyone!

There is more work to be done in this new space. You have to look deeper, way below the anger, the hurt, the hate, the jealousy, the self-pity, way down deeper where the dreams lie, son. Find your dream. Belief systems are the stories we tell ourselves to define our personal sense of Reality. Every human being has a belief system that they utilize, and it is through this mechanism that we individually, "make sense" of the world around us. Aller vers. Sections de cette Page. Plus tard.

Aquarius ~ New connections & healing! ~ Weekly Tarotscope Sept 23rd - 29th Download

While we all have a personal astrological blueprint, we also have a collective one as the current position of the stars and planets in the sky add a layer to our individual experience. When the Sun is in the sign of Aquarius, we all feel the energies just as when there is a new moon like on February 4 in Aquarius.

Astrological ages are time periods that relate to the evolution and development of society as a whole, not just an individual. Astrologers around the world seem to agree that humankind has been through six different major phases that correspond to the 12 tropical zodiac signs.

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Each lasts around 2, years. When modern astrologers talk about the Age of Aquarius, they are referring to a phenomenon of the backward motion of the Earth and its relationship to the sign of Aquarius. Around B.

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Just as each zodiac Sun sign has different characteristics, those carry over into the Astrological Age of that time. Other astrologers believe it began in Around we also heard an increase in the Age of Aquarius and correlations with the Mayan Calendar. Aquarius energies help us shift and evolve structures that allow us to move into what is new and next for our evolution. Whether the Age of Aquarius has dawned or is dawning, activate and appreciate your own Aquarian nature through community, activism, a new creative project, or even honoring your weird.

Perhaps try something new or finally figure out some of those fancier features of your smart phone.

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