Scorpio monthly forecast astrology zone

6 days ago Scorpio Horoscope for October It is the start of your birthday month, and the planets are gathering in your behind-the-scenes sector.
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You also want time to reflect on recent events and to plan your new birthday year, and that is precisely what the ancient astrologers hoped you would do when many planets gather in Libra in your twelfth house.

Scorpio 2019 -2020 Astrology Annual Forecast

It is the perfect time to burrow inside or to go to a quiet retreat where you can enjoy the changing seasons and get fresh air and sunshine. Venus, Mercury, the Sun, and new moon on September 28 in Libra, at five degrees, still strong as you enter October will all squeeze together into one little slice of the horoscope.

Mars, your secondary ruler, will soon enter this same part of your chart a few days later on October 3. That is a lot of energy based in your twelfth house of privacy and creativity when alone at the start of the month. The best part about this new moon on September 28 is that Venus and Jupiter were in perfect sync. This could spell more money to you since both planets are in association with money and profits, and both are at 17 degrees, with Venus in Libra and Jupiter in Sagittarius, the latter in your second house of earned income.

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If you are a designer, you may be shaping your next collection. If you are an author, you could start work on your new book, or if a graduate student, finish up your thesis. You get the idea. With our new subscription service you get forecasts for your sign each day of the year from the top astrologer in the world. Your Horoscope by Susan Miller It is the start of your birthday month, and the planets are gathering in your behind-the-scenes sector.

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Print Horoscope. Daily Astrology Zone With our new subscription service you get forecasts for your sign each day of the year from the top astrologer in the world. See Another Sign's Monthly Horoscope:. Old fears, some driven by shame and anxiety, may have created blocks in key relationships. And during this psyche-probing October, you can get down to the root cause, which will help you make lasting change.

On October 7, the Libra Sun in your twelfth house of illusions will lock into a tense square with rigid Saturn in Capricorn and your third house of communication. But you could have to negotiate through a minefield of obstinate decision makers with old-school opinions. Are you the one being stubborn and stonewalling? This transit will repeat on October 27 between intense Mars also in Libra and Saturn, a day to really give yourself a break. The bigger lesson? Know your limits! Give yourself—and others—a chance to absorb information and climb the inevitable learning curve.

You might be on information overload or just emotionally saturated wring out that psychic sponge! Could it be a hint of…codependence? Just in time, the October 13 Aries full moon sweeps into your sensible sixth house of health, order and analytical thinking. Simplify, streamline and prioritize. And ask for good help! The sixth house rules employees and assistants, and full moons mark transitions. Ready to get your fall fitness plans underway?

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The full moon in your wellness zone gives you the surge of energy to replace those bad habits with life-affirming ones before holiday hedonism kicks in. Under the light of the full moon, a nagging issue could finally be properly diagnosed and treated. Your spinning thoughts can be the culprit of a lot of stress and anxiety.

You deserve all the compassion, Scorpio…you take on so much and rarely ask for help.

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But nobody ever got a medal for being a martyr. And if you scratch below the surface, there may be some control issues rooted in ancient fears operating. Great news: Scorpio season swings into gear on October 23, flipping the lights back on. Pace yourself, of course, because energizer Mars will still be marching through your restful twelfth house.

Scorpio Horoscope for October 12222

But your confidence and can-do spirit return. Prioritize passion projects for the next four weeks while your solo endeavors get a special hit of solar power. This annual reset kicks off a six-month cycle for your personal goals and dreams. A style refresh could also be in the making now. You may have to dodge some disruptions from a couple of your closest people, though. The new moon will form a tricky opposition to unpredictable Uranus in your partnership house.

But before you pull out all the stops on a splashy debut, pause for the cause. Halloween has some tricks along with the treats as trickster Mercury—the planet of communication, technology and travel—spins retrograde from October 31 to November Adding to the ghoulish effect, it will reverse through YOUR sign this go-round, which could set you up to feel wildly misunderstood. Combat this effect by flying under the radar, using the time to tweak your plans rather than launch any big initiatives. Back up all your photos and files, make sure your electronics are surge-protected and get everyone on Team Scorpio united before the celestial storm hits.

An ounce of preparation is worth a kilo of cure! A little fantasy goes a long way this October! And with lovebirds Venus and Mars canoodling in quixotic Libra and your dreamy twelfth house the first week of the month, it may be hard to pull you down off romantic cloud nine and back onto terra firma. Passionate Mars, your co-ruler, is in residence here all month until November 19 , which turns up the heat on those steamy daydreams but can also lead you into temptation—or dicey codependent waters. Being supportive of your significant other is admirable, but doing their heavy lifting or putting up with abusive behavior is never acceptable.

Stop focusing on them like, NOW and get yourself some professional help. An interesting counterbalance arrives on October 8 as vixen Venus detaches from the red planet and revs into your sign and first house of independence. Part of you may feel pulled toward soul-merging while another, possibly stronger side is craving personal space and autonomy.

For some, there could be a separation since Mars in the twelfth house can accelerate endings and transitions. Key Dates: October Venus-Uranus opposition This one-day wrench-thrower of a transit could have you running for the exit. Talk it out and find a compromise that works for both of you.

Pace yourself this month, Scorpio.

Monthly Horoscopes

Leave time for self-care and creative or restorative activities. Your dreams hold special import now and deliver messages for important projects. Head to the museum, an indie movie or a peaceful botanical garden. Let this alone time inspire you.

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Luckily, some balance is provided by mental Mercury, the planet of communication, which starts an extended trip through Scorpio from October 3 through December 9. Start polishing your social media and front-facing presence. The October 27 Scorpio new moon is a great launch date for your audacious goals and debuts.

People could be flaky or erratic today. Your message could get misinterpreted or lost in the shuffle. Rather than dig yourself in deeper, wait for them to make the next move.