Horoscope born october 17

If you were born on October 17th, your zodiac sign is Libra. As a Libra born on October 17, you are an interesting combination of.
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Astrology can help us to draw attention to the fact that now is a good time to meet love partner, then we will pay more attention to people around us and potential partners, we will go out more and give a chance to get to know each other, we might worry more about your appearance the potential partner noticed us. This is just an example, but the point is the same for every aspect of our lives, and the first step is to learn more about our Zodiac sign and date of birth.

As in many other characterisations of characters, there are many different types of people who are born on October 17 — there are two main types of them.

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  5. October 17 Birthday;

One type is a quiet and seemingly stable type of person who keeps everything under control, while on the other side of the character specter there is a type two where we can meet those feel that risk-free life is boring and meaningless. Many representatives of this date are unconcerned about expressing their talents, and artists born this day are open to the notions of others and know how to incorporate them into their work.


But they usually need some back up to achieve greatness in their work and believe us these people have so many talents, and on top of that, they are blessed with the originality in their work. People born October 17 are competent and resourceful in their lives when we look at the all negative events that may occur; they can have problematic childhoods, and so on. But in their date, there is an influence that comes from the number 8- it is a number of rejuvenation. So they are people who can go back to their feet regardless of their problems and obstacles in life.

October 17th, (Thursday): Birthday, Zodiac & Weekday

Although these persons born on October 17 know how to look at the ideas of the reorganisation and bring in vividness, their work is something that can be a great mirror of their lives and personality; or it can be their tool to deal with their demons, and they have them. These people are sympathetic to other human beings, but they do not show this attitude towards other people so quickly, they can be those people who, because of the previous experiences are scared of entering the next love chapter in their lives.

For others, these people may seem confident, but in fact, they are vulnerable and can be hurt easily, no matter how dominant they are.

October 17 Zodiac Sign

Many people misuse their good nature, time and patience — but just wait, if people of October 17 discover that someone tries to trick them, they are ready for revenge. These people are still great traditionalists, and no matter how modern their thinking is still very conservative in their homes, and from their lovers, these people demand that those principles are respected. Cautiousness, a sense of boundary, a thorough review of experiences is what enables these people to take dangerous risks dominantly — subsequently, and they choose partners who are ready to take that other part in relationships.

Some Astro-numerologies say that Libras born on October 17 will certainly have the great future in the realm of their careers, not in the sense that they will never have any problems, but in the sense that they will make lasting results in their work. They cannot do too many things in life perfectly, but there are one or two things that these people can do better than anyone else.

October 17 Birthday Astrology

And even if in question is a certain job that is less attractive, they will do it better than anyone else. They have good mental abilities, above the usual, and even if they do not make some results in a school, for example, they will make up for that knowledge in some other way. To succeed in their projects, these people must widen their skills and never remain at the same level as the previous day, than their talents; whatever they might do not have any limits. Concentration — this must be the guiding principle of the people born on this day, their views and attitudes on things must be as widespread as possible.

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  • Take a look, take the initiative and lead things to a better direction as long as it is in their power — this should be the primary guidance for their lives. If they continue to learn, know many things, improve their skills, and concentrate on one item per time; their work, as well as their life, can become more productive and fuller as the years pass.

    Venus enters Sagittarius

    All Libras are under the impact that comes from the planet of love and beauty — Venus, but those Libras born on October 17 are also under the influence of the planet Saturn. Proud — they long for honors and decorations. They strive for satisfaction of their whims, are quite restless and sensitive to everything that is new, and life makes an attractive influence on them.

    They dislike everything that is routine and show impatience towards work.


    They rarely get upset — but when they do, they speak the whole truth without beating around the bush, even when it means no hold barred. Ambitious, full of longings and cravings — but their priorities in life go unrealized most of the time. They too easily succumb to novelties, and their enthusiasm causes commotion.

    October 17 Birthday Horoscope

    They needlessly get concerned with details, which is especially visible in their emotional life. After all, they do not go through great emotional tragedies, as they are quick to forget. A man born on this day shows significant politeness, softness and even weakness for women. When he is out of marriage for a long time or spends some time abroad — he easily falls under the influence of the first woman who is adequately energetic and unscrupulous and wills to dominate.

    Provided she exerts enough effort, she can completely control him. What threatens them? They can be in danger of emotional struggles and fights with cunning and perverse enemies. At the same time, they show excessive self-confidence, and when they finally reach the best position in life they can get, their enemies might seriously harm them. Various struggles and losses await them in life. What should they strive for?