30 planet alignment december 2019 astrology

his Week in Astrology: December 30, , to January 5, December 30 Mars feels at home in one of the signs that it rules, Aries, and therefore .. The Sun approaches an alignment with Saturn in Capricorn, exact very.
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If you have a lot of placements in Capricorn or Aquarius, Saturn fuels a lot of what you deal with in different areas. Pluto does not rule any signs, but if you have it in a close aspect with your Sun, Moon, angles, or Ascendant Ruler, it could be considered a more personal planet. Bottom line: If Saturn and Pluto are not involved with these personal points, you have less to worry about because Saturn and Pluto are more tangential to the main course and point of your life. What aspects do Saturn and Pluto have with other planets in your chart?

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If you have Venus and Jupiter in good or stressful aspects with either of them, it could mean your experience with these planets is easier, even if it makes conventional goods in your life harder or more complicated. If you have Mars in harmonious or stressful relationships with either of them, it could be that much more of a frustrating lifelong experience with Saturn and Pluto. If you have them in aspect with Mercury, Uranus or Neptune, it could make your experiences with Saturn and Pluto more variable, wacky, unpredictable or surreal. And finally you need to look at the relationship between Saturn and Pluto at the time you were born.

If you were born close to a major phase of Saturn and Pluto, especially the conjunction , , opposition , , waxing square , , or waning square , , then your life is likely tied in some general way to this cycle, especially if you were born with Saturn or Pluto angular, or with the Sun and Moon in hard aspects to Saturn and Pluto. Arnold Schwarzenegger was born during the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Leo.

Not only that, but he was born when the Sun was conjunct Saturn and Pluto in Leo, so we know he interacts with this cycle in a more personal way. What role is he most known for playing? The Terminator, a killer robot from an apocalyptic future where machines have conquered humanity. He got this role in , and the film was released in , coming out of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction.

Schwarzenegger was not the only person locking into this Saturn-Pluto event. Linda Hamilton, who plays the steely badass Sarah Connor was born under the Saturn-Pluto square in Michael Biehn who plays Reese, a freedom fighter from the future, was also born under that same Saturn-Pluto square from Could there be a more perfect description of Saturn taken to a Plutonian extreme than the Terminator? Back to Schwarzenegger — he was first asked to run for Governor in — in the midst of the next Saturn-Pluto opposition.

It was from this opposition that he eventually became the Governor of California, where he was also known as the Governator. It will be interesting to see what new role he comes to at this next Saturn-Pluto phase. He and Linda Hamilton will be starring in Terminator: Dark Fate in November , potentially their last turns in their Terminator roles. Will he continue to carry on his political career in , starting the next phase? All we know is that the Saturn-Pluto conjunction will be a recurrence transit, and in this case, the end of an era.

You would have to look at the previous conjunctions, squares and oppositions between Saturn and Pluto to determine what specific theme runs through those times. This might be setting the bar a little low, but one pronounced fear during the last Saturn-Pluto conjunction of was the threat of nuclear annihilation. This coincidentally followed two actual close calls with nuclear annihilation in September and November when Saturn was within a few degrees of Pluto. So the conjunction presents many of our worst fears, since Pluto empowers the Saturnian motivation of fear.

Whether those fears actually come to pass is another question. You can rest easy now! Back in ancient Mesopotamia, solar eclipses were regarded as bad omens for leaders, and still are to some degree. Because apparently all it takes to avoid a cosmically ordained destiny is a little sleight-of-hand trickery. A mistaken identities scenario fit for a disappointing local county pantomime is apparently enough to offset the very will of the gods.

A little razzle-dazzle tap-dance showstopper with jazz hands will distract even the mightiest cosmic order, apparently. In any case, maybe this is dumb, but instead of letting yourself be the subject of this transit, you could intentionally choose something else to become the subject of the transit. How does one act like Saturn? Saturn weighs, scrutinizes, criticizes, and bears down wherever it goes. Now this might be an exercise in futility. Killing a cockroach to be a stand-in for your own transits portending your own death will likely not stop you from dying, if that is your fate at that time.

But free will is an extremely convincing illusion, so illude away! At least this way you get to pick your poison.

Planetary Transits

You could think of this in terms of the house Saturn and Pluto are passing through in your chart. Maybe this means paring down your style to be more functional, simple, ascetic, age-appropriate. Maybe this means giving up on covering up the bald spots and embracing a fully shaven head. Maybe this means giving up on coloring your hair and embracing your destiny as a silver fox or silver vixen, or a white fox or a white vixen.

With Pluto in the mix however, it might be something more extreme than just a makeover, something which reflects a dramatic internal transformation as well as an external one at this time. Weigh how much value it really has to you. Make some of your money back through a yard sale, or put some things on the Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist or ebay. For extra Saturn points though, you could donate it to Goodwill or think of other people in your life who could use it, and give it away freely.

With Pluto in the mix however, there is something especially traumatic or cathartic about the process of going through your old possessions. In a house associated with everything quick, mobile and fleeting, Saturn and Pluto could slow things down to a grinding halt. Maybe this is a time when your typical mode of transportation is out of commission, or your local area is being dug up and renovated, and you have to find new ways around to get where you want to go, or a new commute becomes a long arduous bore.

With Pluto in the mix, there is something especially profound or rotten about this area of your life at this time. This can also be a time when your relationships with neighbors, siblings, cousins or close friends can become icy. Maybe this means setting down some roots to establish your home base of operations. This could mean moving back to take on the responsibility of caring for elderly or unwell family members. With Pluto in the mix, there is something especially traumatic or cathartic about this area of your life at this time.

If you have no plans to move, maybe evaluate how secure your home is and consider an emergency preparedness plan. Stock up on supplies, just in case. Maybe sacrifice the security of familial help or the comfort of having your own place far away from them, and embrace the responsibility of being part of a family. In the context of children, it could mean embracing your responsibilities to them rather than indulging them, even if they reject you.

It could also mean accepting that there are limits to how much you can control them. With Pluto in the mix, there is something especially profound and transformative about this area of your life at this time. This could be a time when you are feeling imprisoned more than usual by your daily routine, your work, maintenance and duties, weighing the worth of it all. This could also be a time of facing significant health issues, especially after a period of neglect. Instead of just letting this all happen to you, make this Saturn-Pluto transit mean the moment you turn this ship around.

Embrace the grunt work, make a plan to get out of it, prioritize accomplishing your most important duties, especially those surrounding your health. Sacrifice comfort, feel the burn. With Pluto in the mix, the stakes may be especially high in this area of your life at this time. This could perhaps be a time when you feel cloistered and trapped by a relationship, when you reach the limits of your patience and decide to establish boundaries to protect yourself. As unromantic as it is, you may have to harshly judge the worth of your relationship.

If it continues, it will be stronger for having been tested. If you are currently single, relationships may arise in which there may be some utilitarian advantage for one of the parties, alongside affection and companionship. There could also be the possibility for manipulation and coercion through unbalanced power dynamics. With Pluto in the mix, there may be something especially poisonous or profound in this area of your life at this time.

You may have to sacrifice detrimental habits and behaviors in order to formalize or improve a relationship, or sacrifice the comfort of having a partner. This may be a time when you are vulnerable to participating in a crime or an underhanded approach to achieving something. Perhaps the sacrifice you could make in this case is to forgive a debt owed to you. Perhaps reflect on those who have passed on in your life and consider what they would have wanted you to do in their memory, or what they would have wanted for you.

Honor their wishes in some way. With Pluto in the mix, this may be an especially spooky and profound episode in your life at this time. Whatever you sacrifice should be something that hurts a bit to give. This could mean embracing the criticism of your ideas and your works, or acknowledging the limits of your ideas and working them back up from the ground again, or going back to school or taking courses to build up an area of deficiency.

With Pluto in the mix, this may be an especially profound and humbling area of your life in this time. This can be a time of great advancement but also perilous at such a great height. You may find yourself in morally compromised situations involving coercion and manipulation. There may be great fear and trepidation in dealing with bosses and authorities. With Pluto in the mix, this may be an especially precarious and profound area of your life in this time.

Maybe you have to sacrifice a short-term advancement or gains for the sake of long term goals, in weighing what you really want to do with your life. This may mean you have to give up having certain people as friends or colleagues, either because they are no longer of real use or benefit to you, or because you have to stand up for a less popular colleague for an important reason which causes you disfavor with others.

You may have to choose who your real friends are, who your real allies are. You may have to give up awards and accolades which are not due to you and give credit where you know it is properly deserved. With Pluto in the mix, there is something especially trying and profound in this area of your life in this time. Maybe you could sacrifice the spotlight and give a boost to those you consider deserving and are little known, try using your own power and platform to raise up others.

You may find yourself in quiet, isolated places, by your own volition or not. The metamorphosis of Italy into an international melting pot is quite symbolic of the transformation the world is going through at this very moment. The old mono-cultural, monochromatic, traditional country I left behind 17 years ago has been transformed, perhaps in many positive expansive ways, both by changing global cultural norms and by massive migration.

The changes I observed on this most recent trip were at times expectable, but at other times startling. Earlier in the 21st century and even earlier this decade, you could hear a pin drop between 1 and 4 pm on the streets of Florence and most Italian cities and villages as homogeneous families gathered around dining room tables to share a midday meal and a siesta before returning to work late in the afternoon.

The only sounds you would hear through open windows would be the sound of forks hitting plates. The noontime meal and the stopping of all commercial activity was sacrosanct. One of my Italian clients in told me that in Italy everyone and he meant it literally eats breakfast at 8 am, lunch at 1 pm, and dinner at 8 pm. I remember trying to make a purchase in a store at pm. The cashier would not take my money. It was her sacred time for lunch. The Italian biological clock was strictly set for a big meal at pm!

It was heartwarming on this recent visit to see that many Italian families have adopted African children who are living harmoniously with their Italian brothers and sisters. And while in the past, nuns in habits and priests were far more commonly seen in the streets than mixed race couples, cross-cultural dating also is quite evident. Multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious couples are rapidly populating this once strictly Catholic country.

It seems as if the world is a big snow globe that's been turned upside down and sideways to allow people of all shades, hues, and heritages to move north and west to assimilate into northern and western societies, creating a multicultural melting pot—once considered only the province of the United States. I heard so many touching stories during my visit to Italy about Italian natives reaching out to immigrants because they empathized with their struggles. An Italian couple I am friendly with had an extra room in their home, and wondered, "Why don't we give this room to an immigrant who has nowhere to stay?

My friends inquired with the Italian government and discovered that they could be paid a monthly stipend to house two immigrants and teach them Italian language classes every morning. So, my friends openheartedly took in a Nigerian mother and her child, and helped them assimilate into the Italian culture. They said this was one of the most rewarding and enriching experiences they have ever had! They see immigrants, who arrive with nothing, as people to embrace, rather than as a phenomenon to be pushed away.

I realize there is a backlash against immigration in the form of the Italian populist movement. But to date, hundreds of thousands of immigrants are successfully assimilating into the Italian population of 61 million. In another touching story, I went into one of the many leather shops in Florence because the zipper on my wallet had broken and I was looking for a new wallet. The proprietor of the store was helping me choose a new wallet until I took out my old wallet. He stopped me in my tracks. I looked at him quizzically. He said: "The wallet you have is of higher-quality leather than the one I would sell you, and it is better made.

You can have the zipper repaired. After so many vendors just outside his door had been hawking their wares and trying to convince me to buy something I didn't need, here was someone trying to convince me not to purchase something I thought I did need. I detected an accent in the way he was speaking Italian, so asked this infinitely kind man where he was from. Looking embarrassed, he dropped his gaze and said, "Don't think poorly of me because of where I'm from.

Quite the contrary! It was my turn to be embarrassed by the image that foreigners hold of Americans. I could not blame him, but tried to reassure him that many Americans, including myself, are sympathetic with his plight. The cultural transition so evident in Italy was also abundantly visible in fashion realms. Granted, I was in Italy when global warming had raised normal degree September temperatures to the 90s, with humidity.

So people's clothing was kept to a minimum—and I mean minimum.

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African styles of dressing for women, which included 2 vertical strips of cloth draped over the shoulders and held down by a flowing skirts were ubiquitous among African women, and becoming more acceptable by Italian fashionistas. Indian tunics and loose pants also were abundant. And in what maybe be a global rather than an Italian fashion trend, what previously would have been considered lingerie are now considered street clothes. But the sociological view is truly not the reason I made a pilgrimage to Italia.

Last year, my 2 Italian friends and I followed the footsteps of Saint Francis of Assisi to many of the places where he prayed, preached, and lived. Along the way, we stopped at several places where water miraculously sprang from dry earth and continues to flow hundreds of years later and we visited the remains of numerous incorrupt saints. We also paid our respects to a number of miraculously preserved Madonnas, and learned about the miracles that occurred for those who prayed to these symbols of the Divine Mother.

On this trip, we planned to visit more incorrupt saints and places where miracles had occurred. And along our route, we encountered many surprises and synchronicities that I'd like to share. One of the stops along our pilgrimage path was in Montefalco, a small hill town near Assisi. We were going to visit the incorrupt remains of Saint Clare of Montefalco ; not to be confused with Saint Clare of Assisi, , whose incorrupt remains are found in the Church of St. Clare in Assisi.

Several astounding miracles occurred at the Church of Montefalco at the time of Saint Clare of Montefalco's death. Prior to her passing, she told a sister in her convent that she carried the suffering of Christ in her heart, and that if they opened her heart after her passing, they would understand. She also suggested they check her gall bladder for a spiritual teaching. Sure enough, when her heart was opened after her passing, a scene from the Passion of Christ—a cross, 3 nails, crown of thorns, flagellation post, and whip—were formed from the flesh of her heart.

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The scene inside her heart is incorrupt and still visible today. Secondly, inside her gall bladder, they found 3 fleshy balls, each of which weighed 1 gram. The 3 balls all together also weighed 1 gram, showing the one in the trinity and the trinity in the one. Another miraculous aspect of this visit concerned a miracle that occurred at the spot where Jesus Christ appeared to Saint Clare of Montefalco in Jesus said he was looking for a place to plant his cross. She said she would carry the cross for him. He said he would plant it in her heart.

At that spot, a tree sprouted that grew only in India. This tree produces green berries that when dried turn brown and resemble "rudraksha"--prayer beads commonly worn by meditators and people engaged in Hindu spiritual practices. The church now uses these beads to fashion rosaries. When we arrived at the Church of St. Clare of Montefalco, we asked to see the tree. The nun-custodian told us that they were harvesting the seeds from the tree— that day! She asked if we wanted some of the beads, which of course we did! Berries from Miraculous Tree at the Church of St. Clare of Montefalco.

Within moments of walking through the door, a tour guide approached me and asked if she could practice her tour on me. Italians are notorious for not putting signs at sacred spots, perhaps so as not to attract too much attention. Consequently, holy or historical relics can be easily missed without a bit of research. She explained that the Basilica of Santa Croce, built between and , is the largest Franciscan churchin the world and the second largest church in Florence. It is in this basilica that Michelangelo, Galileo, the poet Dante, the composer Rossini, and other luminaries are interred.

Scores of precious works of Renaissance art and sculpture are also housed within its walls. Noted Renaissance architects such as Brunelleschi and Vasari designed some of the chapels and cloisters within the huge basilica complex, where I routinely meditated during the afternoons when I lived in Florence because of the high vibration of the edifice, with its sacred geometric proportions, marble floors, walls, and cupolas.

It was an especially sentimental visit—because of its year history and my own personal history there 17 years ago—plus the rich explanations of the tour guide. She also pointed out a crucifix by Donatello, a fresco by Giotto, a Last Supper by Taddeo Gaddi, a terra cotta altarpiece by Andrea della Robbia, terra cotta sculptures of the 12 apostles by Luca della Robbia, and another crucifix by Cimabue. Italian churches are truly richer in masterpieces than some museums! Basilica of Santa Croce, Florence. The tour guide then asked me, since I speak Italian, if I would like to meet the curator of the church's museum.

Of course! So we met with a small Italian man who looked like an elf. He animatedly explained more about the history of the church, and he asked me if I knew why the church was called the Basilica of Santa Croce Holy Cross? I didn't. He excitedly told me that it is because the church has in its possession a piece of the cross upon which Jesus was crucified.

The next logical question, of course, was, "Where is it? He said, "Only in May and September. Hmmm, he scratched his chin. He couldn't remember the date in September when the relic would be displayed, so he ran back to his office, and quickly returned, feet barely touching the ground.

In a land steeped in spiritual tradition, it somehow was seeming easier than normal for synchronicities to occur for those who are receptive. At least that's what we experienced as we worked our way from Padua, to Florence, to Assisi, and Siena. Another aspect of our visit to Florence involved the viewing of 7 "Last Suppers" that had been frescoed on the refectory walls of various monasteries and convents in Florence during the early Renaissance.

It turns out that large renderings of the "Last Supper" were commonly frescoed on refectory walls of monasteries and convents so that monks and nuns could reflect upon the life of Jesus Christ while they were eating in silence. An internet search fortuitously led me to discover that there were 7 more floor-to-ceiling "Last Suppers" frescoed on the walls of Florentine convents and monasteries from to , some of which were, unbeknownst to me, steps from where I lived in the center of Florence 17 years ago.

Even my friends who'd lived in Florence all of their lives were unaware of the existence of these masterpieces. So, off we went to experience these Renaissance artifacts. Even though I would study the frescoes in advance and be aware of their large dimensions some more than 20 feet high x 30 feet wide , I would gasp every time we'd walk into the rooms where they were preserved.

The element that was so thrilling was that the perspective was so well-depicted, you would feel as if you were about to walk into the room where Jesus ate his last supper. In one case, I was sure there was a ledge protruding from the bottom of the painting and a covering extending from the top. Upon approaching the painting more closely, I discovered that it was entirely flat! The expressions on the faces or Jesus and the 12 apostles were so lifelike, it was almost as if I could hear their voices! I later learned that the masterpieces were designed to draw the viewer spatially and emotionally into the painting so they could feel the trepidation of being with Jesus at the Last Supper as well as the thrill of being in his presence.

The lighting in the paintings also was so lifelike as it harmonized with the natural lighting from the windows in the rooms where they were frescoed. It was a challenge to discern whether the light in the painting was coming from the window or was in the painting itself. I also learned that the reason the frescoes' colors were so bright and brilliantly preserved after more than years was because the "paints" were made of ground-up semi-precious gems, such as lapis lazuli and malachite, and from ground-up gold, plants, and even insects.

The frescoes are so filled with energy that they seemed practically alive!

Yearly Horoscope

All of which added to the mystique of this journey that was taking us back to a time that we consider more primitive but in many ways was more artistically refined than today. Problems with authority mostly come from Uranus. Progress in career will require some faster moving planets like Mercury, Venus, Mars that always benefit from help of Jupiter. Saturn may get one stuck in a certain configuration for longer than needed. Pluto brings implosions and the need for transformation. Saturn-Pluto is a really good topic for a blog post and I may write one. In regards to your chart, look for aspects.

The question is what is your Pluto is aspected with. That will give you some ideas as to how the energies will flow. Hard to tell more without seeing the whole chart. Two planets never paint the big picture. My advice is to analyse the aspects! Hi Time Nomad, Pluto sextiles neptune ruler of 3rd in the 12th house. Conjuncts Saturn and MC and widely conjuncts sun and Venus as well pluto at 26, saturn 24, mc 22, sun 20, Venus 15 deg of libra Uranus that rules 2nd is in 11th house..

This does not bode well for longevity in a job. It certainly impacts how the person does things in their professional life. Neptune in the 12th can signify both spiritual tendencies or mystic abilities but Neptune is tricky to handle well due to its nebulosity, read more on that here. Uranus in the 11th may manifest itself in unconventional and possibly eccentric friends. Uranus likes changes and social agendas, one may find more engagement in projects oriented towards social good, especially knowing that Neptune in the 12th.

A much better handle is dealing with the Sun-Saturn conjunction. Be bigger than yourself, that would provide a valid direction. I was born in Feb so I have this conjunct in my natal chart, in my 10th house! Hey Zach, I can feel ya. One important note is Eris is now in Aries. She is definitely getting into our heads. Eris plays a major part to our external weather as well. She is showing her strength in being a major player for hurricanes and tornadoes.

I see the golden angle aspects playing a part. More study to follow, Thanks to the TimeNomad App…. For somebody such as myself, budding into researching aspects and conjunctions, this was a very informative and interesting read. Written beautifully, took every paragraph down in my notebook!! Just like in architecture, structures appear as a result of significant amount of directed deeds over certain periods of time. Repetition brings structure and structure means repetition. If somebody comes with a luggage then yes they can be seen as structures.

But others can come with structures designed to dismantle previous ones. Think Genghis Khan for example, the guy had lots of structure and he used it to wipe out previously existing structures. So it usually goes both ways, somebody erects, somebody demolishes. The balance of Saturn—Pluto is usually tilted towards correction, not necessarily demolition. But excessively weak or antiquated elements do get removed to give space to new growth.

This conjunction is at present on my own natal Saturn ie. I am trying to leave one trying loving but non-passionate longterm relationship and enter a more sexual another that promises nascent love hope but has already faced restrictions and disillusionment. Also experiencing sudden bodily accidents and problems alongside it producing strangely adolescent in love reactions - very contradictory!

Wise Saturn was traditionally depicted as an older man with white beard and philosophical inclinations. Ancient Greek philosopher Empedocles is known for his theory of the four classical elements. He was also a vegetarian and supported the idea of reincarnation.

Planetary Patterns & Predictions for June 2019

Luca Bartolomeo de Pacioli was an Italian mathematician and an early contributor to accounting. He is often attributed with the invention of the double entry accounting, the standard system of modern precise accounting. The Creator is also an active force of rebalancing that cuts down unneeded excesses to unsure balance and prosperity of its creation.

How to discover long-term aspects using Time Nomad Learn how to discover the timing of Saturn — Pluto conjunction using the Chart Event Explorer tool that is an integral part of Time Nomad astrological app. Chart Event Explorer allows to instantly reveal and explore nearly any astrological event: Planetary aspects and transits Retrogrades Personal Lunar or Solar returns Personal transits Equinoxes and solstices Moon phases and Void of Course Aspects to fixed stars.

Reply to Astro Alyssa. Reply to Michelle Ellis. Thank you, Astro Alyssa and Michelle Ellis, really appreciate your ongoing support! Reply to Time Nomad. Reply to Claudio Silvaggi. Reply to thread started by Claudio Silvaggi. Oh hell yeah these new features!! Slay me bitch!!