Horoscope Sagittarius / 7th November It appears the teamwork you're involved in is straightforward and productive.
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- Your November Horoscope: Jupiter moves into Sagittarius!
- How to set birthday in Snapchat
- Sagittarius October 12222 Horoscope: Love, Money & Career
- Zodiac Signs: Advice, Compatibility, Personality Traits, Dates & Astrology Forecasts | YourTango
OCT 8, - Read full overview. Are you ready for a shakeup? The Wheel of Fortune indicates that one is coming. But don't be too worried. This card sends the message that nothing is permanent. Good luck, bad Yesterday Today Tomorrow Weekly Monthly Weekly Monthly Today's Star Ratings Your general mood. Sex Hustle Vibe Success. Card of the Day Wheel of Fortune Are you ready for a shakeup?
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What did you learn? Where did you travel? What did you publish, seek, and find to be true for you then? What similar growth spurt are you experiencing now? How is your current exploration, expansion, or learning a continuation of that time? You are wanted. In demand. In need of the right collaborations to complement your current growth trajectory. Like a puzzle piece that fits into a larger picture of mutual success, you are being guided towards the best possible fits for your talents. Do not waste any time trying to become the shape of some other piece.
Your November Horoscope: Jupiter moves into Sagittarius!
Over the course of the next 13 months, you will expand through those that you spend the most time with. You will attract to you opportunities for growth through the collaborations you commit to. Study any tendencies you have for self depreciation so severe it severs you from the roads that will get you where you need to be. Study any situation that you find yourself in that stimulates your curiosity and activates your imagination.
How to set birthday in Snapchat
You now find and join with the folks that have the assets and resources that you need. Knowing which options to take, and which to pass on, is all the easier when you are equal amounts open and discerning. As Jupiter travels through your 8th house from late through late , it helps you to heal wounds you would have thought previously impossible to address. These healings help you to access a greater wealth of energy from within.
Astro Pro-tip: Jupiter travelled through your 8th house from late late What did you develop in collaborations with others? What did this process teach you? What did you heal around loss and grief, or learn about what your mental health requires? How is your current opportunity picking up on the themes from that time in your life?
When the right love finds you, it feels like home. It expands your sense of what is possible. It heals the parts that felt unworthy of attention, affection, and acceptance. Love untangles the knots that self-rejection creates. Love relaxes the system. It opens up to reciprocity. It allows the past to stay in the past.
It welcomes in opportunities and allows us the ability to receive them. Love comes in from every aspect of our lives when we let it. As Jupiter spends the next 13 months exploring your 7th house of committed partnerships, it helps you to grow through the love, kindness, and generosity of others, and through your ability to give the same. Through the simple act of letting yourself be loved, in platonic or romantic unions, you will make quantum leaps in your life. The more you open to the gifts others are bringing to you, the more you can accept, acknowledge, and appreciate your own.
The opportunities that now come to you through your committed partnerships are growth enhancing to say the least. Not every person is right for us in this moment. You may be outgrowing old relationship dynamics, making it necessary to let some people in your life partner with others more suitable for their situation. Astro Pro-tip: Jupiter travelled through your 7th house from late late What did you develop in and through your committed partnerships during that time business or personal?
Who came into your life that taught you something that is still with you? How are your current relationships, and the opportunities that they are bringing you, speaking to the themes from that time in your life? Growing pains are more pronounced when we become overly attached to any one idea of success. As Jupiter spends the next 13 months in your 6th house of work-projects, work-life, and health issues, it asks you to grow your awareness of the impact of your efforts.
Over the course of this transit you will come to appreciate, in great quantities, the possibilities for the projects you are working diligently on. In order to make the most of this transit, ask yourself how you tend to limit what you work is capable of? What do you need to learn to celebrate, have fun with, and feel more joy doing in your work life and in regards to your responsibilities?
At work, everything is important to attend to, but not everything needs to or can be done by you. Make sure that you have the best team, support, and situation possible for yourself and your projects. Astro Pro-tip: Jupiter travelled through your 6th house from late late What did you grow in your work life around that time? What health issues were you able to heal? What did you begin to develop or pursue in your work that resonates in some way with this moment? How are your current work projects reflecting the themes from that time in your life?
Creativity thrives on our ability to follow its lead. Its little movements. Its grand overtures. Its edits, and revisions. Its swells and swoons. The creative process is a completely mysterious one. It is to be enjoyed, but never rushed. It is to be listened to, but never harshly judged. It is to be worked with, but never manipulated. Creativity is something that flows more freely when we relax into its rhythm. Over the course of the next 13 months, Jupiter will teach you many things about having faith in your creative process.
It will teach you how to drop your shoulder, soften your solar plexus, and allow your intuition to guide you. As Jupiter spends the last part of and almost all of traveling through your 5th house of creative energy, creative projects, children, and romantic partnerships, it will enthusiastically invite you to explore the possibilities of this place in your chart and life.
Expanding these areas is more effective when you enjoy the process. Jupiter gets wild when given the chance. Let it show you a good time. Let it remove the false notion that you have to suffer for your art. Let it show you that your joy and your beauty is as worthy a part of you to express as is your anger and anguish. Notice who shows up in your life that helps you to heal through the sheer ease of being with them. Notice who brings you pleasure without the pain.
Notice who loves you unconditionally and helps you do the same. Astro Pro-Tip: Jupiter travelled through your 5th house from late late What creative projects, talents or skills did you develop during that time? What role did children or youth play in your life then? What did you learn about yourself through romantic partnerships? How are your current romantic relationships and creative projects speaking to the themes from that time in your life? As Jupiter travels through your 4th house, it reminds you that the more you ground, the more you are able to grow.
Something urgently awaits your attention in your private life. Good things want to come to you when you find time to shut out the outside world, even if only for a moment. Make sure that you have enough room to do so.
Sagittarius October 12222 Horoscope: Love, Money & Career
Clear unnecessary clutter from your past. Give the corners of your life more light. Give the rooms you call home more reason to receive the company you wish to keep. Give your internal life as much respect as your external life. Some growth also occurs in your family life. Either you gain an extra member or two, or you gain good ground in regards to the healing work you engage with.
Whatever issues historically come up between you and your parents or family members wants to be resolved to some degree. With greater ease than usual, you are granted the gift of understanding what may have been unacceptable about your past. You might not dissolve all the issues that have left a bad taste in your mouth, but you may feel absolved of having to solve a situation that has no solution.
Do what you can to lay down the burdens that are not yours to heal. Over the course of this transit, you will be granted the ability to give yourself more space to be. More space to take up. More space to relax and recharge your batteries. Astro Pro-tip: Jupiter travelled through your 4th house from late late What grew in your home and family life during that time? What were you able to heal in your family? How is your current home and family life going through a similar healing or expansion?
As Jupiter begins its journey through your 3rd house, it gradually enhances the scope of your reach. As your daily life and activities increase, your messages become more widely spread. And in demand. Your writing projects get promotions. Your teaching opportunities multiply. Your contacts bring you an overflow of opportunities to put out your messages, stories, and songs to the world. Wherever you go, folks want to know you, talk to you, and exchange info with you. Make sure you are communicating as clearly as you can.
The next year promises to quote, reference, and cite what you say more frequently than usual. Slow down enough to think through what you are putting out into the world. Jupiter will also gift your close friendships with a growth spurt. The good friends, siblings, cousins, and extended family members that you make an effort to stay in touch with will teach you much about the power of your attention.
Nurture your neighborhood.
Zodiac Signs: Advice, Compatibility, Personality Traits, Dates & Astrology Forecasts | YourTango
Be generous with the folks that are right beside you. Extend yourself out to all the people in your orbit that you feel called to cultivate a connection with. This year you expand through each sincere interaction that you have. There is no wasted trip to the store or chat with the mail person. Each time you connect, you add a string to your community web. Something that, by the end of , will be strong enough for you to fall back on.
Pro-tip: Jupiter travelled through your 3rd house from late late Which of your communication projects went through an expansion at that time? What were you able to heal with your siblings, members of your extended family, or close friends? How are your current communication projects and relationships going through a similar healing or expansion?
What were you able to grow for yourself over the past year? What faith in your own abilities did you expand into? What depth were you able to travel to without fear of drowning? What did you learn about rising up repeatedly, reislliently, and joyfully? Learning that your joy is a power to be worked with is a potent protection. Wear it always. Share it often. As Jupiter leaves Scorpio in early November , it spends the next 13 months in your 2nd house exploring the resources that sustain you. Your talents become magnified.
Your ability to apply them to your work becomes easier than it has been in some time. Your Midas touch is something to honor and work with as consciously as you can. As your work flourishes, you get to ask for a raise and then work on receiving it. As you get more familiar with the worth of your time, energy, and talents, you get to build a work-life that protects and projects it all. As you work to expand your horizons about what your gifts are capable of, you draw new opportunities towards you. Amassing, consuming, and even creating out of greed is corrosive to the soul. With Jupiter in Sagittarius, learning how to be expansively, but still mindfully, productive is key.
Greed is too basic an instinct to waste this kind of goodness on. Aim higher than the mass consumption prevalent everywhere. Astro Pro-tip: Jupiter travelled through your 2nd house from late late What grew in your financial or business life then? What did you learn to grow or heal in regards to your relationship to your resources?
How is your current professional or financial life going through a similar healing or expansion? Not idly. Not passively. Not presumptuously. But timing requires that we do all we can in preparation for the opportunities we most wish to call towards us. As Jupiter re-enters your sign for the first time in 12 years, you get a boost of confidence that feels like a wink and a nod from the Universal herself. It is. Whatever you spent the last year healing now becomes fertilizer for your soil.
Take your lucky year and gift others with your overflow. The more generous you are with your excess, the more solidly you situate yourself as a guardian of good fortune.