Astrology least aspected planet

Planetary Symbolism in Astrocartography and Transcendental Astrology. Contents: Pablo Picasso relocated directly under the line of his Least-Aspected planet.
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A planet that does not form any of the major seven aspects is said to be unaspected and it operates on its own pure energy.

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The abundance of the natural energy of an unaspected planet often dominates the birth chart. It is quite common for a planet to form only one weak or minor aspect like a quincunx or semi-sextile and therefore it can be taken as unaspected. Unaspected planets are nearly always overtly expressed in a person's nature and they often dominate his chart. When unaspected planets occur ina birthchart, they should be observed closely as they have the capacity of changing the entire pysche of the individual. Unaspected Sun- The effect of Sun being unaspected in ones birthchart would be either good or the native might turn out to be egocentric and selfish.

Most of the people with this configuration turn out to be successful or famous. Unaspected Moon- People with an unaspected Moon, men in particular have feminine qualities and relate well with women. Usually it is diffiuclt to control the abundant energy of Moon but these people can be managed well and they develop a kind nature.

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Louis Pasteur had an unaspected Moon in his birth chart. Unaspected Mercury- Those with an unaspected Mercury tend to be likeable, intelligent and adaptable. But they flirt from one thing to another. They also exhibit lots of confidence , humor and are sociable. The subjects are usually highly popular like Mahatma Gandhi who had an unaspected Mercury.

Unaspected Venus- Venus unaspected in a chart is very rare and those who have it are very passive, peaceful and lazy ones. Very few of them become famous or successful. Such people are loving and giving and often well-loved and pampered in childhood. But they should take care that the materialistic side of Venus does not preceed the love element of Venus.

Unaspected Mars- The raw energy of Mars when unaspected is capable of both physcial acheivement and destruction. The unaspected Mars produces great athletic ability and deeds of bravery. War heroes and high ranking military officers have an unaspected Mars in their charts. Unaspected Jupiter- Only a few have an unaspected Jupiter in their chart.

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They are lucky and have optimism and good fortune. Such natives shine no matter what the rest of the chart tells. The subjects usually have a good sense of humor and lots of self-confidence. They are likeable by all and find luck and fortune in what others think as misfortune. Unaspected Saturn- The positive qualities of seriousness, conformity, practicality and responsibility are projected in the character of an individual who possesses an unaspected Saturn. Though they may not be overly charming or popular, they are usually well-trusted and respected. Unaspected Uranus- It is very rare to spot an unaspected Uranus in birthcharts.

But its weak aspects cannot be taken for personal levels. Unaspected Uranus does not seem to engender the same dynamic, rebellious or eccentric qualities which are often apparent when aspects do occur. Unaspected Uranus is quietly unique and independent. It is less excitable and more stable than an aspected one.

Joni Patry Vedic Astrologer, the importance of stationary planets

Unaspected Neptune- This enables the subject to consolidate talents and intuitive abilities while leading a constructive life. Unaspected Neptune does not have to face the challenges of difficult aspects and is therefore allowed more freedom to utilize imagination and inspiration. Unaspected Pluto- Those who have this uncommon placement are intense, well-balanced people who lack the usual Plutonian need to exert power over others.

They are magnetic and forceful without overbearing. Powerful people are born with dominant Pluto and great is its presence in their lives that they are remembered even centuries after their death. Unapsected Pluto possesses the remarkable capacity for fame or infamy. This interpretation is one I can relate to much more " Unaspected Planets Occasionally, you will see a planet that is not aspected by another planet. It is almost as if that planet does not know how to relate in the world. A person with an Unaspected planet must learn to integrate the nature of that planet into their life.

An example of an Unaspected Venus is a person who seems to have this magnetic charm and beauty, yet is oblivious to the reaction they receive from people who are attracted to them. Here's another interesting interpretation which I can relate to a little more as well " For example, an unaspected Sun in Leo located in and ruling the 10th could easily describe a situation where the abundant ego energy is desperately searching for a suitable public forum to "strut his stuff".

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Then, if the Sun forms a Natal Quintile a 72 degree aspect suggesting creativity with the Ascendant, we get the feeling that projecting this strong public persona is essential to "creating and defining a sense of self" It's been like, I know I have much to offer, but still struggling with presentation, etc. Does that make sense?

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  4. The Least Aspected Planet—What Role Does It Play in your Life?!
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  6. Here's some more which of these interpretations rings true for all of you? It is best to learn from experience, but the following guidelines are useful. First, the planet may be difficult to express. The principle it represents may be badly integrated with the rest of the personality and may even be neglected.

    Least Aspected Planet - Astrologers' Community

    In complete contrast, the lack of aspects may mean that the planet is unrestrained by other planets and therefore assumes an exaggerated importance. Sun unaspected: these people may have a poor sense of self-identity, but may appear to be very egotistical. Moon unaspected: these people may feel out of touch with their home, family, emotions and roots, but make strenuous efforts to overcome the problem. Mercury unaspected: these people may find it difficult to express their thoughts, may be quiet, but strive actively to develop intellectual skills. Venus unaspected: these people may find it difficult to form close relationships, but may make great efforts to be sociable.

    Mars unaspected: these people may find it difficult to motivate themselves but may have uncontrollable energy.

    The Yeatses’ Charts

    Fertility cycle calculations were sometimes skipping months. Swapped the nonagen aspect for the quindecile aspect option Set up separate options for progressed aspect orbs options - , solar arc aspect orbs options - , and transit aspect orbs options - Fix the way whole sign houses work when in sidereal zodiac mode. Substituted quindecile aspect in place of Added more Update choices on chartwheel week, month, and year.

    Added horary tutorial and horary study notes menu items under HELP. Experimenting with displaying whole sign houses around single chartwheel. Created Chiron ephemeris files to 4 decimal place accuracy instead of 2 decimal places note: AstroWin does not use the Swiss ephemeris, therefore Chiron positions in AstroWin will not have the same level of accuracy as my other programs which do use the Swiss ephemeris. But Chiron's accuracy in AstroWin is sufficient for all practical purposes. Added "S" to show when Chiron was stationary.

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