Horoscop pisces 17 17 november 2019

Horoscope for Sunday, November 17th, Read more.
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Pisces daily horoscope - 9 October 12222

Try to let your emotional side come out from time to time. It is okay to be imbalanced, especially if you are pursuing your art. The lucky color for people born on this day is light purple. This project wisdom, dignity, class, and independence. In times of success, someone born as a Scorpio — and that includes those people born on 17th November — can often feel something of a power trip coming on.

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This is a common mistake that people of the star sign Scorpio, but born on 17th November, are especially susceptible to. This issue creates a false sense of being invincible, and it means these people let their guard down or make too many enemies on the way up to their big win.

Check out what the stars say your day will be like today.

They say you need to be careful of who you cross on the way up, be that in career, politics, lifestyle or love because you have to cross them again on your way down. Nobody lives this adage in reality like the soul of that Scorpio born on 17th November — so be careful what you wish for. Bear in mind that people will always find you classy. There is just something about you that attracts them to you. By striving to be more spontaneous, you actually enable your friends to become even more loyal to you. Username or Email Address. Search Search for: Search.

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Enter your account data and we will send you a link to reset your password. You're learning who you can rely on and having a whimsically romantic time as Venus connects with your ruling planet Neptune on October 21! Scorpio season begins on October 23! New opportunities arrive as you emerge from the transformative portal that was Libra season. Venus connects with Pluto on October 25, creating a powerful energy for connection. Deep bonds are forming again and you're learning a great deal about what's important to the people in your life.

Obstacles are reached on October 27 as Mars clashes with Saturn, finding you reaching your limit of what you can tolerate in your friendships. You're also hitting a roadblock in intimacy, but it's a great time to reflect on and set boundaries. October 27 also brings the new moon in Scorpio, which marks the beginning of a new cycle in your life for traveling and learning. Mars and Saturn's clash is all about limitations, but the new moon reminds you that these blocks are necessary and won't hinder your growth. In fact, they will only help it! More surprises arrive on October 28 as the sun opposes Uranus.

A eureka moment takes place, but a goodbye conversation may also happen. You might ditch an idea that no longer inspires you or find that you need to do a on an opinion you've held. Mercury meets Venus on October 30, making it a fantastic time to socialize, meet people, and explore the world, but Mercury retrograde begins the next day on October Many of the conversations and decisions you've made this month will be revisited, reconsidered, and revised in November, thanks to the retrograde.

This is an especially tricky retrograde if you're traveling, so watch out for delays and miscommunications! Avoid making expensive purchases or signing contracts. You're also meditating on the bigger picture and imagining how you'll push things forward in your career as the moon connects with taskmaster Saturn and power planet Pluto. You're in a friendly mood today as the moon moves through Pisces.

pisces Horoscope

The moon clashes with Jupiter, inspiring deep connections, and links with Saturn, bringing you support on your journeys. The moon meets Neptune, encouraging you to make a wish, and connects with the lord of the underworld, Pluto, bringing you intriguing information. Exciting growth takes place in your partnerships and public life as the moon in creative water sign Pisces clashes with Jupiter, and a sense of support especially in the financial realm is in the air as the moon connects with Saturn.

You're seeking inspiration as the moon meets dreamy Neptune, and a sense of power arrives as the moon connects with the lord of the underworld, Pluto.

Misty Blue Tarot Scorpio - 12 November to 17 November 2019

You will get what you need. It's a wonderful day for adventure thanks to the moon in fellow water sign Pisces—a feeling of expansiveness and inspiration is in the air as the moon clashes with Jupiter and meets Neptune.

November 17 Birthday Horoscope

You're feeling grounded in your partnerships, and a sense of power and transformation is also taking place. You're intrigued by what the future can bring as the moon mingles with Saturn and Pluto. What's in the stars for you in August? Read your monthly horoscope here. Want these horoscopes sent straight to your inbox? Click here to sign up for the newsletter. Astro Guide.