December 19 2019 astrology star of david

Here are the astrological and astronomical events you should know Let's not stall any longer — Here is your guide to the full slate of 's upcoming astrological events. . February 19 — Full Moon in Virgo (Supermoon): The Tarot card .. December 26 — New Moon in Capricorn: Meditate in the quiet.
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He does have one explosive and disruptive Solar Arc in of Solar Arc Uranus square his Mars which suggests significant trouble of a violent nature. His Solar Return for October and the year thereafter has a completely blocked, enraged, cornered and ruthless with Saturn Pluto square Mars.

Astrology for News Junkies

His 4 th Term chart, 7 May A savagely entertaining documentary, Beware of Mr Baker, portrayed him as unrepentantly rude, obnoxious, angry, arrogant and prone to explosive violence. The devil takes care of his own. He struggled with drug and alcohol addiction, quitting heroin 29 times before managing to stay clean. In later years he had a degenerative spine condition and emphysema as well as a heart condition.

He was born 19 August in London with his RAF father dying in the war when he was four, began playing drums at 15, founded Cream with Eric Clapton and was the first to play explosive drum solos. His hugely talented and self-destructive career is littered with split relationships — professional as well as personal — four marriages — and failed business ventures.

His chart was extraordinarily volatile and complicated. An entertaining Sun Venus in Leo was in a rebellious square to Uranus. Uranus was in an Earth Grand Trine to Mars in Capricorn trine Neptune — attracting him to showbusiness and business though clearly with variable results since he lost millions through fraud, miscalculation or plain waste. His Pluto was in a do-or-die-determined opposition to Mars in a very hard square to Saturn — hence the cruel streak — and perhaps Saturn was opposition a Libra Moon.

A Cardinal Grand Cross would give him a life of revolving dramas and crises. And last not but least his Pluto was trine Jupiter in pro-active Aries.

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You have to admire the sheer brazen, defiant exuberance of him plus all that talent which rippled down to those who followed after him — even if he was a nightmare to be near. Prince Harry and maybe Meghan are finding out the hard way that provoking a full-on punch-up with the media is NOT a good idea. He wants to control her though he would have been unpredictable and erratic; and irritated her with his overly-rigid and needy behaviour. Their relationship chart has an argumentative composite Sun, Mars, Mercury conjunction which will be rattled over the next eighteen months with tr Uranus in square with a disappointing tr Neptune opposition Jupiter in early Prince Harry, I think, has never met him which would suggest resistance from his bride, though he might have been better advised to early on to try to keep control of a clearly tricky situation.

Their relationship chart has a contradictory and high-tension composite Venus, Uranus, Saturn; an evasive composite Sun square Neptune and fiery sextile to Mars. Never complain, never explain.

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Head down, mouth zipped, bland smile and let it all wash over you — and hire decent public relations advisers. Going on the offensive will only get them covered in a ton of manure. Not what the Queen needs what with Brexit and Prince Andrew — just a drama queen fit about not very much from the Sussexes, who use the media, especially Meghan, when it suits them.


At least 99 people have died and nearly 4, wounded in protests in Iraq over unemployment, poor public services and corruption in the country. With an explosive and can-be-fanatical tr Uranus square the Iraq Mars, Neptune at the same time. The Iraq Sovereignty 28 June Baghdad was once the centre of civilization, though with a roller coaster history, rising and falling often during Pluto in Capricorn phases. | Daily horoscopes written by Rick Levine & Jeff Jawer

Such a tragic waste of a special place and a disaster for its poor people. The Trump impeachment is winding up an ominous head of steam and Brexit is hurtling towards 3 seconds to midnight witching hour — or maybe not. Hong Kong and Iraq are in revolt, the EU is hovering on the brink of a recession and the Middle East is bubbling more obviously even than usual. Prev Next. Oct 9, Email Horoscopes Get your Horoscopes delivered free to your inbox every day!

Email address. Daily Compatibility. Timing is everything and that is definitely the case with the Moon's return to your relationship sector today. Returning during Venus, the planet of love's first full day in your communication sector and with Mercury, the planet of communication in his first full week here, from the get go there is a chance to give your heart, emotional responses and relationships a voice.

Soul Mates The True Nature of Your Soul — knowing how the various influences of your spiritual nature combine together will help you make the most of your emotional and relating skills as well as discover unique abilities that can be awakened. Your Soul Scope report has twelve chapters detailing the truly mystical side of your spiritual nature.

Wednesday December 19 horoscope: Today's star sign reading, zodiac and astrology forecast

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Ruled by Mercury, they are neat, tidy and thoughtful people who always remember how their individual friends take their coffee. They actually have organized workshops with a place for everything and everything in its place.