Sakata yoga astrology

Sakata yoga: By definition this yoga arises if Moon is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th That is the beauty of astrology – no yoga is ever blemishless, and no dosha is.
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Seepage 78 is a typical horos- cope illustrating K. Jupiter is in [,agna, the Moon in the 7th and the Sun in the 2nd. T l-at. Rao gives another definition in his Sara- yoga Manjari according to which Venus should occupy a fixed sign in a Kendra, weak Moon in a trine and the Sun in the l0th house to causeKusuma Yoga. Obviously Venrts calltlot occupy any other Kendra than the lOth house in casethe Sun is also to be in the l0th for Venus and the Sun cannot be apartfrom each other beyond 47'.

This will therefore mean that the weak Moon shor'rldoccupya trine and the Sun and Venus nrust be in the l0th. As almost all Yogas seemto have been basedupon certain mutual angu' lar dispositionsof planets, Rasis are implied and not Bhavas, becauseif the Yoga-formation is basedon Bhava reckoning, the distance betweenthe planets forming a particular Yoga will be varying with refe- rence to eachindividual horoscope' Thus for instance in Kusuma Yoga, the Sun is to be in the l0th. This according to Rasi reckoning means an aspectal angle of " while according to Bhava reckoning, it may mean just the distance betweenthe Lagna and the l0th Bhava which varies with regard to each horoscope.

Without straining the combinations too much, it seemssafe to assumethat Yogas are based on the disposition of planets in certain Rasis from each other. Matsya Yoga Definition. Lagna and the ninth should be occupied by evil planets,the fifth should contain a mixture of good and evil planetswhile maleficsalone should occupy the 4th and 8th. Such Yogas, though not impossible of occurrence, are indeed rare becauseif Mercury and the Moon become beneficialby good association and waxing respectively, only three maleficsare left out excludingRahu and Kethu to causethe Yoga.

If Rahu and Kethu are also included, then all the maleficscarlnot occupythe lst, 9th,4th and 8th inas- much as Rahu and Kethu mustalwaysbe 'apart. The presenceof Matsya Yoga in a horoscope may be admittedif Lagna, 4th, 8th and 9th, or at least Lagna and 9th have maleficsand the fifth both bene- fics and malefics. In Sanskrit Matsya meansa fish and this Yoga is supposedto be a very favourable one. The high place givento it is equalledby its con- spicuous rarity in actual horoscopos. If we include the aspectsof planetsalso, then the Yoga can occur in a number of horoscones. Kurma Yoga De-finition.

Kurmr Yogr Resulrs. Some authorities suggestthat as in the second part of the stanza the rvord mitrochasantsthah has been used, it is more reasonableto interpret that the reference is to friendly Rasis. It is of course somewhatdifficult to conceiveof a planet occupying a particular house identical with a friendly Navamsa since trvo setsof combinations are given. I am in- clined to accept the views of Prof.

Rao, that the first set of combinations would be partly in reference to the Navamsa disposition while the secondone is to be applied solelyto the usual Rasi dispositions. In other words, Kurma Yoga is said to arise a if bene- fics occupy the 5th, 6th and 7th houses and join own, exalted and friendly Navamsasor b if benefics occupy the lst, 3rd and llth ideDtical with their exalted, own or friendly places. I have my own doubts as to the correctnessor otherwise of the inter- pretation given above. Therefore readersmust accept my remarks with a certain amount of reservation. So far as the results are concerned, Kurma Yoga seems to indicate reputation.

RAsr l-- -lf--! InChart No. But much of the efficacy is carried away because of the presenceof malefics in the 5th and 6th. The subject has risen from humble circumstan- ces but is somewhat qnscrupulous. Devendra Yoga DeJinition-When Lagna is a fixed sign, the lords of the Lagna and the eleventh interchange their housesand the lorcl of the 2nd is in the l0th and vrce versa,the combination is called Devendra Yoga. Deverdra Yogir E3 Results,-Handsome appearancelrornsntic, un- sulliedreputation,builder of fortifications,comman- der of armiesand good longevity.

Though all these resultsmay not be produced, at leastsome of them must be present. The requirementsare the Lagna must alwaysbe a fixed sign and its lord should be in I lth, while the I lth lord should be in Lagna and the 2nd and 10th lords should exchangetheir houses. Two ParivarthanaYogas are thereforeimplied.

It must be noted that mere exchangeof housesis not enoughto producethe Yoga.

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The lords must be rcally powerful. Makuta Yoga Definition. U ThrceHundrcdImportrnt Combinatiotrr forests, and leadersof forest tribes and gangs. In ordcr to control suchunruly gugs, one will haveto be cruel and henceseemsto be the suggestionthat Saturnbe in the l0th or houseof actions. Chandika Yoga Defnition. Both lords of the Navamsas ocoupied by the lord of the 6th and 9th should be associatedwith the Sun, the Lagna should receive the aspect of the 6th lord and the Lagna must be a fixed sign. Here a conglomeration of good and evil forces are blended so that the net result is a good Yoga.

The evil atten- dant upon the 6th lordship seemsto lose its effect in the face of the Navamsa lord association. The native will be highly war-like and aggressive becauseof the element of the 6th lordship. Chandika can happen with referenceto only four signs, yiz. Movable and common signs have nothing to do with this Yoga. Chandika Yoga seemsto make for political power.

The 6th is a Dusthanaand when the lord is debilitated,then all the indicationsof thc sixth house,yiz. The lord of the l0th or houseof effort, occu- pation and deeds will have to be in deepexaltation. Hence this is a distinct caseof JayaYoga.

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  7. Know about Gaj-Kesari & Sakata Yoga in birth chart?
  8. But the Yoga has lost much of the effect becausethe Sun's exaltation has occurredin the sixth and both the Lagna and the Moon are associatedwith Saturn. The 6th lord is no doubt Neecha, but since he happensto be lord of Lagna also, the disposition is not desirable. The horoscopeis that of a great religious leaderand prophet who in- fluenced the world in no ordinary way.

    He is one of, the most extraordinary characters in the stage of the world's religious drama.

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    He had to deal with very rough and uncontrollable elements and tire Jaya Yoga seemsto have gone a long way in enabling him to enlist the sympathiesof millions of people for his cause. Therc are of courseother strong elements in the horoscope. UayaYoga t7 Chart No. Vidyut Yoga Defnition. Renilt s.

    He will control wealth and he will be a man of generous instincts. Here Venus. Venus is the planet of pleasureand comforts, where- as the lord of the ltth indicates gains. GandharvaYoga Definition. Kama Thrikonamcansthe trinal houses from the 7th, viz. If all theseconditionsarepresent,then the Yoga will be in full swing. Otherwise,a traceof the Yoga may be present renderingthe person take someinterest in thesearts, but not makehim an adept.

    Siva Yoga Definition. The 5th and 9th are power- ful trikonas and the l0th is a powerful kendra. Dis- position of the lords of these three in a particular order as adumbrated in this combination fortifies the houses of fortune and Karma so that the person is supposed to become a beneficiary in respect of fortune, trade, philosophical knowledge and othet activities. In estimating the strength of this yoga' due importance must be given to the mutual rela- tions of the lords of the 9th, 5th and 10th.

    Thus, in respect of Mesha Lagna, Siva Yoga can be caused by the presenceof the 5th lord Sun 'in the 9th, and Saturn in the l0th or 5th, becauseof the ownership of the two adjoining houses by Saturn. Vishnu Yoga Defnition. The Navamsa in which the 9th lord is placed plays an important part in the formation of this yoga. If per chance such a lord of the Navamsa happens to be the strongest planet, having obtained the requisite quantity of shadbala, then the Yoga will operate practically throughout life.

    But unfortunately, the lord of the Amsa occu- pied by the 9th lord happened to be Saturn and his shadbala strength was not much. Consequently, the Yoga could operate with certain restrictions, the various results happening on a moderate scale. In all such cases,where big results are attributed to yogas, the astrologer should be very carefu!

    The combination of the 9th and 10th lords constitutes in itself a powerful Raja Yoga anci this occurring in the 2nd, combined with the Amsa lord, is indeed a powerful Dhana Yoga so that there is a blending of Rajaand Dhana Yogas. Thecombination implies that the 2nd house must be occupied by at least three planets and hencc not of very frequent occurrence. Cbart No. Jupiter Saturn Balanceof VenusDasaat birth : yearsl The lord of this Amsa is again Venus. Thr,cc Hundrcd Important Combioations He is in the secondalong with the 10th lord and hp bimself happensto be the 9th lord.

    Hence Vishnu Yoga is presentthough it cannot have full play be- causeof Rahu's presencealsoin the 2nd. The horos- copeis that of an influentialman of high rank. Venushappensnot only to be the lord of the lOth but also lord of the Amsa occupiedby the 9th lord Mercury.

    Kemadruma Aur Sakat Yogas In Your Horoscope [Eng Subtitles]

    Both Mercury and Venus are in the 2nd. The native enjoyedalmostall the blessings of this Yoga. He earned in lakhs. He was in the good books of someof the Indian princesand thc British Government, washighly learned, a brilliant statesmanand a capablelawYer. Brahma Yoga Defnition. It will be seen that in the forrnation of this Yoga, all the natural beneficsare involved. Even here, the exact strength and significa' tion of the Yoga rests to a large extent upon a number of other horoscopic factors.

    For Mesha Lagna, for example this yoga cannot be deemed to be formed in all its aspects inasmuch as lord of the 9th is Jupiter so that Jupiter's disposition in a Kendra from the 9th lord is cntirely ruled out. Similarly when Cancer is the Lagna, two condi- tions of the yoga would be absent as lords of the 9th and llth respectively become Jupiter and Venus' Again if Lagna is Virgo or Sagittarius the yoga can- not be full, bccause in rcgard to Virgo. So faras Dhanus is concerned, in the place of the l0th lord, lord of Lagna may be considered.

    Therefore we may assume that Brahma Yoga is possible to the full extent in respect of all the signs except Aries, Cancer and Virgo. However, it does not seem erroneous to assume that even in respect of Aries, Cancer and Virgo, this yoga coulcl be deemedto be present with a slight modification. If, say, three factors are necessary to make up a certain yoga, the presence ofeven one or two cannot but suggestthat the yoga does operate, may be feeble. Man Balanceof Rahu Dasaat birth : yearslO'4' Venusisin a kendrafrom the lord ofthe 1lth, viz.

    The third combi- nation cannotobtain becauseVirgo is Lagna' There- fore BrahmaYoga is presentwith a slight variation. Indra YoBa 95 The native of the horoscopewas a ruler of an lndian State and enjoyed all the results attributed to this yoga. This rnay be taken as a rare combination occurring in a very small numher of horoscopes. Indra Yoga is caused. Professor Rao has offered very suggestiveremarks on his Sata Yoga Manjari in suggestingthat Christ, Shankara and Alexander are examples of short life but of lasting name ancl I would refer the readers to these notes. Though classical writers have au.

    Ravi yoga Defnition. Whilst Saturn's association with any favourable horoscopic element is not desirable, under this Yoga, the l0th lord should occupy the third in conjunction with Saturn. In the course of his Dasa, Saturn, under such a combination, would be capable of giving high- ly favourable results. Ravi Yoga comprehendsa point of contact between the Sun, Saturn, the 10th and 3rd houses. The Sun should occupy the l0th, while the lOth lord should be in the third with Saturn' For Mesha, Vrishabha and Vrischika Lagnas, Ravi Yoga cannot at all be said to exist in its real sense' For Dhanus, Makara, Simha and Kanya Lagnas, Ravi Yoga would be almost impossiblebecausein these cases the l0th lord happens to bc either Mer- cury or Venus; when thc Sun is in the l0th, Mercury or Venus cannot be in the 3rd from Lagna as it implies a distanceofnearly to degreesfrom the Sun which is astronomically impossiblc.

    I0' N. Of course, the merits of the chart cannot be judged merely upon this single Yoga. Garuda Yoga Definition. A lot of practical experience must have guided the framers of this combination in coming to the conclusions they have done' The danger should not be predicted when the house of longevity is strong enough. The birth has taken place in the bright half of the lunar month' The Moon is in Gemini Navamsa and the lord, Irz. The horoscope is that of a great Indian engineer and statesmanof international fame. His manners and speech were extremely polished and he had perhaps all the qualifications of the Yoga in question.

    Go Yoga Definition. He should occupy his Moolathrikona with the lord of the 2nd and the ascendantlord must remain in exaltation. For Scorpio and Aquarius, since the second happens to be owned by Jupiter, the question of association with the second lord does not arise.

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    Jupiter's Moolathrikona being confined to the first thirteen degreesof Sagittarius,Go Yoga can be presentonly in rcspect of those born when Jupiter occupieshis particular arc in the heavens. In other words, this yoga, unlike Gajakesari, Vasi or Vesi, is subject to a law of periodicity, coming into effect only when Jupiter occupies the constellation of Mo o la.

    Lord of Lagna, viz. Hence Go Yoga is present in the horoscolrc. The example is only illustrative of the presenceof the particular yoga. Gola Yoga Definition. Gola Yoga is produced. Thrilochaua Yoga l0l Results. Mercury must occupy Navamsa Lagna. Such a Full Moon should be in the 9th with Jupiter and Venus.


    In other words, evenGajakesari Yoga gets merged into Gola, inasmuch as when Jupiter and the Moon are in conjunction, they would be supposed to be in a kendra from each other. Thrilochana Yoga Definition. One born in such a combination will have a smooth career and will not have to cbntend against un- favourable forces.

    Kulavrrdhanl Yoga Dcftnitior. Three Hundrcd lmportant Combinatious Results. The man will also be capable of producing a large number of children. Nabhasa Yogas Varaha Mihira has dealt with these various yogasin his immortal Brihat Jataka and the English rendering of this work by the late Prof. Surya- narain Rao would be of inestimablehelp to students of astrology. The Yavanas have treated Nabhasa Yogasextensivel'r.

    The Nabhasa Yogas consist of four groups, viz. Nabhasa Yogas Yupa Yoga Ishu Yoga Sakti Yoga Danda Yoga Definition. Thus if all the planets are placed in Lagna, 2nd, 3rd and 4th houses, Yupa is caused; in 4th, 5th, 9th and 7th, Ishu or Sara is produced; in 7th, 8th, 9th and l0th, Sakti is caused and in the l0th, llth, l2th and lst Danda is caused. Personally, we are of opinion that all these various Akriti Yogas do not contribute much to the making of the horoscope.

    In faet they seemto give rise to clues as regards the means of livelihood one is likely to have. Thus, for instance,Ishu Yoga, said to be caused by the seven planets occupying the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th houses,is common in the horoscopes of persons, who may have anything to do with prisons, lock-ups, concentration camps, etc. Whether the various Nabhasa Yogas can have j an independent effect on the horoscope or whether s il they get mixed up with other Yogas, we shall discuss on a subsequentoccasion. Now suffice it to say that they will have important bearings on certain aspects of one's life depending upon the stressthat is laid on particular bhavas by the dispositions of planets in or around them.

    Cbrrt No. Mars Rahu La Sat. Balanccof Saturn'sDasaat birth : yearl 3' Out of the four yogas mentioned above' Yupa ,and Danda are better than Ishu and Sakti becausein or the latter two, planets are about to culminate about to set. Nav Yoga Kuta Yoga Chhatra Yoga ChaPa Yoga Definition. The sevenplanets should occupy the sevenhouseswith- out a break from Lagna, 4th house, 7th and 10th houses respectivelyto produce the four kinds of yogas. Apart from the results ascribed by the classi- cal writers, we may make a ferv observations. In regard to Nav Yoga 75 , all the planets will be in the invisible sphereof the heavens.

    It seemsto be generally productive of good and to have a bearing on the native having to do with water, watery placesand aquatic substances. In regard to Kuta, when all the planets will be in the sevenhousesfrom the fourth, it will be more or lessan equal distribution of planetsin the visible halves of the zodiac. The native may frequent caves, mountains, etc. Robbers, drunkards. In Chhatra Yoga, all the planetswill be in the visible half and hencemay be deemedto be favourable. The native will be happy in lhe beginningand end of his life. He will possess great strength of mind and will earn much wealth.

    In Chapa Yoga all the planets will be in the l0th and subsequenthousesand one borrr in this yoga will lead a comfortable life delighting in good deeds. Nabhasa Yogas lo7 Remarks. Consequentlythere are eight kinds of Ardha Chandra Yogas, the planets occupying f from 2nd to 8th, tt 3rd to 9th, ttr 5th to I lth, dv 6th to l2th, v 8rh to 2nd, vr 9th to 3rd, vii llth to 5th and viii l2th to 6th. Chandra Yoga Definition. He will command respect and submission from others and he will earn and spend well.

    The combination is not a rare one. So far as the results are concerned, the Yoga cannot produce rulers or emperors, but one who has this combination would certainly becomean entity amongst his own people. Gada Yoga Sakata Yoga. Vihaga Yoga Definitiort. Threc Hundred Important Combinations Results.

    Gada Yoga is causedwhen the planetsoccupytwo successivekendras. Four varietiesare to be seenin this, vlz. The Yavanas consider theseas four distintt Yogas and not merely as variationsof a single combination and call them as Gada, Sanaha,Vibhuka and Dhuriya respectively. It is clear from the above that Gada Yoga and its variations are nothing but the dispositionof all the planetsin mutual squareaspects.

    Of cottrseRahu and Kethu are omitted. The effccts of Gada Yoga are assumedto be good so that the Western astrological theory, that square aspects are all evil, has no warrant in Hindu astrology. Sakata Yoga is said to arise by the disposition of all the planets in the Lagna and the 7th. It will be seen that the lst and 7th houses become focii of attraction so that there seemsto be justification in attributing evil results especially pertaining to the native's body and wife. Sakata will make one derive his livelihood by manual labour; he will be sickly and his wife will be quarrelsome.

    Evil results are attributed to this combination. The native is said to be a vagrant and in modern parlance the yoga must be common in the horoscopesof travel- ling agentsor guardsof trains who are required to be always moving. One who has a powerful Vihaga Yoga is said to becorne a tale-bearer also. It is evident that the ancient writers have attribu- ted evil results for opposition aspectsthough certain yogas such as Gaiakesari must have been treated as exception. The results due to singleyoga or a combi- nation of yogas are always dependent upon the inherent strength of the horoscope.

    Vajra Yoga Yava Yoga Definition. In the former, beneficswill found in the ascendantand the descendant,and male' fics in the meridian and the nadir while in other, the Lagna and the descendantmust have maleficsand the meridian and the nadir should have benefics. Even in the productiorr of results the difference between the two yogas is hardly worth attention, for while Vajra makes one fair, brave and happy, the effectsof Yava are restricted to a particular period of life.

    If one makesa serious attempt to study a number of horoscopes,he rvill not be slow in appreciating one important truth, r't2. Thesc two yogas are not after all very important, becauseoften- times their influencesbecomemerged with those of other powerful yogas. NabhasaYogas lll Chart No. Sringhataka Yoga Hala Yoga Definition. Planetsmust invariably occu- py the lst, 5th and 9th houses. Lagna represents body, the 5th indicates progeny and the 9th suggests fortune in general.

    If these three houses are well fortified, then the native will have a smooth career' progeny and successin life. With due deference to the sageswho have attributed this result, I have to observethat the period of happinessdependsupon b the stresslaid on any one of the trines by virtue of a larger number of beneficsbeing placed in it. Thus if the stressis on the Lagna, the beginning of life will be happy ; if in the 5th, the middle part of life; and if in the 9th, the last part.

    This is a simple observation that any student of astrology could conveniently carTy on. Hala implies a plough. Consistentwith this mean- ing, Hala Yoga is said to make one an agriculturist. Three variationscan be seenin thisYoga, all thepla- netsmay occupy a the 2nd, 6th and 10th houses, D the 3rd, 7th and I lth housesand c the 4th, 8th and l2th houses. Kamala Yoga VaPee Yoga. Vapee makes one hoarder of money. Kamala Yoga laysemphasison fame,virtue, and prestigeasdifferentfrom mere earn- r4 ing capacity. P;tuaparasare the 2nd, 5th, 8th, and I I th and Apoklimas are 3rd, 6th, gth and l2th.

    The planets should occupy exclusively all the Panaparasor all the Apoklimas. SamaduraYoga Definition. All odd housesreckoned from Lagna should befreefrom occupation. This is one of the severalAkriti Yogas dealtwith by the great Varahamihira. In our humble experience, Akriti Yogas by themselvescannot exerciseany defi- nite influences unless the horoscope has gained strengthotherwise. With tiris-wecornplete the 2l Akriti Yogas, com- prising the first of the 4 groups of Nabhasa Yogas.

    He dealswith them in his Brihat Jataka simply adopting the views of Yavana and others and feels scepticalabout their possibility with the query 'How can Mercury and Venus occupy the 4th sign Bhavana from the Sun? If the former, as is clearly implied by the letter Bhovanc used by Mihira which meansa sign, then the Sun can never be in a Kendra from Mercury or Venus. If on the other hdnd, the reference is to Bhava Chakra as some scholarscontend, then Mercury can occupy a kendra bhava from the Sun, which could be possible in very high latitudes. Therefore the ancient writers have not emedif the Vajra and Yava Yogas refer to the positions in the Bhava Chakra.

    Vallaki Yoga Definition. Remarks -This is the first of the Sankhya yogas or numerical combinations. Vallaki is also known as Veena Yoga. All the sevenplanetsshould be disposed of in any seven signs. In such cases, Sankhya Yogas lose their t individuality and they should not be consideredat all. There seemsto be somejustification in adopting this course, becausein almost every horoscopesince all the seven planets will have to occupy any seven' or less than seven Rasis, Sankhya Yoga must be pre- sent in some form or the other.

    Providcd no other Nabhasa Yoga is present, then alone Sankhya Yogas have to be reckoned. Vallaki and the six other Yogas. Rahu 5. The above is a typical illustration of Vallaki or Veena Yoga for all the seven planets Rahu and Kethu excepted have occupied any seven Rasis. Whether the Yoga is able to independently function or has been absorbedby some other more powerful Nabhasa Yoga, the reader can easily find out.

    Nabhasa Yogas n7 Damni Yoga Definition. For instance, the effectsgiven above for Damini are based on Varahamihira while Saravali glorifies the Yoga considerably. But all writers seemalmost agreedon the general good or bad nature ofthe results due to a yoga. Damini or Dama Yoga seemsto give a man intellect, fame and wealth also. Of course. I3o 35' N. Both the Charts56 and 57 illustratethe presencc of Damini Yoga. In point of fame and wealth, Chart No. Such illustrations furnish clues as to how the same Yoga can operate in different ways in different horoscopes.

    ChartNo i7. Il' N. PasaYoga Definition.

    Cancellation of yogas

    Nabhasa Yogas tl9 Remarks. This state- ment should not be taken in its face value. The presenceof Lagna, and the lord of Lagna in the 6th and 8th in pasa Drekkazcs would be a powerful combination for imprisonment. Charts No. Clrart No. The tenth househas receivedno other beneficaspect. The dispositionof PasaYoga may have also contributed its share of evil in making the subjectundergo impri- sonment. The native of the horoscopewas a Joint-secretaryin the Govern- ment.

    These illustrations are provided with a view to driving home to the reader that great care must be exercisedin sift- ing the evidencefurnished by different combinations' Inboththe horoscopesthe benefic aspectsofPasa Yoga have manifestedconsiderably. Kedara Yoga DeJinition. Ilula Yoga vide Paga No. Sula Yoga Yuga Yoga Gola Yoga Defnition. Gola gives rise to a poor, dirty, unnamed, ignorant and indolent individual. Probably the joining together of all the seven planets within a space of 90 degrees would releasea conglomeration of evil forces that the rays of benefics would lose their lustre and merge with those of the evil planets.

    As, however, no Yoga can exclusivelymanifest itsell the results due to it should not be applied in their entirety- Sula Yoga may be present in a horoscope. Thereforejudgment in astrology has a number of pitfalls which a cleverstudenthasto avoid. Someof the results attributed to Sula yoga are to be found in the native. But he is neither poor nor cruel. Chsrt No. Yuga Yoga is brought out in Chart No.

    But as the horos- cope has a number of other relieving features, viewed from Chandra Lagna, the effects of yuga Yoga have been considerablyrestricted. NabhasaYogns Cbart No. Lat, 10" J8' N. RASI u. Gola Yoga is indeed a rate combination, as it requires the presence of all the planets in a single sign. Rajju Yoga Musala Yoga Nala Yoga Definition. One born in Musala will be endowed with self-respect, wealth, learning a steady mind, engaged in many works, famous and proud. Nala Yoga makes one deformed, shrcwd, and defected.

    I Mars Mcrcury I Jupit.! All the planets must occupy exclusi- vely movable signs,or exclusivelyfixed signsor exclu- sivel. Here, no teference is made to the situation of Lagna or the dispositionof the planetsin the cardinal, fixed or common signs with referenceto the Lagna. Some commentators are of the opinion that in order to cause Asraya Yogas, all the four movable, all the four fixed and all the four common signs should be occupied. But Garga refutes this view and thereby implies that the only condition is that when the movable-all or any of the four-signs are occupied, the fixed and the common signs should be vacant for causing Rajju Yoga.

    As Rajju has referencetomovable signs,one born under its influence would alwa. Whereas, planets confined to common signsare held to make the person depressedand disappointed. Srik Yoga Sarpa Yoga Definition. If all the malefics occupy kendras Sarpa Yoga is produced. Sarpa Yoga renders one miserable in many ways, cruel and stupid. The Kendras must be exclusively occupied by beneficsor malefics. It must be noted that so far as this yoga is concerned, the Moon is completely left out of account so that there remaiu only three bene- fics and three malefics. We have formulated above in a fairly exhaustivemanner all the NabhasaYogas men- tioned by Varahamihira.

    In locatingtheseyogas,there are certain factors to be considered. When such identification of two yogas belonging to two different groups of the Nabhasa yogas happens,one of the two will ceaseto operate. Mihira answers this point clearly and succinctly. Elaborating the comparison fur- ther let us suppose that in a horoscope Cancer and Libra movable signs have beenoccupied by all the planets, thereby causing Rajju yoga. Two adjacent anglesare occupied. If the ascendantis either Cancer or Libra, then Gada is causedwith the result it be- comesidentical with Rajju.

    Nala and Sakata coincide if we switch on to Gemini and Sagittariusprovided one of thesetwo signs is raising. Thus, if the ascendantfalls elsewherethen both the yogaswill be present. Simi- larly examples for coincidence of Asraya or Dala Yogas with other Akriti and Sankhyayogas can be given.

    Thesecoincidencesdo not include all possible instancesof Asraya and Dala yogas in the Akriti and Sankhya Yogas. We have now to consider another point. When Sankhya Yogas coincide with Akriti yogas, the latter alone prevail. When Asraya Yogas coincide with other yogas Akriti the former ceaseto function. When Dala Yogas coincide with Sankhya yogas the latter becomedefunct. And if Asraya yogas coincide with Sankhya, i.

    Thus it will be seen that the differencesbet- ween some of the yogas are very thin and call forth on the part of the astrologer keen perception and dnalytical power. Duryoga Definition. When the lOth lord is in Dusthanas he will lose his vitality and is therefore said to confer on the native just those qualities which render him insignificantin the eyesof the public.

    One who has Duryoga is supposednot to derive the benefitsof his own bodily exertions. Duryoga seernsto indicate that one would earn his livelihood by manual labour. Of the three Dusthanas, the 12th seemsto be the least malefic so far as this Yoga is concerned,because whilst depri- ving one of the fruits of his labours, it will at least give him noble qualities and therefore a certain amount of respectin society.

    Daridra Yoga Definition. Therefore one should not rush to ascribe all these results to a horoscope in which Daridra Yoga is present. When the Lagna is strong and the 1lth lord is in the 6th, Daridra Yoga existsnominally. Because,such a disposition whilst rendering the per- son mean and inclined to pursue sinful activities,will not make him very poor. Criminal intentions are not the sole monopoly of the poor. The rich are equally culpable to such a tendencybecausethe richer a per- son the more avaricious he becomesto gain his selfish ends. Generousinstincts and the tendencyto worship mammon are indeed poles apart.

    Deridn YoSn Sarala Yoga Vimala yoga Definition. One born in Sarala becomes long-lived, fearless,learned, a terror to enemies,cele- brated and prosperous. Male Female. Sreajal Agrawal I have mentioned about Raj Yoga earlier. More from the section: Astrology. Subscribe Magazine on email:. Login Sign Up. Email address Password Forgot your password? AstroSage TV.

    Buy Today. Best quality gemstones with assurance of AstroSage. Take advantage of Yantra with assurance of AstroSage. Yantra to pacify planets and have a happy life.. Best quality Rudraksh with assurance of AstroSage. Today's Horoscope. The benefice effects of Jupiter Can therefore be considered as the power that arrest materialisation of the Individual and they emphasize the rhythmic occurrences of the event that which Arrests materialisation does not always give results very satisfying to the worldly and the Material expectation. The most significant effect of Jupiter is related to its Fructifying affect which also implies the favourable condition for the growth and Expansion of desirable virtues and qualities.

    One interpretation of Taraka — Maya caused by moon, impregnating tara. The wife of Jupiter, from which act mercury was born is that the birth of intelligence manas, Mercury Which has been the embodiment of mind principle in the human being, is the outcome of the union between the passive principle wife of Jupiter and the seed impregnation By the moon. In exoteric astrology favourable disposition of the moon seed and Jupiter fructifying agency both are essential for the material welfare of the individual. The sixth, eighth, relationship in primarily concerned with impending the growth And development, that is with the spreading of the seed ,or the Germ, of the Manifestation.

    Jupiter will endanger the growth, development and fructification Whilst the moon will endanger the basic, inherent quality , the seed. The sixth House generally said to represent disease, obstacles, enemies, dissipation, Indebtedness, mental worry etc. Uttarkalamrita emphasizing intense mental anguish and material Deprivation as important aspects of the sixth house. The eighth house which also is Involved in this combination is al so a mystery house, a hidden house, it Signifies the hidden side of one s life like death or longevity witch craft, Loss of money, or unintentional receipt of others money.

    The place and Surrounding of death, defeat or insult, sorrow, blame, servants. Obviously any benefice planet placed eight from any signification, or any other Planet would greatly exaggerate the difficulties met by the same in its Fruition. Applying these general principles of the analysis of sakata yoga, One finds that the moon is important for the individual in many way, In fact the moon is mind.

    The essence or the very core of one s Being. One even cite the examples of Jawaharlal Neheru, who also Have sakata yogo in his horoscope.