The New Moon on Thursday, December 26, , at 4° Capricorn is an annular solar eclipse. The solar eclipse December astrology is.
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- 4 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Meet Someone New During The October 12222 Full Moon
- Scorpio Horoscope October – Astrology King
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Those touched by this Full Moon will want to treat their loved ones like royalty. Yay Christmas!
![Horoscopes by Jamie Partridge](
The family connection is not only inescapable, but possibly cellular. This is the season when family becomes our center focus and all the emotional stories that arrive when we are around the people that we love the most. Cancer is a water sign ruled by the Moon, she represents the Mother, how we nourish ourselves and how we perceive our life experiences.
The Moon acts like a mirror, it reflects out into the world what we feel inside. Therefore, if our emotional bodies are feeling sensitive, protective and suspicious, our environment can become this reality.
Being with a family that is loving or even hostile, they represent patterns within our DNA that we came to love, to heal and to learn from. Whenever a Full Moon occurs in 0th degree, we have the unique opportunity to go back in time, to the seed level, and makes changes on the quantum level. This is because 0 represents the omega and alpha, where all potential is found and can be directed. Interestingly enough, the Solar Month of Capricorn begins the Winter Solstice, when the light begins to increase.
This year, the Winter Solstice begins on the Full Moon when we can connect back to the Summer Solstice to bring light back into our world at an accelerated rate…. Codependent relationships can be released and we will find the perfect balance between work and home life. As much as Cancer loves to cling to family and traditions, the skies are inviting the Crab to loosen its grip. Andrew Ifandis, Cosmos of Astrology , looks at what the radical change agent is offering to both luminaries. Excitement becomes the prevailing mood that elevates the spirits of our loved ones.
Support is found and opportunities arise when we intuitively go with the flow and we remain open to the changes. We can easily make progress or try something new. Jamie Partridge, Astrology King , sees opportunity knocking. You will feel more open to change in your life and may actively seek it out. This is a good Full Moon for trying something new in your domestic routine or personal life. Liberation is on tap, even amid family ties, says Marina Marcario, Darkstar Astrology :.
The soft aspects bring to fruition personal freedom, revolution and electric genius that has been refined over many lifetimes. The more outlandish the subject behaves, the more the public seems to lap it up. The sextile is supposedly harmonious energy, but we still get some challenge with this aspect. This Full Moon offers evolutionary growth you can believe in — and bank on.
A growth that can be spiritual, the result of transformative processes that expand us, or material, wealth that comes as the result of patience and accomplishments in our chosen profession. Success comes as the result of putting our hearts in what we do not only by self-ambition but also out of a genuine affection for our beloved ones in a responsible and practical manner. My forecast elaborates:. The aspect enhances the lure of memories and the sensation of living outside of ordinary time. Now Venus is opening our hands and hearts to receive, to trust, believe and simply allow.
Time passes…it heals wounds…and we forget. And often, we forget the connection. Separation — which is an illusion — creeps back in. We racing to get here, there, everywhere. We get impatient with each other and start honking our horns again…or worse. Even though we may forget.
4 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Meet Someone New During The October 12222 Full Moon
I thought about where he was at in his life — working behind a counter for probably not much more than minimum wage — and I wondered what his dreams might be at this nascent stage of his career. And as we were discussing the comparative merits of the caffeinated beverages offered at this fine establishment, I found myself telling him what a great job he was doing, and that I was certain his attitude and attentive presence would take him very far in life.
I closed with:. A tough choice, for sure. The Odetta version opens with a passage written by Marianne Williamson that may give you chills…. I did not know that…until now. If your Monday is feeling out of focus, or subject to a surprising twist or flake, it reflects the Moon being void of course , as of AM ET. If you are new to this forecast welcome! When the Moon enters a new sign, think of that as the launch of the pinball into the game. It moves forward after a direct application of force, right?
Then it bounces off the bumpers in the game, which is comparable to the Moon as it makes contact with other planets. Eventually the pinball hits a bumper and falls back to the bottom of the machine, right? And when it falls, it has a different kind of energy, yes? And sometimes the pinball gets stuck on the side of the machine and you have to shake the machine to get the ball moving again, yes?
This is my analogy for understanding the energy of the Moon when it is void of course. Often you need a push to get going. So we have a drive to make things happen, acquire status and climb to the top of the mountain — potentially without specific focus. Your day may wander off course, and if a crisis erupts, do your best to roll with it and chill!
Moon will be relaunched into Aquarius at PM ET , suggesting a focus on networking, being of social signicance and hanging with your bestie. The news will be back later this week. A Scorpio Moon needs knowledge for the sake of power and control, and with a high-functioning Mercury how we need to think activated all week by contacts with other planets, that Scorpio need for substance is not likely to be disappointed. This may be a week for forming powerful alliances and channeling ginormous ideals that may be divine…or delusional.
We may be privy to an excess of nitty-gritty detail. No Air Signs in a horoscope can suggest an aversion to frivolus chitchat, and the use of words carefully employed for the sake of utility and strategy. When I look at the patterns of planets on paper for the week, I see wave after wave after wave. Apply these patterns to your quest for personal world domination, even if the bigger world around you seems to be falling apart. Laser-beam precision in thought and action is suggested in the morning, as high-functioning Mercury in Virgo meets up with action hero Mars at AM ET. Use that action-oriented Mars drive for a worthy crusade.
From then until early evening, the Scorpio Moon chats up four planets in the solar system: Mars, Mercury, Sun and Saturn. The seeds that were planted in that chart may develop in synch with the rush of planetary action described above. Regardless, experience has shown that the Sabian Symbol for a New Moon is curiously reflected in news throughout the lunar cycle.
Scorpio Horoscope October – Astrology King
It was originally expected to reach landfall in Florida on Monday morning. This was the planetary forecast:. Dorian had slowed to a stall over the Bahamas — and lingered there all day — inflicting wretchedly excessive aggression — and all night! And, true to what we would expect during a long Moon void, Dorian has lost steam, with wind speeds now half of what they were as a former Cat 5, which left the Freeport airport — and much of the islands — completely under water, as you can see from this tweeted image.
Meanwhile, in the United States it appears that Dorian may hug the coasts in Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas and Virginia — instead of crossing land. In Odessa, Texas seven people were killed and many more were wounded when a man who happened to have an assault rifle in his car was pulled over by police on a traffic stop. Ohhh…just a Scorpio Sun driven by a regal drama king Moon in Leo , possibly squaring an exact meet-up between a possibly fanatical Mars in Scorpio and Neptune. Astrology is amazing.
The U. Unlike their governmental adversary, the protestors do not have a central leadership, which makes it more challenging for the government to control. Thousands of citizens took to the streets in protest, as if they realized something precious was at stake and were willing to step out of their comfort zone and fight for it.
In the United States a protest march is on the calendar. Guess what happened?? Ten years later, I continue to be astonished that it does. Perhaps you can connect me with an excellent editor. Yes, I would be delighted to talk to you about your own unique horoscope. We had a remarkable Earth Grand Trine back in March — and another one at the end of September During the first two weeks of September, there will be more big big big practically everything, as the Virgo Trio — joined by Mercury — will square Jupiter and oppose Neptune.
Three days of salt air and sandy beaches; starry nights in a quaint old inn with no TV — I could have stayed for a month. The third night featured a thunderstorm that downed trees and power lines. That and watching ospreys dive for fish provided plenty enough drama. If you know the degree of your Ascendant. Because that transit is often energizing, symbolizing a new cycle of development.
Two days earlier, Venus crossed his Ascendant. This transit suggests strong potential for receiving love and affection. They love him like he is the second coming of God. All of the planets that have left — or are about to leave — Leo for Virgo will activate his 0 degree Uranus.
Translation: activation of an intense need for assertive independence. He really should be making waves now and over the next several months, as the energy of a 10, volt cattleprod opposes his 4 degree regal Leo Ascendant in the form of transiting rebel Uranus. A fresh start or a break in a personal relationship?
A geographic relocation? Pluto and Saturn are also activating points in the horoscope that refer to professional status and family of origin, suggesting transformation and streamlining for the sake of empowerment. Jupiter is active, too; as it has been in touch with his natal Jupiter and Uranus this year, we see the potential for a fortuitous return on an investment. How fascinating that the most recent news article in a quick Google search is about the success of his investment firm.
Who knew? Also big — and involving travel, oceans, healing and visions: 16 year-old climate change activist Greta Thunberg is due to arrive in New York tomorrow. September 21st is the date of the third Jupiter-Neptune square. Greta is a Capricorn , driven by a Moon in Capricorn. Sign up here to receive these insightful forecasts by email.
To schedule a personal consultation about your unique horoscope, drop me a line here. If you prefer to go straight to the forecast, you may close this pop-up by clicking on the "x" in the upper right-hand corner. Search the Archives. New York. Astrology for News Junkies. This planetary commentary offers advance notice and analysis on the zeitgeist of the day, with an emphasis on what's happening in the headlines.
Good morning! The Aquarius Moon goes void at PM ET — ship it beforehand, then take care of routine tasks for the rest of the business day. Roll with the twists and flakes. Venus in Scorpio needs depth and substance in social expression, along with passion, for better or for worse. There is a certain code that must be followed. Point is, Venus in Scorpio will be reflected in news about social expression, women, money and other values until November 1, when Venus enters Sagittarius.
How apt for Yom Kippur, a. Pisces invented empathy, compassion and forgiveness. Are you skipping out early for a long holiday weekend? Monday is Thanksgiving in Canada says my calendar. The buzz in the air is the unconventional attraction reflected by the annual opposition between Venus and Uranus at PM ET. Love at first sight? Aries is fearless and inspiring at best; reckless and selfish at worst which explains why that jerk cut you off on the freeway. But first you must live though this day, which begins with a bit of a wet blanket at AM ET, as the me-me-me Aries Moon is squared by authority figure Saturn.
Your moment of sobriety may be soon lifted by a jolly and cooperative connection between the Sun and Jupiter, exact at PM ET and in effect a few days before. Will write more on this Full Moon later in the week. And now, the news. Meanwhile… Mercury in a challenging aspect with Uranus symbolizes humor of the wackiest kind. As times change. Venus squares Pluto at AM ET , suggesting extremes and power plays in matters related to women, money, art and social expression. Extremes, eh?
- 4 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Meet Someone New During The October Full Moon.
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If you have a planet around degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, you may be feeling a push to emotional extremes more than most Brad Pitt, that means you. Keep on plumbing the depths for the rest of the business day and night, as the Moon has no speed bumps in its path.
- General Significations.
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Such a relief, as Sag needs to express its righteous opinion with enthusiasm. This is a day to expand horizions, walk in nature, take in a foreign perspective — no speed bumps today, either. Seismic activity and other news from underground is another potential. At AM ET, Mercury how we need to think leaves rational Libra for emotional Scorpio , determined to get to the bottom of things without showing its hand. Have you ever heard a scorpion talk? Be prepared for deafening silence and ruthless mental machinations until….
December 9th. Why so long?
Mercury enters its shadow period on October 12th, which suggests that contracts contracts finalized during this time may require review and revision. By now and all this week , we may notice that action and aggression intended to makes things right are becoming prominent. If you have a planet around this point, you may be feeling especially provoked or assertive. Mars is challenged in Libra, as the conflict-avoidance needs of Libra are at odds with the crusading warrior needs of Mars.
Becoming a warrior for peace would be a productive effort for Mars in Libra. Otherwise, Mars in Libra can go to passive-aggressive extremes to avoid a fight. If you sleep through your alarm, no big deal — as are any other twists and flakes that disrupt your morning. Chill — and stick to routine concerns. Or — if you are free to wander, indulge the boundary-pushing needs of the Sag Moon until Capricon kicks in and demands we all get down to business.
More on that in the next forecast — more falls would not be unexpected. September 30th, Tags: accurate mundane astrologer , brad pitt horoscope , dean baquet horoscope , kevin mccarthy horoscope , mars at the aries point , mars in libra meaning , mercury retrograde in scorpio , peri lyons brilliant intuitive , pluto direct , political astrology forecast , rudy giulani horoscope , scott pelley horoscope , transiting pluto conjuncti mercury , transiting saturn conjunct mercury , transiting uranus square mercury , venus square pluto headlines Leave a comment. Not a bad day to buy a few lottery tickets, especially if you have planets around 18 degress of just about any sign.
Moon goes void at PM ET. But perhaps you heard that the actual transcript of the phone call was stored against all normal protocol on a separate server? Lady Hale Venus announced the court decision dressed in black Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn , adorned with a fetching spider Mercury silver Venus brooch.
She was the perfect embodiment of current planetary patterns. Having dressed down the UN General Assembly, Greta Thunberg inspires and commands a second Friday of climate change strikes around the world. Videos posted on her Twitter feed. A sudden change is no surprise either, with the upside potential being liberation. With Pluto in the mix, this may be an especially precarious and profound area of your life in this time.
Maybe you have to sacrifice a short-term advancement or gains for the sake of long term goals, in weighing what you really want to do with your life. This may mean you have to give up having certain people as friends or colleagues, either because they are no longer of real use or benefit to you, or because you have to stand up for a less popular colleague for an important reason which causes you disfavor with others. You may have to choose who your real friends are, who your real allies are. You may have to give up awards and accolades which are not due to you and give credit where you know it is properly deserved.
With Pluto in the mix, there is something especially trying and profound in this area of your life in this time. Maybe you could sacrifice the spotlight and give a boost to those you consider deserving and are little known, try using your own power and platform to raise up others. You may find yourself in quiet, isolated places, by your own volition or not. Never to say what they did was okay, but to not bother yourself anymore with them.
Insulate yourself from these less pleasant characters in your existence. This may be as simple as walking away from an argument on social media, letting someone get the last word in, pulling off the road and counting to Maybe you can sacrifice the addictive burden of holding a grudge. While you roll your eyes, let me explain what I mean.
Surviving life is one thing, but living life is quite another. Spoiler alert: no one survives this place. No one gets out of here alive. Death will come to us all someday. However, as much as death is inevitable, so is the life that precedes it. So to some degree, to whatever extent is possible, you still have to carry on with your life despite the horror show. There will still be jokes to laugh at and problems to solve, beauty to witness and create, things to fight for and believe in, joys and victories to be won, new discoveries to be made and new dreams to be had.
You have to because these are as inevitable as the things we fear and dread. They never completely go away, but life goes on in all its ugliness and splendor. Fear can be reasonable, but it can never be a sole guiding principle. Best of luck. This is excellent work, Patrick. Many thanks! I hope it will attract clientele for you, to whom you can offer real help. Leo rising and working on 6th house issues — diet and exercise, finding work, giving up cigs. Starting now. Not waiting for January. Actually looking forward to it.
The limitations and dark side of our belief systems. Including astrology. I love coming across a professional who will be the first to admit that neither him nor his discipline have all the answers. I experienced this when I came down with a mysterious illness during a Neptune, Pluto, Uranus transit. And the chief pain specialist I went to said to me. Western medicine knows relatively very little actually. And the best advice I can give you is to see whether Eastern traditional medicine can give you the relief you need.
I wished more astrologers were like that doctor. Astrology is as much an art as it is a science. And like all bodies of knowledge subjective. And affected by the environment and the culture in which it is practiced. So by all means check out your zodiac. And to also include other modalities like human design, the tarot and plant based medicine if you really want to get the big picture. Otherwise with astrology you will only be getting at best less than half the answer. I think this is what Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn is trying to get through to us. Know your limitations. Have the courage to look into the shadows of your own belief systems.
Including the stories you tell yourself about who you really are. And what it is you are doing exactly. Astrology like everything has its blind spots and it would be nice to hear more astrologers investigate and talk about what those were. Which can only be done by stepping outside astrology. Seeing it from a distance. And putting it into a broader political, cultural and anthropological context. Yes, I agree with this quest for analysis of our belief structures and how they inform and create our societies. For instance, I wonder what our world would now look like if we had collectively chosen in the Anglo-American postwar era to politically employ the dark duality of Pisces as a vehicle of engaged empathy in the suffering of others, rather than indulge in using the knowledge of the vulnerabilities of others in a dirty destructive material progressivist war set within a winner v loser paradigm: the latter abuse of human power simply transforming the entire world into a virtual degrading prison for all of us.
Excellent comment! All these modalities afford an exercise in exploring the manner in which we frame our perceptions — how we nuance the context of our lives. I really enjoyed this particular article — another colour on the palette with which I may bring vibrancy or contrast to the composition of my consciousness.
He tries to explain cosmic verities through the lens of astrology, which is tough to do. And, he manages to give each person reading a little bit of homework to do, and make a positive effort on their own behalf. Nice going. Great article! I liked how you came up with examples you worked on your own. Most astrologers online just search a celebrity database and put a meaningless list o names. The doomish and the sugarcoating analysis are not astrology. I woke up today feeling that I am completely lost in life, and that everything I am doing is pointless. Your article helped me to recall the connections to other years of my life.
Well, I did finish college and some grad school degrees since then.. But still, your article reminded me about all my planets in libra… yeah wannabe astrologers like me are like that, they always forget to check squares, always focused on conjunctions and oppositions…. But if I may say something personal, I have all outers conjunct to inners, except sun and moon conjunct in scorpio, and in my life, somehow, all outers are totally personal!
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My natal venus is in 4 Libra, conjunct pluto in 3 Libra. Thank you very much Patrick. And I can now seriously freak out. Joking aside, I have Jupiter in Cancer at 24 degrees so it will be…. Take care x. In all honesty… I have this aspect in the septile, even though it is not in the conjunction. I feel the effects.
Understanding my asc. The first thing that I was struggling with is transportation. Whereas I lost my car in an accident. Yet, money for my insurance money to replace my car. I also have Saturn in Capricorn. I also have Pluto with Scorpio. There is this strain to get people to work with you that is driving me crazy. Something I have no control over. The other thing is I had my son before Saturn Returns in Capricorn. He is a Saturn in Sag. I realized he got lucky in some ways. I am trying to make the most out of this situation as best as I can.
The thing that got me the most is when I lost mobility, I lost my job. I feel like I am being put on a bench somewhere and being on hold. I HATE it! Not driving for 4 years is driving me insane. If you live in the Suburbs and live in the states.