Spouses and friends of these people should better be rich - it is one of the best ways to win a heart or at least attention of people with the Birthday Number
Table of contents
- Educate your inbox
- Birthday Meanings
- @designmom
- I See My Birthday Numbers Everywhere. What Does it Mean?
- Unhappy Birthday: How I Conquered the Birthday Blues
Is triskaidekaphobia actually that strong? Low birth rates on the days around the fourth of july and Christmas and New Years days. This probably reflects low rates of caesarean sections or the preference of obstetricians NOT to operate on those days they have the day off. This also points to the fact that many caesareans are NOT a medical necessity at the time they are performed. I was supposed to be born on Thanksgiving, so that would have been weird.
I suspect there is some flaw in the method or data. So c-section, inductions, etc are planned for before or after.
Educate your inbox
Of course the latter aspect is only valid for holidays that are fixed to a specific date rather than a weekday or the moon. The reason there are fewer births on major fixed holidays i. They are forgotten in the festivity of the day itself. As a parent I would choose not to have my child born on a day when they are likely to not be celebrated or at least come second.
Ask most anyone born on Christmas or Christmas Eve — forgotten. And I would also personally prefer to not have been born on the 13th — superstition: not just mine but anyone elses. The tabular data would be a little easier to read if it could be sorted by date. Also skewed by trying not to induce over holidays and not planning C sections on holidays, and people planning to have children so they are at the beginning of the school year.
Birthday Meanings
This data was compiled incorrectly. Rather than take the average for February 29th including all years you only took the average using years with a leap year in them.
- Birth Day Number 14 potentials!
- I Keep Seeing my birthday Numbers All the Time numerology.
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Meaning that you misrepresented the data. It is a nice analysis. Considering however how many induced births are in the US due to reasons of convenience of parents or doctor, I wonder what this actually states about anything.
Your email address will not be published. Share this: Twitter Facebook Google Email. We know this is a cause of this bias because: For example, the day April 11th, from , falls on: Monday 3 times , , Tuesday 3 times , , Wednesday 3 times , , Thursday 3 times , , Friday 3 times , , , Saturday 2 times , Sunday 3 times , , It has more occurrences on a Friday and less occurrences on a Saturday compared to the other days of the week.
Good catch! I wonder why no one replied earlier. Anyway, thanks for the sharing this.
I was born on April Fools Day, but it in ! So it was probably even rarer prior to this. And I thought my birthday was rare April Fools Day.
I wonder how the data compares with natural births. People have a lot of sex on New Years Eve and into the early morning hours. The top 10 are all in September except for one. If you were born on the 2nd or 20th any month, your primary birth path is an idealist. Number: 5. If you were born on the 5th, 14th, or 23rd of any month, your primary birth path is opportunist. If you were born on the 6th, 15th or 24th of any month, your primary birth path is caregiver. Martin Luther King Jr. If you were born on the 7th, 16th or 25th of any month, your primary birth path is seeker.
Eckhart Tolle: Born Feb. Billy Graham: Born Nov. If you were born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of any month, your primary birth path is affluent. Bernie Sanders: Born Sept. If you were born on the 9th, 18th, or 27th of any month, your primary birth path is philosopher. John Lennon: Born Oct. It indicates our talents, abilities and tools that we brought with us into this life , and is a key factor in choosing our profession. Its influence is strongest somewhere between 28th and 56th year. The Day of Birth is also telling us how we see ourselves.
It often shows those abilities of ours that make us feel comfortable. Our good friends usually recognize us more by the characteristics of our Day of Birth than by the main theme of our Life Path. For two-digit Day of Birth numbers, some numerologists also analyze their reduced one-digit values.
Month of birth has great influence on our character and gives an indication of how our younger, more formative years will influence our adult lives. When young, our destiny has not yet been cemented, but the events which occur can help to shape our life path which is in activation primarily from the ages of 28 to The year in which we were born shows the overall theme that we have determined to live in this incarnation.
I See My Birthday Numbers Everywhere. What Does it Mean?
By noting the solar year of our birth, we can determine what type of experiences we will have which we can use to find our niche in life. The year of birth also gives us a clue as to the obligations we will have which will help us to mature and develop. People will tend to gravitate toward others with compatible numbers, because the birth year number relates to our character.
Therefore, people in social and work settings will get along best with those who have the same or harmonious Year of Birth numbers , because on a subconscious level their psyches sense an inner likeness which helps them to accomplish common goals. To obtain the Year of Birth number, first add all its digits and then reduce the sum to a single digit number.
The Attitude number - similar to Day of Birth number - gives a quick insight into our general nature.
Unhappy Birthday: How I Conquered the Birthday Blues
But unlike the Day of Birth, which is always a part of our general nature, the Attitude number represents the acquired ways of acting, which can be changed by our effort. Our Attitude number tells us about how we initially come across to others. It reveals the behavior that we have discovered during our formative years that worked best for us and helped us to get what we needed.