Algol astrology natal

At 26º Taurus, Algol has been branded the most "Evil star in the If you don't have a chart, yet get a free one here: FREE HOROSCOPE MAKER. . I've got Algol conjunct my natal Venus in the 6th house, while Venus also.
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This man, who now has a list of accusers coming out of the closet, seems to have done this before. There is justice on the wind. Not only that, but people are discussing the code of silence and shame which surrounds women sexually assaulted by prominent men. This is a good thing.

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If we look at the tradition of stellar magick, we find Caput Algol can be petitioned not just for works of wrath, but for protection from the most heinous of intentions. Though a terrible crime almost occurred, what happened under the blinking gaze of Caput Algol brought injustice to light. A decapitation not for Medusa, but for her would-be rapist. Twinkle on, little star. Medusa was also an African goddess, whose name meant something akin to female wisdom.

Algol Star Astrology

This rape was quite literal, in the sense that the Greeks demonized both females and anyone with darker flesh, all in one fatal swoop. Your email address will not be published. Austin Coppock is an astrologer, author, teacher, and presenter based in Ashland, OR. He was President of The Association for Young Astrologers , a c3 non-profit organization, from He performs interviews on the subjects of astrology, tarot, and esotericism and is a frequent speaker at conferences and in-person events throughout the United States.

Advanced Occult Theory

Austin continues to publish original articles on this website, as well as offer online classes, other products and services. John Lennon Algol conjunct Uranus was shot in the back. Stephen King Algol conjunct North Node , master of horror, whose books keep turning into films, nearly died after being run over by a truck, and should have died, but somehow recovered.

She added: "Algol represents a strong consuming passion that may devour you with anger and rage. If one can contain an unconscious compulsion to take revenge, and from that passion return a more productive outcome, Algol is one of the most powerful stars in the sky. Whatever planet it affects in your chart will be charged with strong, intense sexual energy that has the potential to be wonderful, of if repressed, to lead to rage or violence.

Natal Scorpio Moon opposes transiting Algol 26Tau. Labels: Algol , beheading , electrocution , sexual passion , strangled , survival against all odds. It seems to be the inverse. As usually I agree wit you: we should care about real position of stars in the sky because astrology is the art of seeing signs of the sky.

It would be beautiful to have a software, but a small spreadsheet is not so difficult. And with proper formulae more sophisticated minds could have the degree the star passes the ecliptic too. My natal Moon is at 28 Taurus in the Sixth, which adds weight to this particular picture.

I just found out, last year, that I have very serious retinal damage — at only 37 years of age. I have certainly thought so. Interestingly, my Mother, too — a lady in otherwise-good health — died of a very sudden series of aneurysms. In turn, she was far too young age Mom would also, of course, be my Moon… the hailings and a bit of sleet of Algol? I have to say, I believe so. Seeing this — alone! Just quick thoughts; sometimes, there is simply no need to get abstract gasp! Our understanding of Algol and the Pleiades can only profit from the analogy. So the description is neither figurative nor abstract.

Quite the contrary! Please understand that medical questions are not a topic that can be discussed in any detail here, not without consequences that neither you nor I are prepared to accept! Thank you for sharing some details of your chart, perhaps they are indeed relevant to someone today! Jaxxy-I absolutely understand your bringing pragmatics into the conversation: living Algol is no theory!

Every since I learned of its existence-I continually monitor my emotional awareness ignorance of which has intensely effected earlier relationships when I was ignorant of a nitrogen rage from childhood dynamics. Dear IZB, Thank you for the feedback.

Theosophy Triangle

It is most welcome! It is certainly worthwhile to examine the influence of Algol, not only in the birth chart but also by progression and very important, in solar return charts. The year that Algol rose in my solar return was the year where surgery was not an option but necessity. I think this is can be a key to understanding malevolent experience.

With vigilance any setback can be faced. She was an artist and my best friend until she hanged herself in All very apropos of my natus. I am sorry to hear of what can only be considered a tragic event. Have you looked at your solar return?

The primary and secondary progressions might also help to understand the event better. I think you should evaluate the female ancient mystic powers a bit. Every astrologer uses his or her chart as a scale to understand astrological influence, but this must be done carefully as there is always a danger of using oneself as the measure.

And that dear loving scorp is hybris. Masculine and feminine are both cosmic qualities and so I agree with you that they are important. But human masculinity and femininity are only part of the picture and the question is how much one projects ones personal experience of gender into the picture. Athena considered this as desecration and so she punished Medusa by giving her the appearance of the other Gorgons. It might be better to explore what it means to have snake-hair, a scaly skin, canines, glowing eyes and extended tongue along with the ability to turn any mortal to stone.

And also to explore the story of her decapitation.

Horoscopes by Jamie Partridge

All astrology is based on psychology and myths so there cant be an absolute truth that rules out all the others. The article is an exploration of the mythology and an attempt to provide an imaginative framework for general astrological practice. I try to keep to a concise presentation of facts but you are welcome to use sweeping generalizations if it pleases you. I am not pretending to providing an absolute truth. Hallo Seneca, Brittleness in the sense of intense cold. And brittleness in the sense of unflexible character.


I know that lead is very malleable. Poisonous too. Fascinating article, Thomas! Thank you for posting this. I have recently discovered Algol conjunct my Jupiter 1 degree orb and was curious if you would have any idea on how to interpret this?

Austin Coppock

This occurs in my 6th house. Any ideas are greatly appreciated! Hello Elise, I am happy you appreciated the article! Any particular aspect should always be viewed in context of the whole chart. Jupiter as L1 conj. Algol would express itself differently than say Jupiter as L2, and so on.

I just wanted to send wonderful energy out to Elise; upon noticing her mention of the Sixth, I found myself compelled to warn her to take special care of her physical eyesight.