Here is the full astrology profile of someone born under October 24 zodiac. It lies between Libra to the West and Sagittarius to the East on an.
Table of contents
- October 24 Birthday Astrology
- Sagittarius April
- Sun enters Scorpio
- November 5 Birthday Astrology Profile
These darkly charming individuals can treat people rudely and still be loved.
Romance can be difficult for them. They are addicted to excitement and often end up with someone who is actually the antithesis of what they really want. Even if there is not some dark secret in their past, October 24 individuals treat the memory of their childhood as if there were. They make mysteries of everything! If they have learned the important lessons life has to teach them, October 24 men and women will not repeat the mistakes their own parents made with them.
October 24 Birthday Astrology
Extremists in most areas of life, October 24 natives have some eccentric health habits. They are likely to banish certain foods from their diet and overindulge in other foods that are considered to be especially "healthy. October 24 people enjoy work that has some possibility of danger, such as police work, firefighting, or the military.
They also enjoy professions that let them dabble in mystery. They are careful about how they manage money.
Sagittarius April
They are much more taken with the idea of saving, even hoarding, money than with spending it. People born on this day have difficulty deciding what they want out of life. You also are quite adept at understanding the implications of what people say, what people do, and ideas. Lovers born on October 24 are very intense, emotional, and compassionate.
Sun enters Scorpio
People would be lucky to have you as a lover because you truly give everything but you stay away from being co-dependent. If this seems quite a stretch, it is, because most Scorpios are unable to do that. Pat yourself on the back.
Those with a birthday on October 24 are best suited for mid-level corporate positions. If a cause, business idea, or concept emotionally engages you, you are able to focus at the highest levels and you are able to make things happen. This can be both a good thing or a bad thing as far as your career is concerned.
The problem with standards is that people often impose them on others and fail to live up to them. This is called hypocrisy. In fact, you are so loyal that it can be seen as a character flaw.
November 5 Birthday Astrology Profile
Thankfully, this loyalty can actually reward you through life because people generally reward loyalty. Their normal tendency is to stay near the bottom or in the middle. Still, you end up riding the elevator to success. Somebody who you were loyal to repaid that loyalty is dragging you up with them.
These are people who are emotional parasites. While you can be a great communicator thanks tot he influence of Mercury, Venus can make you quite emotional at the wrong times. This can make for some awkward moments. It is a pure state.