Aspect astrology meaning

In astrology, an aspect is an angle the planets make to each other in the horoscope, also to the The traditional major aspects are sometimes called Ptolemaic aspects since they were defined and used by Ptolemy in the 1st Century, AD.
Table of contents

Includes keywords, planetary rulers, symbols, elements and modalities.

The Planetary Aspects

Planetary aspects have a margin of error - a range of degrees in which they still produce that relationship. This is known as an orb. If an aspect, for example a sextile, 60 degree aspect, has a 6 degree orb, that means that if the angle is 54 degrees through 66 degrees, those planets still are under that aspect. However, the larger the deviation from the aspect, the weaker the bond between the planets are. Each planetary aspect has different amounts of orb that are allowed before the effects of the aspect disappear.

Minor aspects tend to be weaker in general, so their allowable orb is usually less, around The following list details the meanings of each planetary aspect, and what the dynamics are within them. Use these as starting points to interpret your natal charts - and as you develop your knowledge, you can start getting a better sense of the deeper connections beyond what is written here.

  1. Minor astrological aspects and the domain of magic.
  2. 2 january born horoscope.
  3. In the beginning there were major aspects….
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Get the Claves Astrologicae, a card astrology oracle deck. Use the zodiac, the planets, the houses and the phases of the moon to guide you. Planets in conjunction work together, and intensify each other. Together, their energies are focused and blended together. If the planets are compatible with each other, there can be great potential here. Otherwise, if they are conflicting - like Saturn and Neptune , the aspect can create disharmony. Planets that have a sextile planetary aspect have a relationship that allows concepts and ideas to flow easily between them.

The energies within the planets tend to collaborate and work well together. The square planetary aspect creates restrictions and obstacles. Because of the conflicts present, the planets push each other to integrate and thus grow. This can be difficult, leading to frustration and annoyance during the process. There are many changes that need to be made, but the end result helps the individual develop. The trine planetary aspect is considered one of the most lucky.

Energy flows between planets seamlessly - meaning that sometimes this aspect can be associated with laziness.

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  • What Are Aspects In Astrology? How To Understand The Way Your Planets Work Together.
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  • The Square Aspect?
  • Opportunities and talents seem to be plenty - meaning sometimes they are taken for granted and even ignored. Planets with the opposition planetary aspect have deep tension. This manifests in the individual as a kind of duality - where one side of them must cooperate and give something up or else break.

    The Meaning of Planetary Aspects in Astrology - Dreaming Souls

    The energies of the planets in these aspects can end up being some of the core experiences of life. It can lead to frustration when not integrated, but through hard work, a balance of opposite feelings can be earned. Labyrinthos Academy is an online tarot school that aims to bring the ancient ritual of tarot for a modern practice.

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    • Sextile - Aspect in the Chart;
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    • When I think of a planet being out of bounds, I think of a breathtaking scene in the movie The Right Stuff when the fearless test pilot Chuck Yeager pushes the Lockheed Starfighter jet to its limit by flying it as high as it can go. As you can see in this dramatic video clip , there is a moment where he flies so high that he breaks out of the earthbound realm of the daylight sky and suddenly the stars become visible! In the same way, OOB seem to connect with a level of energy that is "out of this world," not entirely within your control and not easily brought back to manifest in the earthly realm.

      Some planets go out of bounds regularly and often, whereas others never go out of bounds but stay within the Sun's range of declination.

      Introduction to INCONJUNCT/QUINCUNX aspects! — with Heather!

      Below are two tables showing how much of the time each planet is OOB, and how far north and south of the equator each planet can go. Calculations were made using Solar Fire 7. See also: Declination , Solstice , Equinox. Material on this site may be copied or printed off for strictly personal use. To use this material online e.

      Beyond strictly personal or fair usage, you may not copy or hotlink to content without written permission. Thank you! Please contact us for usage permission or to report website errors. The information on this website is presented for educational and entertainment purposes only. Space pictures courtesy of NASA. This page last modified on. Astrology Readings with Wendy.

      Aspects and Orbs in Astrology – Lesson 9

      Cardinal Crossroads What is the Cardinal Cross? An aspect between two planets that are 45 degrees apart give or take a few degrees; see Orb. This aspect is derived by dividing the circle into 8 equal segments.

      Astrological Configurations

      Geometrically, an Octile aspect also known as a Semi-Square is half of a Square aspect which is 90 degrees. Octile or Semi-Square Aspect Symbol. An aspect between two planets that are degrees apart give or take a few degrees; see Orb. A stressful, polarising energy that can also motivate and provide a complementary balancing of planetary energies.

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      Opposition Aspect Symbol. A kind of "fudge factor" that approximates the region where two planets are in a particular geometric aspect to each other. For example, two planets are said to be in Trine aspect when they are degrees apart, give or take a certain "orb. The number of degrees of orb used also tends to vary with the aspect in question; for example, a wider orb is usually used for a major aspect e. Out of Bounds OOB.