James randi astrology

Horoscope and astrology data of James Randi born on 7 August Toronto, Ontario (CAN), with biography.
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This is admittedly vague, since what does "complicated" mean? A mystic might retort that, to her, quantum chromodynamics is more complicated than romantic love. But computer scientists have a way to make the argument a bit more precise.

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The Kolmogorov complexity of a piece of information is defined to be the length of the shortest computer program that outputs that information. Once we've agreed on a way to encode the universe as information, we can talk about the Kolmogorov complexity of the universe.

The principle is, in my view, supported by the whole of science, which, through every major advance, has replaced complex or miraculous explanations by simpler ones. Based on the principle, I think that scientists are right to reject astrology without ever leaving their armchairs. Until, that is, astrologers can explain how their claims might be compatible with a low-Kolmogorov-complexity universe.

Randi, James

Steven Weinberg makes a similar argument in his Dreams of a Final Theory , though he phrases it in terms of the explanatory framework of science rather than Kolmogorov complexity. Of course, these sorts of arguments won't convince everyone. So, even though I found Hawking's remark perfectly agreeable, you're right that it might have been more politic for him to discuss the direct evidence against astrology.

Though Hawking is unlikely to be an expert on such evidence.

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Best wishes, Scott Aaronson. Scott: thank you for your welcome comments! The stars are giant flaming orbs of gas, floating in a vacuum. They dictate nothing. They determine nothing in your life.

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They do not care about you, or your girlfriend, or your job, or your sister's wedding, or your car not starting, or whether you're "the jealous type. They don't care about anything, because they are giant flaming orbs of gas, floating in a vacuum. Stars don't even care about stars. If you're lazy, or sleazy, or easily angered, it's your own fault—not the galaxy's. Which makes all of the media hubbub and clamoring of shocked idiots surrounding the shift all the more annoying.

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  2. Astrology of Religion, Atheism, and Belief | 1. Introduction and James Randi?
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  5. Scientists develop screens we can bend, find cures for diseases we might catch, and tell us exactly how those mindless stars work. But a people who claim to have adjusted the Zodiac in order to compensate for millennia of planetary shifting in order to bring astrology back to its Babylonian accuracy? Scientist is not the word for one of these people.

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    Instead, try dumbass, quack, moron, etc. But it's actually all okay! The disaster has been averted! According to CNN , it was all just a misunderstanding—the same meaningless label applied to your existence you thought you had have been reverted. I'm a Capricorn again! Which is to say, nothing.

    It's very easy to avoid disasters that never occurred in the first place, and are the stuff of fiction. Did you hear?

    James Randi on Astrology

    The impending Lizard King invasion of North America has been called off! Wonderful news! The stars must be in alignment! As James Randi demonstrated, horoscopes are designed to pander to our sad little lives.