November 28 tarot card

Those born on November 28 are special in a number of ways. FREE GIFT: Get a numerology reading customized to your birthday. Click here.
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TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)

With the Hermit starting us off - you may be spending too much alone time, or using the need for quiet contemplation as a means to escape responsibilities or not working towards reaching a goal. Take some time to examine if there has been a lack of motivation or eagerness regarding your current situation or a goal you want to achieve.

Daily Tarot November 28, 2018 ~ Fake It Until You Make It

Are you are putting in the bare minimum because it is easier than finding a solution to a current problem? With the Devil energy at the center, the message here is that it is time to add some fire to your situation. Embrace the charming devil within - that part of you that has a zest for life.

November 28 Zodiac - Complete Birthday Horoscope & Personality Profile

Be clever, be creative and be unapologetic when it comes to going after what you want. If you want to be a baker - be the best damn baker you can be and do it with a flare that sets you apart. If you want to be a teacher - be the one that inspires students through any and every means necessary - the kind of teacher that will create a strong positive change for a generation of kids. The message of the Devil: Be passionate about what you do and others will feed that energy as they too will become passionate about what you do.

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The warm intuitive motherly crow sits on the beach listening as the ways bring a calmness to the surroundings. With a bounty of food at her disposal, she is generous with her resources and offers not only sustenance but also emotional love and support. The Queen of Cups comes forward this morning to help you keep the Devil energy in check. This energy creates compassion and the ability to feel empathy and when it combines with the Devil energy not only will you be able to cleverly resolve challenges you will do so in a way that takes into account the feelings of others so that everyone involved feels appreciated and invested in your success.

Tarot Birthday Correspondences

Enjoy my take on the Tarot? Learn Tarot through the eyes of the crow. The book is available for pre-order and will release in March Close search. Endings of previous parts of your life, the beginning of new ones!

Tarot by Cecelia

Change, transformation und transition , all necessary things vhat ve need to fully enjoy the vunders of life! However, vonce the card is reversed Perhaps they cannot let go of the past, or they do not know how to make the change they need, but for vhatever reason, the march of Death has been stopped, und vith it change has stopped as vell. Rather, it is a varning! A vay for vone to know that there may be troubles coming, und perhaps they vill find vays to avoid such tribulations, or to rise above them! Above all, reversed cards reflect the obstakles ve may face, und knowing that they might soon have effects on us helps us to prepare to circumvent them!

Let's take two more examples A card of energy und motivation, of creating vays to improve the vorld for not only himself, but those vhat are under his care.

Future Romance Tarot Spread

However, if you reverse it, it becomes a card of impulsiveness , haste, and high expektations. It is a king vhat makes hasty decisions, who dominants vithout helping, und brings malice vithin his vake. It is, as you may notice, a mirror of the positive king before, but it still has its purposes. It is a card vhat encourages personal reflektion; are the preconceptions you had correkt?

Or perhaps there is another perspektive you haf not considered? It is a lack of the fulfillment you desired, und failure in the situations you held close to your heart It is a card of acceptance, of forgiveness!

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