Esoteric astrology cancer

Home Page · FREE: Esoteric Astrology - Learn To Read Your Own Natal Chart For Soul Purpose ZODIAC ENERGY: CANCER SYMBOL: The Crab As a negative cardinal, CANCER is interested in crisis, in activity, and in what is going on.
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If you have Cancer Rising, you are here to find your soul-light and, like a lighthouse keeper, keep your light lit, no matter what is going on in the world around you, even if it sometimes feels like trying to keep a candle alight in a howling gale!

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The zodiac uses animal symbols to convey an impression of energetic qualities. The energy of Cancer is crab-like in many ways — for example, walking sideways! Cancerians tend to approach new situations side-on, as they feel their way forward. Rising Cancer tends to approach new people, places, and situations with caution, possibly a little trepidation, and maybe come at it sideways until they can establish a feeling of safety.

Have you ever watched crabs near the ocean?

They have the ability to quickly bury themselves in the sand and hunker down to wait until the most dangerous tides have passed. It is about where you place your attention. Because Cancer has the ability to attune to mass consciousness, it is too easy for Cancer to be swept away on the current tide of mass consciousness, fear, and emotional overreacting.

This is where the Cancer soul needs to learn how to hunker down and ride out the tide. You do this by keeping your attention on your own light, not the tsunami of mass human emotion that is apparently heading your way.

When you do this, you learn how to keep your soul-flame alight, and by so doing. Every jewel is intimately connected with all other jewels in the universe, and a change in one jewel means a change, however slight, in every other jewel. As the sign of mass consciousness, Cancer has built-in radar, which you can send out to sense the mood and feelings of the collective. Your innate sense of connectedness with all of humanity is the source from which your deep empathy and ultimately compassion arises.

This ability to feel what others are feeling is the key to understanding both the highest spiritual purpose of Cancer and the ego-based challenges at personality level. Part of the journey for a Cancerian soul is to cultivate intuition. It also explains why the sign of Cancer is associated with fear and caution. If you have Cancer Rising, it is likely that you experience fear on waking each morning! This is because when you first awaken and your mind is quiet, this is the time that you are most tuned-in to the consciousness of the masses, and it is a simple fact that there is a lot of fear rippling through humanity at the moment.

You are aware of it. You feel it.

William Meader on Zodiac Sign: Gemini

All cardinal signs are courageous signs of leadership. This may not be how you initially think of the sign of Cancer, but imagine the courage that is needed to stay focused on compassion in the face of a tide of human suffering and fear. On a very practical level, for someone with Cancer Rising, your first act of courage is to get out of bed in the morning in the face of all fear and to stay focused on your light throughout your day. You understand the truth of our connectedness by experiencing for yourself that the changes you make within your own being have a definite ripple-effect in the consciousness of humanity, and that you have the power to reduce fear in the world by first and foremost working on it within yourself.

This process of emotional evolution through the water signs begins in Cancer cardinal water , is consolidated in Scorpio fixed water and culminates in Pisces mutable water. The moments of deep insight, peace, awe, wonder, grace and love that we have all experienced at some time are voices from the Soul. Indeed, Carl Jung, in his book Modern Man in Search of a Soul , makes the astounding assertion that in thirty years of treating patients in the second half of life, their illness or neurosis was invariably the result of a lack of spiritual or religious meaning:.

It is safe to say that every one of them fell ill because he had lost that which the living religions of every age have given to their followers, and none of them has been really healed who did not regain his religious outlook. This soul, or divine spark, strives towards unity and perfection, and according to the Ancient Wisdom teachings, its motivation is selfless and its purpose is service to humanity or contribution to the greater whole.

It is essentially a humanitarian philosophy and is therefore highly appropriate for our incoming Age of Aquarius. See Figure 1. The highest goal of traditional or personality-centred astrology is the integration of the personality. This is achieved by recognising and striving to overcome the limitations and problems of the personality, such as physical excesses, emotional instability and negative thinking.

The goal of personality integration is to bring the body, emotions and mind into a state of harmony.

The astrology of world affairs, human evolution, the future, and the state of the universe.

The orientation of many of the personal growth techniques and healing modalities is towards this end. For example, hatha yoga, nutrition and herbal medicine work on healing the physical body. The Bach Flower Remedies and counselling work on healing the emotional nature. Positive affirmations, Christian Science and prayer work on healing the mental nature. The integration of the personality is an on-going process. Once this has been achieved to some degree, the goal becomes one of infusing the personality with the qualities of the soul, or to make the connection with the Higher Self.

There are various techniques which can assist us to connect with the Soul or Higher Self. These include meditation, some forms of creative visualisation, dreamwork, psychosynthesis, artistic and musical expression, communing with nature, compassionate service, study of the Holy Scriptures and Ancient Wisdom classics, and so on. The soul-infused personality is symbolically represented by the six-pointed star.

Esoteric Astrology – Astrology of the Soul

See Figure 2. You will notice that the triangle of the Soul has a threefold nature corresponding to a higher octave of the personality vehicles. The physical body has its higher counterpart in Spiritual Will or Purpose. The emotional body has its higher counterpart in Universal Love, while the mental body or rational mind has its higher counterpart in Higher Mind.

There are several approaches to esoteric astrology, and it is indeed a complex body of knowledge.

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Therefore, I would like to keep it as simple as possible. One of the fundamental differences between esoteric and exoteric astrology is that both are based on a completely different set of planetary rulerships. Some esoteric astrologers, such as Dr Douglas Baker, dismiss traditional astrology altogether and work only with the esoteric rulerships. Other esoteric astrologers, such as Alan Oken, recommend the interfacing or juxtaposing of the personality-centred chart with the soul-centred chart.

Another important point is that esoteric astrology has its foundation in an understanding of the Science of the Seven Rays.

Esoteric Cancer

For the purposes of this article however, I am not going to deal with the Seven Rays, although their meanings are implicit within each of the astrological factors. What I am presenting here is a somewhat eclectic approach which can only scratch the surface of this vast body of knowledge. There are a few basic principles which we can begin to work with straight away, and which will help us to shift the focus from personality problems and potential to spiritual purpose. I am not recommending that we forget the personality. I feel that it is still important to delineate the natal chart in the traditional way.

But what we can do is add a soul-centred perspective to our traditional delineations. Perhaps you have felt that there is a deeper meaning to the Rising Sign than a mere description of the physical appearance, the persona or the manner in which we project ourselves? This does not mean that the empirical evidence of traditional astrology is invalid. It is a tenet of traditional astrology that the Ascendant is symbolic of the birth or point of incarnation, of the entry of the soul onto the physical plane or the cross of matter.

Cancer: Your Key To Relationship.

Esoteric astrology merely takes this a step further. If we look to the qualities of the sign on the Ascendant, we can glean valuable information about the nature of spiritual purpose and service. The qualities of the Ascendant sign describe the future direction of the soul, what we are growing towards, or new qualities that we are developing. In this respect, we can see its meaning as similar in flavour to the North Node, although I would suggest that the qualities of the houses and signs of the nodal axis tell us how we can achieve personality integration, or integration of the yin and yang within the personality.

The quest of the hero as symbolized by the North Node is the quest of the personality. The sign on the Ascendant indicates how we can best express our personality gifts to extend beyond ourselves to help others, or to help the planet as a whole. The house position of the esoteric ruling planet of the Ascendant indicates where these gifts and qualities are best expressed. It points to the field of service of the soul. These rulerships may seem odd at first, but a deeper study will reveal their significance. Vulcan is an undiscovered or hypothetical planet, and esoteric astrologers believe that it is located near the Sun.

Weston or that of Dr Douglas Baker. For example, if the Sun is found at 9 degrees of Sagittarius, then the Earth will be found at 9 degrees of Gemini. That is the realm of the personality-centered delineation. Of course, any personality problems or dilemmas are relevant in the soul-centred delineation, because they offer us an idea as to what is hindering or impeding the progress of the soul.