November 27 weekly horoscope

Here you can read the full astrology profile of someone born under November 27 zodiac with its Sagittarius sign details, love compatibility.
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Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of November 27–December 3

You are ready to make changes that range from upgrading your job to making a big where-to-live choice. Neptune, the most creative planet, brings out your talent and you get practical by upscaling old furniture, which helps you make extra money. Sign in. All Football. Mystic Meg. Comments are subject to our community guidelines, which can be viewed here. Uranus in the planetary row of those born on the 27th of November has a great potential to lead to high consciousness and enrich one's world with incredible friendships. Their lives are different, often exotic and standing away from common limitations, and their role might be unclear until they set free from norms that limit their movement and their decisions in life.

They are individualistic and need more freedom than most people in their surroundings are aware they do, this leading to choices that might be considered strange, but stand as a pure manifestation of their authentic needs. In contact with others and people they consider to be on the "same level" they could face ego struggles and battles for supremacy. They are to learn to relate while seeing light in others, but also understanding their flaws and shortcomings just as they need to see their own.

The wisdom hiding behind solitude is the essential information in this Sabian symbol. These individuals need enough time alone and enough distance to create and secure their own personal world, so they can do things differently from others with pride and dedication. Protected by Nature itself, it is wise for them to get in touch with it whenever possible, enjoy hiking, out-of-town tours and spending time in parks and forests to cleanse their mind of toxic influences. Their concentration could peak at night, and the guidance of inner wisdom comes from active chases for goals in timings that are out of logic for everyone else.

They are different, but flexible enough to see in all directions, and when on a safe distance, they build the understanding for others needed for healthy relationships and cooperation. Intimacy is the focus point in lives of those born on November 27th, and usually it takes time and effort to get untangled from certain invisible family issues until they are ready to purely connect. They could be dismissive of their frailty and emotions that need to be cherished. In time they learn that their primal goal is to find forgiveness and purity of contact with other human beings, accepting all feelings that arise as natural.

This will give space to their life to unfold in a meaningful search for home and inner peace. With such a stressful primal setting, those born on the 27th of November could have trouble establishing a place to call their home, move a lot, or break off too many contacts along the way when their true nature is inhibited and their desires quenched.

November 27 Zodiac

The stress of relating and their search for healthy intimate bonds could push them into numerous short-term relationships, or keep them loyal and tied to those they have broken up with numerous times. Enter a period of refinement this week. Leap and fly free What is meant for you, returns to you Small and intimate wins over large and loud. Ready to take a leap of faith, Leo? If you missed out on something the first time, it could reappear. The lesson of this week most of all is that what is meant for you, comes to you. The only question remaining is, do you now have the courage to claim it?

Kick ass and show the Universe you are no cowardly lion, be bold, be brazen, be you! Mercury bumps into Saturn this week in your 5th and fate is somehow at work now. Paths either diverge or come together now. Gates open. Venus, the lover, arrives in this fabulous place too on the 1st, this is where she gets to shine and so do you. If you have recently started seeing someone, now is the time for it to go to the next level.

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This may call for a little daring, a slight risk, but a calculated one on your part. Dare you take that first step towards desires?

Dinners at home or else in a small, intimate restaurant appeal so you can share feelings and laughter and bathe in your connection. If you dream about a goal or attaining it — pay close attention. This Moon is trying to tell you that you have your dreams for a reason. Mercury heads backwards on the same day in your pleasure and creative zone.

The usual Retro Rules apply but again, this is all about second time around opportunities re-presenting themselves and also re-visiting past love and past passions as in what you love to do. Have you let your happiness slide? Is there a creative idea scratching to get out? What did you give up you now need to revive or restore? Reclaim the love. In a nutshell: You could get a second chance at something. Are you brave enough to take it, Leo? Make the leap towards love now. What have you established when it comes to a home, lifestyle or something that sustains you over the long term?

Lady love Venus also enters here this week intent on enhancing your living arrangements and creating deeper closer ties with your nearest and dearest. Get coochie, snuggle in and enjoy cosy times with your loved ones. Money and contracts could exchange hands and be signed but get it sorted before the pesky Mercury retrograde. But do read the small print carefully.

Bring matters to a conclusion if you possibly can. You have a full Moon in your career and status zone. La Luna could deliver immense satisfaction. You get the job or win the business and are left with the even more lasting satisfaction of knowing that it is because of something you and only you could bring to the table. For now, enjoy what you have established or built. In a nutshell: Bring matters to a conclusion if you can. Tie up any loose ends. Big decisions have lasting impact and lead to increased security this week, Virgo. Get ready for rush hour! You have four planets in your communication, commuting and commercial 3rd house this week — the Sun, Mercury, Saturn and now ruler Venus who arrives in here on the 1st.

Scan all messages and send out impressive answers, there may be treasure hidden in one of them. You could even receive recognition as you dazzle. Your confidence is soaring thanks to fiery Mars in your sign. You may have to tap into a dormant bold streak and reach deep for a new solution as Mars opposes maverick and mayhem inducing Uranus in your relationship zone. This especially applies in the area of work or people you may be working closely with.

Others could see partnership matters shift suddenly.


Travel is indicated and this may be short in either distance or duration. The reason? Mercury Madness arrives as he heads retrograde in this, his ruling house in your chart. The Retrograde Rules apply now and then some. Unless you cannot help it, do not buy a new phone, computer or car during this period. Back up all documents.

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Make a copy of your passport and tickets if travelling. Merc retro is a fab time to revise all written materials — that manuscript, presentation, pitch, report or update your CV. You may also find that you have to repeat yourself in order to be understood. Missed cues and missed connections are all likely now. People from your past or where you have worked or lived in the past could cross your path and you could return to an old stomping ground.

Does it look the same or new to you? Use the retrograde for a fresh perspective on something old and upcycle it for the future now. Life shifts back into high gear. Balance the books What are you sharing and what are others sharing with you? Trust your noodle. What are you owed or what do you owe in turn, Scorpio? Mercury bumps into Saturn in your money house this week. To have a structure to your finances if you have not already established one.

Your Horoscope This Week

One thing is for sure, the only way to save money is to spend less of it. Having said that my sizzling friend this week could see money you are owed get paid or a new source of income open up as sensual Venus who rules this house, arrives in here on the 1st. Remember now, if one door closes another opens. What you share with others or they share with you, your salary, benefits, payments and other resources are illuminated by the light of the full Moon in your primal power zone on the 3rd.

As Mercury in your money and security house heads retrograde this could be a time to reconcile your finances and above all, settle outstanding debts. With the planet of contracts, commerce and communication going backwards in your money zone now, it should be obvious that this is not a good time to seek a new loan if you can possibly help it.

You could also re-tap into a past source of income. Is there anything you can do to re-generate something that brought you past abundance? Sort it now. Oh, and hey there could be a naughty affair in the offing or a sudden overwhelming infatuation with someone on the 3rd. In a nutshell: You could be right where the smart money is this week, Scorpio. Reap the rewards of good financial planning. Or bank on new goals paying off.

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Revive something in your life this week, Sag. Plus you have sensual Venus also arriving, bumping the planetary action up to four. Is it you yourself who needs a little soul revival?

ARIES (March 21 - April 20):

Over the past two and a half years you have been asked to create a structure or a foundation of some kind. This can be a value structure — a belief system which supports and sustains you. Or it can be something physical — a project, a base, a more structured lifestyle, a business, a home, a routine. Just so long as you embarked on a learning curve which involved establishment and authorship on some level.

Oh, and taking of the reins of responsibility for your own life and choices formed a big part of this. The result should have been a more grounded and confident you. As Mercury meets Saturn this week you could literally witness the results of this. Body and soul reviving Venus could have you transforming your image.