Horoscope cancer october 25 2019

Horoscope for Friday, October 25th, Read more. Horoscope Cancer - 25 th october. Cancer 06/22 - 07/ Horoscope Leo - 25 th october. Leo.
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Seldom afraid of a challenge, your approach to problems is to embrace them and then conquer them! You are charismatic, bold, and intelligent. A Full Moon in your Solar Return chart marks this as a year of great personal significance, when major new beginnings, endings, and activities occur. This period is the culmination of a stage of personal growth and development. Events occurring this year may bring various developments in your emotional, psychological, or spiritual life over the past several years to a head.

Relationships are especially important. There can be increased activity in your professional and public life, causing a conflict with your domestic and personal goals. There is little moderation in your life this year.

October 25 Birthday Horoscope 2018-12222

Connections are made or ended, or your job focus may change as one focus fades to make way for a new direction. The year ahead is certain to be a very busy, dynamic, and significant period in your life. Your mind is often working at top speed and perhaps ahead of itself in the period ahead! Even so, Uranus finishes its transit opposite your Sun in April , and this can help stabilize your life tremendously. Until then, p ersonal freedom issues continue to be in strong focus. Others may seem to be introducing changes into your life, whether you feel ready for them or not.

In truth, you are readier than you think! Changes in how you relate to others on a one-to-one level are essential to your personal growth, even if it feels a bit unstable for the time being. Something you have had to give up might now be available to you again, and you need to decide whether you still want it.

Increased psychological awareness of yourself and others can benefit you greatly, and employing strategy in your decision making is easier than usual this year. There may be a project, idea, or person that demands much of your attention or occupies much of your thoughts. You are especially resourceful and determined.

Jessica Adams: Psychic Astrologer. Astrology & Horoscopes

You are, for the most part, optimistic, helpful, and ready to share your wisdom with others. Big picture planning and thinking are in strong focus and quite excellent. This is a year in which you seek out nourishment and naturally nurture and support others. You are more sensitive artistically, your imagination is stirred, and you have an increased appreciation for subtleties. You are inspired and could even inspire others with your words.

Some of your hunches could be prophetic. You are thinking more creatively, too. This impacts many areas of your life beyond the personal, including relationships and work.

Cancer Today

Certain elements of your social life and financial life are stabilized, secured, and more reliable this year. You may solidify a romantic relationship, enjoy stable energies in an existing partnership, or become involved with a mature partner. Circumstances may be such that you need to handle money more carefully this year, or this may simply come naturally to you now. Support from older people or authority figures may come by way of solid advice or more tangible help.

Renewed ties to old friends are possible, or a new sense of responsibility in existing friendships, are also highly likely. Relationships are in strong focus this year, and you can find yourself in high demand! Focusing will be the key to success. You are exploring new things, interests, places, and situations this year, and it becomes you! Do watch for impatience in both your actions and communications, however. You certainly have more courage than usual now, but rushing through things can unnecessarily complicate your life.

Creativity blossoms in the period ahead. Ruled by the Sun. This is a year of action. Are you a rockstar? A witch? Embrace the holiday and dress up celebrate all month!

Aries horoscopes for October 12222

It's also the start of Mercury retrograde. Double-check that you're sexting the right person and beware of exes, but other than that, party safely. There's a big bright full moon in your sign this month, Aries, bringing romantic and sexual satisfaction. And there's money coming, too. Professional moves put into place at the end of the month bring huge earning potentials.

Read your full October horoscope here. October asks you to look deep inside yourself, Taurus, but only so you can turn your deepest desires into a reality. Shake-ups in your love life may go down, but you must trust in the universe that everything is as it should be. Uh oh, Gemini, it's time to update your Tinder profile.

Cancer Horoscope

Is the world ready for your charm? Beware of jealous lovers and focus on enjoying Halloween.

Are you kink-shaming yourself, Cancer? Work on accepting your desires and then share them so that you can play with others. October is all about self-acceptance and self-care so that you may be the happiest crab there ever was. It's okay to take time for yourself, but remember to communicate with others so that your need for solitude isn't mistaken for disinterest. Your animal side will be in full effect later this month by the time Halloween rolls around. The hermit card in the tarot may represent Virgo, but October asks you to go big and bold to reap professional benefits.

Your ruling planet, Mercury, begins its infamous retrograde this month, but it's not always a bad thing.

October begins with an emotional start, Libra. You're known as a heartbreaker, but might find yourself seeking emotional intimacy this month. It's your season, Scorpio. Break out your favorite black outfits and get ready to go all out this Halloween. Just remember to protect your heart. A full moon in fellow fire sign Aries brings hot sex your way on Sunday, October You're having the time of your life, but are others around you? You move at the pace that's best for you, and your love interests would be wise not to push you before you're ready.

Plus, October brings huge professional opportunities, which is the true key to a Capricorn's heart. You're usually cooler than a cucumber, but you find yourself swept up in emotions this month. And an ex or two may reappear in your life later this month when Mercury retrograde hits. There are many fish in the sea, and there are many ways to love. Are you in the relationship format that's best for you? Regardless of your style, there's hot sex in the stars for you this month.

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