Hellenistic astrology hindsight

Hellenistic including Hellenistic astrology, Hellenistic Philosophy, Greek Hellenistic period, Hellenistic period, Greek Astrology and ancient Greek astrology.
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Saturn : 30 years is his recurrence cycle with the Sun. Jupiter: 12 years is his recurrence cycle with the Sun. There is little to indicate in the writings of the Hellenistic astrologers that astronomical accuracy was important. It seems likely that these periods had an ancient heritage and were passed down as lore, in the manner in which a horary astrologer might accept one of Lilly's rules without any attempt to change the periods in the light of any advance in astronomical knowledge. When concerned about matters that relate to the body, release from the Lot of Fortune; when concerned with matters that relate to action or reputation, release from the Lot of Spirit.

If either fortune or spirit, or their domicile rulers, is badly placed take the other for both action and body. If they are both in the same sign take action from the next sign. For infants release from fortune until they are old enough for spirit.

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The releasing takes place from the sign in which fortune or spirit is placed. Each sign is given the minor period of its ruler in years, except for Capricorn which receives 27 years. You continue in the order of the signs. Each general period is split into specific periods by giving each sign its minor periods in months, starting with the general ruler.

When you have gone round the zodiac once, you continue from the planet opposite.

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A day year is used. In Evelyn Waugh's chart, the Lot of Fortune is in Taurus and is well placed, being in a strong house. The first General Time Lord period is Venus, and she rules for 8 years, the second, Mercury, ruling for 19 years and so on around the zodiacal circle.

The first Specific Time Lord in the general period ruled by Venus is Venus, ruling for 8 months, and then Mercury ruling for 15 months etc. However, as mentioned, these are day years and day months so you must convert that to real years. The second method releases from the Sun or the Moon. In a diurnal chart start from the Sun and a nocturnal chart from the Moon, unless either is badly placed, in which case start from the other.

If both were badly placed Vettius Valens would start from the first planet after the Ascendant, whereas Hephaistio would start with the most powerful angular planet. Go round the chart from planet to planet in zodiacal order giving each 10 years 9 months. The specific periods are determined by giving each planet its minor years in months starting with the general ruler and going round the chart in zodiacal order.

Evelyn Waugh's chart is nocturnal. The Moon is conjunct Saturn, which does harm it, but it is angular so I would still release from it. The Moon will rule the first 10 years 9 months, Jupiter will rule the second 9 months etc. The first Specific Time Lord period in the Moon's general period is the Moon, who will rule for 25 months, then Jupiter who will rule for 12 months, Venus who will rule for 8 months etc.

Again these are day years and day months which have to be converted.

Start from the first planet in zodiacal order after the pre-natal lunation, as marked by the Moon. Give each planet a quarter of its minor years. When you have completed the cycle, start the cycle again with the fourth planet from the original starting planet. The Specific Time Lord is determined by giving each planet a proportion of the General Time Lord period as its minor years is a proportion of years.

When they are General Time Lords will not add up to years. The first Specific Time Lord in a general period will be the General Time Lord of that period and they continue in zodiacal order. The Specific Time Lord is calculated by first working out what proportion that planet's general period is of the combined time of all the general periods added together.

The same proportion is then applied to the general period being divided up. In Waugh's chart the first planet after the lunation is the Sun. It rules for a quarter of its minor period, 4 years 9 months; Mars rules next for 3 years 9 months, followed by Saturn for 7 years 3 months etc. The Specific Time Lords are more complicated to calculate but in the Sun's general period the Sun will be the Specific ruler for days which has the same proportion to 4 years 9 months as 19 years has to years, and Mars will rule for days which has the same proportion to 4 years 9 months as 15 years has to years.

Using the whole sign house system choose the one in the 10th house, or failing that the 1st house, 4th house, 7th house in that order. If more than one qualifies choose the one with most dignities in that place; if none qualify look at the succedent signs; if none qualify take the first of these planets after the Ascendant.

After the first planet has been chosen the other planets will become Time Lords in zodiacal order. A planet will distribute the times for its minor period in years, less its minor period in days multiplied by the number of degrees it is away from its exaltation point. Unlike the decennial system the combined total of the times distributed by the seven planets. In Waugh's chart the first planet is the Sun. Therefore the Sun will rule for days. It might seem that these systems are arbitrary but they are not. Along with the Lot of Spirit these were considered the most important points in a natal chart.

These different Time Lord systems use these apheta for determining the order in which the planets distribute the times. Dorotheus would progress the General Releaser by oblique ascension through the bounds, with each bound ruler becoming the principal Time Lord.

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Auxiliary Time Lords are derived when the General Releaser, by direction, hits a planet or an exact aspect to a planet. The planet hit becomes the auxiliary Time Lord. In a diurnal chart one would consider them in the order just given and in a nocturnal chart one would reverse the Sun and Moon.

A General Releaser had to fall in the 1st, 10th or 11th whole sign house, be free of malefics and be aspected by one of its rulers. One would first consider the bound Lord, then the domicile Lord, then the exaltation Lord and finally the trigon Lord. The aspect had to be by whole sign, except for the bound ruler which should be a partite aspect. Ptolemy would direct the main apheta Sun, Moon, Ascendant, MC, and the Lot of Fortune, which was not reversed for nocturnal births and when they hit another planet or made an exact aspect to a planet that planet would become the General Time Lord.

Later in chapter 31, his chapter on annual profections, Paul again uses the same example chart with Leo rising in order to demonstrate the technique, but he also gives us the positions of Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. With this information Holden was able to determine that the native was born on March 19, CE at about pm, presumably in Alexandria, Egypt.

Sachau, vol.

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David Pingree later dismissed the association, pointing out a number of signification differences between the two texts Pingree, The Later Paulisasiddhanta. The first published translation was by Robert Schmidt in , as the very first Greek translation produced by Project Hindsight:. The second translation of Paulus was published by Dorian Greenbaum in through ARHAT publications, along with a translation of the scholia and commentary by Olympiodorus:.

The third translation of the Introduction was completed by James Holden in , which was prior to the other two, although it was only circulated privately. Sachau, Edward trans.

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Schmidt, Robert trans. Greenbaum, Dorian Gieseler trans. Holden, James Herschel trans. Boer, Teubner, Leipzig, Pingree, David, The Yavanajataka of Sphujidhvaja , 2 vols. The articles page contains a collection of articles and links to important papers on our website. Here are a few:. The Hellenistic astrologers page contains detailed biographies of each of the major astrologers from the Hellenistic and Roman periods.