Astrology sign november 20

Here you can read the full astrology profile of someone born under November 20 zodiac with its Scorpio sign details, love compatibility.
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When you are born near the transition between these signs, you are said to be on the cusp. Those born on the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp share characteristics of both signs. One outstanding feature of the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp is that those born during this time have Scorpio's depth of soul and sixth sense as well as Sagittarius' passion. These cuspers are driven to deliver truth in a whole, well-researched package.

How Trustworthy Are You as Per Your Zodiac Sign?

As friends or intimates, they are unnervingly frank, but often sensitive to the deeper dimensions, too, and are sympathetic. The best of the Scorpio and Sagittarius is a generous spirit that sees into your soul. She knows things, like your weaknesses, but has the heart not to use it against you. The Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp is one of water and fire , and these are normally contradictory elements.

Scorpio is a water sign known for its intensity, which is also a top fire sign trait. Scorpio's traditional ruler is Mars , the red planet of vitality and action. You are very much interested in material possessions, however, your strong life principles will always prevent you from putting these ahead of your family or those dear.

Influenced by the achievements of others, you may be chasing some goals that are not necessarily yours at some points in life.

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Prepare to read an exceptional report in the following rows. The zodiac sign for November 20 is Scorpio. Astrological symbol: Scorpion. The sign of the Scorpio is influential for those born October 23 - November 21, when the Sun is considered to be in Scorpio. It is suggestive for numerous desires, tenacity and power and brains combined. The brightest star is Antares while the whole formation is spread on sq degrees.

The name Scorpio comes from the Latin name for Scorpion and so is called in Greece and France, while in Spain the sign for November 20 zodiac sign is called Escorpion. Opposite sign: Taurus. This suggests help and nicety but also means that this sign and Scorpio can create an opposition aspect at some point, not to mention that opposites attract. Modality: Fixed. This can reveal how much originality and loyalty exists in the lives of those born on November 20 and how expansive they are in general.

Ruling house: The eighth house. This connection suggests that Scorpios rule over material possessions of others around, sexual relations and the ultimate transformation of death. This house focuses on what others own and on the need to have everything that others have.

Ruling body: Pluto. This celestial body is said to influence achievement and seriousness. It is also relevant from the caution perspective. The Pluto glyph represents a circle over a crescent and a cross. Element: Water. This element makes things boil in association with fire, it's evaporated by air and shapes things in combination with earth.

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Water signs born under November 20 are malleable, versatile and full of creativity. Lucky day: Tuesday. This is a day ruled by Mars, therefore deals with motivation and ardor.

November 20 Zodiac - Full Horoscope Personality

It suggests the intellectual nature of Scorpio natives. People born on November 20 are helpful and empathetic beings, sometimes dreamy, sometimes overly rational. They have great emotional intelligence skills and often share their awareness with those close to them despite the otherwise secretive image that they surround themselves with. They feel the need to be in charge and dislike commonness but their biggest obstacle is when they are confronted with sudden transformation.

They enjoy journeying very much, especially the discovery side of it. Positive traits: Private, charming and intelligent, these natives possess complex personalities that need time to unravel. They are inquisitive by nature and love discovering new things. They are very private when it comes to their activities but are also boastful when in the right company as they can be quite uninhibited when in the right company. They are loyal to those they care for and are usually respectable members of the society. Negative traits: Suspicious and resentful beings by nature, these natives find it hard to cope with the frustration they accumulate in their lives.

They also find it easier to blame others and then they act accordingly. They don't ever admit when they are wrong. They are possessive and tend to go all controlling with those close to them and often play the victim and find all kinds of weird explanations for their clinginess when confronted. Lovers born on November 20 are passionate and mysterious. They find it very hard to commit to one person, but when they do they become very loyal and reliable.

Do you want to know if someone is trustworthy or not? How do you get over trust issues with some zodiac signs?

You never know who will deceive you and break your trust. It might be possible that the person you trust the most will betray or the one close to your kin may stab you in the back. You must be aware of who is your true friend and who you cannot trust in hard times. Although you cannot predict someone, you can surely know their behavior, traits, inner intentions with the help of astrology and zodiac signs by your name as well as your date of birth.

🎂 Birthdays

Your astrology signs are the true mirror of your personality. It influences your behavior, character, emotions, traits, and outer appearance. By understanding each zodiac sign, you can learn about a person and decide to what extent you can trust someone. In this post, you can learn about the most faithful zodiac signs and discover the zodiac signs with trust issues. There are 12 zodiac signs in astrology.

Each astrology sign carries a specific trait and quality. Read on to know what zodiac signs you can trust the most and what are those zodiac signs that cannot be trusted? The first sign of the zodiac and the one you can trust the most. Aries are honest and strong believers of following ethics and morals. They trust people with an open heart and expect the same from them. These people are vivacious and spontaneous. They are an open book with nothing to hide. They are straightforward in their approach and mind their own business.

Taurus is the most faithful zodiac sign of all. They are reliable and can be trusted easily. Ruled by the earthy sign, Taurus exhibit the qualities of being grounded and calm. They believe in living life with simple rules with no manipulations.

Astrology Zodiac Elements

They are the sagacious friends on whom you can trust at any stage. These people are one of the sweetest and one of the most loyal zodiac signs in the relationship. They possess dual nature and have trust issues. However, these people are really friendly and can make a good pair in a relationship.

Scorpio Personality Traits (Scorpio Traits and Characteristics)

Cancerians are quite devoted and sensitive.