Libra love horoscope 28 december 2019

Libra December horoscope predictions for love, health, wealth, family, career and relationships. Know how favorable this month is.
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The most compatible zodiac signs for the Libra native in love are : Gemini, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. Out of all the air signs, the most judicious, charming and diplomate sign, you will form an ideal couple with the Gemini or Aquarius natives. With the latter,you can have a superb love story because they are two libertine dreamers and they know to give each other space, when necessary.

Your September 12222 Monthly Horoscope

With the Leo native , they can form a couple just like at Hollywood, they will shine and they will love each other like in stories. With the Sagittarius, the Libra native will have a balanced house, based on justice and fairness. In January, professional relationships can cause problems, and some can even break. Although unpleasant, the relational stress can be the factor that prompts to finding new, progressive solutions.

Aries - Libra Love Horoscope & Compatibility

In a transit that gets manifested especially in March, Mercury in Pisces amplifies the focus on work and career starting from March Gifted with more practical sense and competitive spirit than usual, you have chances to succeed in concretizing the professional goals. As the weather gets warmer, their accounts might become richer. It is good to know that from October, not everything will be as bright. You s risk to lose a great amount of money or, simply, you will stop making money so easily. This is why, if they make smart investments, they will have money all year round.

Similarly, if they save, they will have money for the entire year. If not, the end of is not going to be a good one for the Libra natives from a financial point of view. Once Uranus enters the Taurus in August , new opportunities will appear , whether to hold a position they aspired over the years or to find a job abroad. Regarding money, again, you will enjoy a favourable period: their earnings are again on the rise, the spending is under control, so the total balance will be positive.

It gives them vitality and confidence, it highlights their qualities, making you to be appreciated and admired. In July, you will invest the better part of their energy in their career and will be quite busy dealing with all the occurring opportunities and occasions. Started during the summer of the previous year, the journey of Jupiter through the house of Libra also continues in the first half the year.

The doors to success are open and the chances of advancement, expansion, and prestige may occur anytime. Saturn helps to focus and to elaborate strategies. Therefore, the path to success is open this year! In , you will have opportunities at every step, they will only need to know how to take advantage of them. However, this lunar eclipse could bring unexpected events and news that are likely to cause anxiety and uncertainty about the future. Life may seem more hectic and fast-paced than before.

The new moon in Libra arrives today.

Patience, self-control, adaptability and an open mind will help you and take advantage of the new opportunities that arise from the changing conditions ahead. July 2 to December 25 — The July 2 Solar Eclipse suggests you may feel pressured to work harder and overcome some obstacles to your progress. Superiors and men with big egos may test you and your goals, forcing you to prove your very identity and what you are doing.

However, this is a refreshingly optimistic solar eclipse that brings good health, honor, and riches. It brings people together and is a good omen for ending conflict through compromise and negotiation. You can make your dreams come true through patience, open-mindedness, and hard work. July 7 to 20 — Mercury retrograde sextile your decan brings the potential for unexpected meetings with people from your past. Old friends or former partners would be good to see but may make your life more complicated. You can also expect to dwell on things and reminisce about the past. New people entering your life could be past life contacts who owe you a favor or two.

But while this fortnight might be good for flicking through old photo albums, Mercury retrograde is generally considered more of a nuisance than a benefit. Business negotiations will be in a state of flux. December 1, , to January 17, — Jupiter square your decan does create some tests and challenges but they are actually opportunities for growth.

They give you the push you need to make some great progress in life. You will feel the urge to expand your horizons, to try new, bigger and better things. The trick here is not to spread yourself too thin, thereby wasting your energy and talents. You do not need to curb your enthusiasm for personal or professional success, but channel it into fewer projects.

However, being too proud or vain, and expecting too much of others may cause relationship problems. Excess, waste, greed or overconfidence would take some higher and more spiritual thinking to resolve. December 7 to 23 — Jupiter trine Uranus exact on December 15 brings lucky breaks and exciting encounters.

This is a good time to try something new and different. This could range from a new hair style to an overseas adventure.

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You can take risks now and feel optimistic about success. You will have the extra freedom and willingness to push the boundaries and explore new territory. This is an especially good transit if you feel your life has stagnated. You may already have anticipated something exciting on the horizon and been growing restless.

Unexpected opportunities will offer you a new path forward and satisfy your need for positive change. Your Libra Horoscope is based on planetary transits to Libra Decan 1, not to houses, zones or sectors. December 12, , to December 28, — Saturn square your decan can make you feel pressured and burdened, leading to feelings of isolation and discouragement.

Superiors, parents or other authority figures will likely challenge your sense of purpose and your goals. If your goals are just ones and in your best interest, this testing period can strengthen your resolve once you deal with the challenges. But if it all gets too hard and you can see no way to win, it might be better to cut your losses and conserve your energy. December 20, , to February 18, — Jupiter sextile your decan is a time of happiness and optimism.

Your energy, charisma, clout and timing soar upward very late Fri. This week and the next couple are filled with work, Taurus. Sunday daytime hovers around ethics, law, travel, and learning. Okay, nothing special. Be ambitious late Sunday night to predawn Wed. After this, a door to success opens. Tuesday starts 3 weeks of affection with partners and associates to Nov. Good time to start a bond, or to work in tandem.

Happiness visits you Wed. A new love could start, but it might have sexual snags.

Retreat Fri. Rest, ponder and plan, but keep those plans flexible, circumstances might change them. Just stay quiet and glide through it. Aim high, because almost anybody will respond favourably to your advances during this time. Why chase second-best? But one caution: romance et al will not succeed either now, or worse, after months or years if you first meet before mid-afternoon Monday.

It portends long-term uncaring, coldness. This night to midday Mon. Later Monday to daybreak Wed.

Yearly Love Horoscope: 12222 Love Guide for Libra

Your career, prestige relations, worldly standing and ambitions take first place Wed. Your hopes, popularity and love of life soar late Fri. But sign nothing, commit to nothing, promise nothing. The accent continues on your domestic world, Cancer — garden, kids, house, security, etc.

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Until November 18, your domestic scene is intense and might lead to argument — or to an ambitious venture based in your home. Tuesday begins almost 4 weeks of sweet affection in romantic areas. Sunday daytime is relationship oriented — sign nothing, commit to nothing important. Sunday night to Wed. Almost everything fails in this arena before mid-afternoon Monday, and succeeds after that.

Culture, law, social rituals, intellect, learning, far travel — and love — float in Wed. Except a work schedule or minor health thing. Become ambitious Fri. Take care as opposition, or unexpected circumstances might thwart you. So work alone, but slowly: think thrice before committing to any action. For example, a bit of paperwork is nothing special — but it is if it contains your college admission application.

A love letter contains more than it appears to. Your home will be affectionate, pleasing Tuesday to Nov. Do chores Sunday daytime, but stay away from anything decorative e. Relationships confront you late Sunday night to Wednesday morning. Duck before Mon. So wait, then do chase someone, or woo your spouse, or form a working association, from Mon. Opportunities, relocation, public dealings also on the Mon.

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Dig deep, reject surface appearances. Almost everything succeeds here — except romance. Law, far travel, higher education, international affairs, ethics, cultural and social rites fill Fri. You might suddenly feel the lure of a very sexy person Sat. Best stance Sat.? Be thoughtful — action not necessary. The focus remains on money, earnings, purchases, memory, sensual attractions and depreciating assets e.

All October, money will rush toward you — but it can also rush away, so bank it, avoid debt.