January 15 2020 cancer astrology

Planetary Overview The Astrology of Year On this page, you'll find a handy overview of cosmic Jan 2, PM, First Quarter Moon, 12 Ari 15' .. Zodiac Sign Ingresses. Dec May 28, PM Mercury enters Cancer.
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A little razzle-dazzle tap-dance showstopper with jazz hands will distract even the mightiest cosmic order, apparently. In any case, maybe this is dumb, but instead of letting yourself be the subject of this transit, you could intentionally choose something else to become the subject of the transit. How does one act like Saturn? Saturn weighs, scrutinizes, criticizes, and bears down wherever it goes. Now this might be an exercise in futility. Killing a cockroach to be a stand-in for your own transits portending your own death will likely not stop you from dying, if that is your fate at that time.

But free will is an extremely convincing illusion, so illude away! At least this way you get to pick your poison. You could think of this in terms of the house Saturn and Pluto are passing through in your chart. Maybe this means paring down your style to be more functional, simple, ascetic, age-appropriate. Maybe this means giving up on covering up the bald spots and embracing a fully shaven head. Maybe this means giving up on coloring your hair and embracing your destiny as a silver fox or silver vixen, or a white fox or a white vixen.

5 Tips For Surviving the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn – Patrick Watson

With Pluto in the mix however, it might be something more extreme than just a makeover, something which reflects a dramatic internal transformation as well as an external one at this time. Weigh how much value it really has to you. Make some of your money back through a yard sale, or put some things on the Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist or ebay. For extra Saturn points though, you could donate it to Goodwill or think of other people in your life who could use it, and give it away freely. With Pluto in the mix however, there is something especially traumatic or cathartic about the process of going through your old possessions.

In a house associated with everything quick, mobile and fleeting, Saturn and Pluto could slow things down to a grinding halt. Maybe this is a time when your typical mode of transportation is out of commission, or your local area is being dug up and renovated, and you have to find new ways around to get where you want to go, or a new commute becomes a long arduous bore. With Pluto in the mix, there is something especially profound or rotten about this area of your life at this time.

This can also be a time when your relationships with neighbors, siblings, cousins or close friends can become icy. Maybe this means setting down some roots to establish your home base of operations. This could mean moving back to take on the responsibility of caring for elderly or unwell family members. With Pluto in the mix, there is something especially traumatic or cathartic about this area of your life at this time. If you have no plans to move, maybe evaluate how secure your home is and consider an emergency preparedness plan. Stock up on supplies, just in case. Maybe sacrifice the security of familial help or the comfort of having your own place far away from them, and embrace the responsibility of being part of a family.

In the context of children, it could mean embracing your responsibilities to them rather than indulging them, even if they reject you.

  1. Planetary Overview.
  2. 2020 Planetary Overview;
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  4. Astrology Calendar - Your Zodiac Sign.
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  6. January 15th Birthday Horoscope 12222-2020.

It could also mean accepting that there are limits to how much you can control them. With Pluto in the mix, there is something especially profound and transformative about this area of your life at this time. This could be a time when you are feeling imprisoned more than usual by your daily routine, your work, maintenance and duties, weighing the worth of it all. This could also be a time of facing significant health issues, especially after a period of neglect.

Instead of just letting this all happen to you, make this Saturn-Pluto transit mean the moment you turn this ship around. Embrace the grunt work, make a plan to get out of it, prioritize accomplishing your most important duties, especially those surrounding your health. Sacrifice comfort, feel the burn. With Pluto in the mix, the stakes may be especially high in this area of your life at this time. This could perhaps be a time when you feel cloistered and trapped by a relationship, when you reach the limits of your patience and decide to establish boundaries to protect yourself.

As unromantic as it is, you may have to harshly judge the worth of your relationship. If it continues, it will be stronger for having been tested. If you are currently single, relationships may arise in which there may be some utilitarian advantage for one of the parties, alongside affection and companionship.

There could also be the possibility for manipulation and coercion through unbalanced power dynamics. With Pluto in the mix, there may be something especially poisonous or profound in this area of your life at this time. You may have to sacrifice detrimental habits and behaviors in order to formalize or improve a relationship, or sacrifice the comfort of having a partner.

This may be a time when you are vulnerable to participating in a crime or an underhanded approach to achieving something. Perhaps the sacrifice you could make in this case is to forgive a debt owed to you. Perhaps reflect on those who have passed on in your life and consider what they would have wanted you to do in their memory, or what they would have wanted for you.

Honor their wishes in some way. With Pluto in the mix, this may be an especially spooky and profound episode in your life at this time. Whatever you sacrifice should be something that hurts a bit to give. This could mean embracing the criticism of your ideas and your works, or acknowledging the limits of your ideas and working them back up from the ground again, or going back to school or taking courses to build up an area of deficiency. With Pluto in the mix, this may be an especially profound and humbling area of your life in this time. This can be a time of great advancement but also perilous at such a great height.

You may find yourself in morally compromised situations involving coercion and manipulation. There may be great fear and trepidation in dealing with bosses and authorities. With Pluto in the mix, this may be an especially precarious and profound area of your life in this time. Maybe you have to sacrifice a short-term advancement or gains for the sake of long term goals, in weighing what you really want to do with your life. This may mean you have to give up having certain people as friends or colleagues, either because they are no longer of real use or benefit to you, or because you have to stand up for a less popular colleague for an important reason which causes you disfavor with others.

You may have to choose who your real friends are, who your real allies are. You may have to give up awards and accolades which are not due to you and give credit where you know it is properly deserved. With Pluto in the mix, there is something especially trying and profound in this area of your life in this time. Maybe you could sacrifice the spotlight and give a boost to those you consider deserving and are little known, try using your own power and platform to raise up others. You may find yourself in quiet, isolated places, by your own volition or not.

Never to say what they did was okay, but to not bother yourself anymore with them. Insulate yourself from these less pleasant characters in your existence. This may be as simple as walking away from an argument on social media, letting someone get the last word in, pulling off the road and counting to Maybe you can sacrifice the addictive burden of holding a grudge.

While you roll your eyes, let me explain what I mean. Surviving life is one thing, but living life is quite another. Spoiler alert: no one survives this place. No one gets out of here alive. Death will come to us all someday. However, as much as death is inevitable, so is the life that precedes it. So to some degree, to whatever extent is possible, you still have to carry on with your life despite the horror show.

Astrology Calendar in 2020

There will still be jokes to laugh at and problems to solve, beauty to witness and create, things to fight for and believe in, joys and victories to be won, new discoveries to be made and new dreams to be had. You have to because these are as inevitable as the things we fear and dread. They never completely go away, but life goes on in all its ugliness and splendor. Fear can be reasonable, but it can never be a sole guiding principle. Best of luck. This is excellent work, Patrick. Many thanks! I hope it will attract clientele for you, to whom you can offer real help. Leo rising and working on 6th house issues — diet and exercise, finding work, giving up cigs.

Starting now. Not waiting for January. Actually looking forward to it. The limitations and dark side of our belief systems. Including astrology. I love coming across a professional who will be the first to admit that neither him nor his discipline have all the answers. I experienced this when I came down with a mysterious illness during a Neptune, Pluto, Uranus transit. And the chief pain specialist I went to said to me. Western medicine knows relatively very little actually. And the best advice I can give you is to see whether Eastern traditional medicine can give you the relief you need.

I wished more astrologers were like that doctor. Astrology is as much an art as it is a science. And like all bodies of knowledge subjective. And affected by the environment and the culture in which it is practiced. So by all means check out your zodiac. And to also include other modalities like human design, the tarot and plant based medicine if you really want to get the big picture. Otherwise with astrology you will only be getting at best less than half the answer.

I think this is what Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn is trying to get through to us. Know your limitations. Have the courage to look into the shadows of your own belief systems. Including the stories you tell yourself about who you really are. And what it is you are doing exactly. Astrology like everything has its blind spots and it would be nice to hear more astrologers investigate and talk about what those were.

Which can only be done by stepping outside astrology. Seeing it from a distance. And putting it into a broader political, cultural and anthropological context. Yes, I agree with this quest for analysis of our belief structures and how they inform and create our societies. For instance, I wonder what our world would now look like if we had collectively chosen in the Anglo-American postwar era to politically employ the dark duality of Pisces as a vehicle of engaged empathy in the suffering of others, rather than indulge in using the knowledge of the vulnerabilities of others in a dirty destructive material progressivist war set within a winner v loser paradigm: the latter abuse of human power simply transforming the entire world into a virtual degrading prison for all of us.

Excellent comment! All these modalities afford an exercise in exploring the manner in which we frame our perceptions — how we nuance the context of our lives. I really enjoyed this particular article — another colour on the palette with which I may bring vibrancy or contrast to the composition of my consciousness. He tries to explain cosmic verities through the lens of astrology, which is tough to do.

And, he manages to give each person reading a little bit of homework to do, and make a positive effort on their own behalf. Nice going. Great article! I liked how you came up with examples you worked on your own. Most astrologers online just search a celebrity database and put a meaningless list o names. The doomish and the sugarcoating analysis are not astrology. I woke up today feeling that I am completely lost in life, and that everything I am doing is pointless.

Your article helped me to recall the connections to other years of my life. Well, I did finish college and some grad school degrees since then.. But still, your article reminded me about all my planets in libra… yeah wannabe astrologers like me are like that, they always forget to check squares, always focused on conjunctions and oppositions…. But if I may say something personal, I have all outers conjunct to inners, except sun and moon conjunct in scorpio, and in my life, somehow, all outers are totally personal!

My natal venus is in 4 Libra, conjunct pluto in 3 Libra. Thank you very much Patrick. And I can now seriously freak out. Joking aside, I have Jupiter in Cancer at 24 degrees so it will be…. Take care x. In all honesty… I have this aspect in the septile, even though it is not in the conjunction. I feel the effects. Understanding my asc. The first thing that I was struggling with is transportation. Whereas I lost my car in an accident. Yet, money for my insurance money to replace my car. I also have Saturn in Capricorn. I also have Pluto with Scorpio. There is this strain to get people to work with you that is driving me crazy.

Something I have no control over. The other thing is I had my son before Saturn Returns in Capricorn.

He is a Saturn in Sag. I realized he got lucky in some ways. On the 25th a Full Moon enhances your communications skills especially with sibling or neighbor. You may find yourself solving problems of debts owed to you and come out of it amicably. Attend an educational seminar or enrol in classes of a different sort now. Money returns to you from an unexpected source. Your need for freedom can not be undermined now and it would be best if you did everything in your powers to express this. You may have recently been the object of an animals attraction.

Stray kitten or other familiar shows up at your doorstep at a very important turning point in your life. Their kindness can help you through difficult times as well as good ones. Health and working conditions are also going through a transformation now making you subject of possible lawsuits or other legal binding contract later this month. This month will bring a legal matter to your attention. Allow your companion to make suggestion and listen to their advice. You may just need to adjust your values a little to be more consistent with others.

Let others take the lead now while you sharpen your people skills. The th are days you can apply new tricks to a perplexing problem and come out ahead. These are your personal days that let you shine and get noticed by all. Your emotional involvement with things of value is important now and will need to be discussed this January. Nothing superficial going on now. The finances of another involves you significantly now. You may be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel in this long battle over control of a monetary situation.

Keep in mind that there will be many opportunities to increase your income now. A sudden opportunity arises that allows you to travel by water or Oceanside village. Travel by air is likely and can provide you with the opportunity to make yourself known as successful. Invite them all for champagne brunch or a tailgate party.

Embrace them and share your enthusiasm for more opportunistic times. Powerful attractions and or habits may push you over the edge. Its time to transform things that directly effect your health before they transform you. This period places emphasis on your health this month providing another opportunity to start over. It becomes very apparent how stress and employment conditions effect your psyche and physical health. Finish up with any creative projects you may have entertained over the past several weeks and move on to bigger and better things. You may find yourself in a new work environment with new and interesting associates offering their assistance.

The 11thth may be particularly trying days where you much prefer to take time off if possible. Moon in your opposite sign may rob you of your stamina and make every step you take an effort. Sway away from taking unnecessary risks. They are sadly mistaken. Use this energy to recharge your battery and come forward again with a new approach.

You are about to begin the upward journey again as you head toward your birth month 6 month from now. The light at the end of the tunnel is now shining brightly. Keep your faith in tact. You feel recharged and energized ready to start many new projects. Home and family affairs are in for a bit of stirring up. Home issues need to be addressed again. The 10th is the beginning of happier times to come. Children can bring an enormous source of pleasure now. You may decide to start a family of your own now. Relationships start off as quickly as others come to an end. But by all means use this creative period to get ahead and sell your ideas to others.

Your sense of values and what you need to accomplish in life suddenly becomes perfectly clear providing you with a new focus. Feeling a bit under the weather or withdrawn you may prefer to visit old haunts over the new. Dreams quite prophetic now it would be wise to try to analyze them for later use. Health takes on a special boost with the Sun visiting this sector of your chart.

You may be required to express your authority at work. This may be difficult with more ethereal types who need more written instruction to be activated. Provide others with the strength and forethought they need to overcome obstacles and forge ahead with assuredness. You may be pleasantly surprised.

You make it difficult for others to refuse you and can make real progress with any plans you might have on your mind. Real estate transactions finally take place but not without some grief from others that try to interfere with your progress.


This can include sibling or neighbor. Working from a home office may be a better alternative then past choices. Choosing between family life and professional ambitions can string you along all month. Moon visits your sign twice this month giving you ample opportunity to get noticed and make a good impression on others.

You get many things accomplished now. You look and feel your best and others take you seriously. Make it an opportunity to go out sociably and make new contacts. Invite others to join you there to celebrate your new beginnings. Make a statement about what you value most in life. Let others know exactly how you feel. Love affairs that have an ethereal quality can begin now. The meeting of a true soul mate can occur making the dark dreary days of winter much more enjoyable. Seeing that your spending all your time and attention on your new love they have been missing your attention.

Invite them to party along with you and your new friend. You may be surprised at the turn of events. Thoughts are on financial planning. Be versatile and creative in applying your job skills and watch earning abilities improve. The 5th and 6th are your personal days to shine.

Wry subtle humor is your best approach now. Send original greeting card or email to friends and enemies. Being involved in several projects at once alleviates your boredom and keeps the mind sharp and receptive. Although that may not be the case on the th when the starts insists that partners take the lead. Sit back and follow their directive for a change. On the 25th there is a very important astro event that emphasizes your career and home environment.

You may come to the conclusion that one or the other must change if you are to be happy with them both. You feel that subtle changes that you have been witnessing are about to unfold and this may be your first clue as to what that is. Your presence in the work force is greatly admired and appreciated now and you can be certain others take notice. A reward or recognition can come to you now making you very proud. Short distance journeys increase and communication with siblings improve. Just letting things go may be the answer to avoid unnecessary conflict. Learn from a past mistake and go on to improve future relationships.

In this winter month your bound to be more fired up then usual. Friends come to your rescue and set you straight about future plans. Saturn still has an iron fist on lending options so you may need to resort to your own sources for income to provide coverage of your needs. Keep tempers in check and start a good exercise program where you can release some of that pent up energy or anger.

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January th are your personal days this month. Use the energy it supplies you to find yourself new and exciting ways of expressing yourself without becoming argumentative. Try to go with the flow and not be so rigid in your thoughts and ideas that others view you as stubborn.

On the 10th you will improves finances and the starts will allow you to buy a long-anticipated purchase. Take a short trip around the time of the 25ths. Visits to sibling or neighbor can be quite satisfying now. You may find yourself completing a writing project that provides you with additional income. Fiction or occult subject matter take the lead bringing an answer to your financial problems. Keep writing. The 10th is like a personal birthday for Capricorn.

Four luminaries align with your Sun and lend structure and meaning to your day. Jupiter at the top of your chart places emphasis on your social status. Improve your people skills and maintain a healthy balance between personal and professional life. Being well rounded will greatly improve your efforts at achieving your goals.

What goes out returns triplefold.