Virgo horoscope 13 january 2020

Your Virgo horoscope is accurate because it is divided into decans. Virgo Decan 3 born September 13 to 22 Until January 17, – Jupiter trine your decan from December 1, is a time of good fortune, good.
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The predictions for the Virgo Horoscope says that you would be interested in helping the needy, and work for the greater welfare of the society. Your humble and noble nature would be regarded greatly, and your name and fame would increase in the society.

Virgo Horoscope – Virgo Horoscope

The Astrological forecasts for Virgo students suggest should take care to focus and study diligently as you would succeed only with hard work. With serious study and hard work, you would succeed, or else might have to incur loss or a break in your routine studies, as per the Astrological Reports.

Full & New Moons

This year might bring avenues for the start of competition, wherein you might face failure if you are serious about it. New and healthier routines that encompass physical fitness, eating routines, and diligent study, can free you to explore the bounties of life around you. From 22 March to 4 May , Mars would be transiting in the Capricorn sign with Saturn, which would mean that you should be aware of your competitors, as per the Horoscope for Virgo. Take care to be always aware of them so that you do not fall prey to conflicts that might lead to court cases in From the month of April until June of , you would be presented with great chances to travel.

This would bring back the excitement in your life to carry on with the daily activities, be it work, study, or others. Avoid any issue that might create anxiety in your mind, and stay away from problems that give you unnecessary stress and tension. Maintain your lifestyle and take care of your health and avoid any kind of issue that might lead you to aggression, or else you might suffer from Hypertension, the Horoscope Predictions for suggest. Maintaining your health by following a strict and healthy regime, with adequate exercise and healthy eating, would help you stay fir and lead a very healthy life.

The Virgo Horoscope also predicts that in , you might incur extra expenses this year due to various factor, and hence, you should try to control your extra unnecessary expenses, and also find ways for extra income, so that you do not have to deal with a financial crunch this Get your fortune predictions for Virgo Horoscope: Seducing someone is the toughest task for Virgo natives. One-night stands or casual flings can be harmful for your heart health as you get way too serious about things.

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Still, in Mars offers you great opportunities to invade this untapped territory of romantic and sexual endeavors. This is a period when your physical energy would be at peak and you would enjoy enhanced libido. The feeling of completeness which you crave in a romantic relationship can be experienced in this duration.

January 2020 Astrology Predictions – Part One

Virgo Horoscope Saturn, lords your 5th house but in it will be posited in your 4th house due to which there is possibility of drop in intimate moments between the couples. Sun conjunct Lilith. Sun conjunct Uranus. Sun conjunct Venus. Sun conjunct North Node. Mars enters Sagittarius. Venus enters Pisces.

Mercury enters Aquarius. Sun enters Aquarius. Lilith enters Aries. Mercury enters Pisces. Venus enters Aries. Mars enters Capricorn. Sun enters Pisces. Venus enters Taurus. Sun enters Aries Spring Equinox. Saturn enters Aquarius. Mars enters Aquarius. Venus enters Gemini. Mercury enters Aries.

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Sun enters Taurus. Mercury enters Taurus. Mercury enters Gemini. Mars enters Pisces. Sun enters Gemini. Mercury enters Cancer. North N enters Gemini. Sun enters Cancer Summer Solstice. Mars enters Aries. Saturn enters Capricorn.

Sun enters Leo.