Virgo daily, weekly, monthly and yearly video and written astrology forecasts by award winning astrologer Michele Knight.
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Join in the discussion about Orcus at this website's New Planet Forum. The owl is provided with excellent hearing and so it also hunts prey in the dark. I think that in current practice of the divinatory arts, a "culminating" fixed star means one that occupies the same degree of the zodiac as does the midheaven.
The Full Moon stirs our emotions, so it's fitting that the Full Moon for each month has a different name and personality. Then turn the lights out at night and watch. By using your zodiac sign to analyze the question, it gives you a much more honest, unbiased, and revealing answer.
The Cancer zodiac sign rules the feminine principle and is governed by the emotional moon. You look up into the sky. If you actually believe that astrology can tell you everything you need to know about yourself by only your sun sign you haven't really studied astrology, or met a varied amount of people.
Emotional, intuitive, and practically psychic; ruled by the moon and characterized by the crab, Cancer has so much going on in its watery depths. The 5-pointed star has long been connected to Venus, Jesus, Satan, and the Mayan connection to the year One example is the s when Neptune was in Scorpio, and there was heavy experimentation in drugs, and the music veered toward the trance-like, shadowy, dark, mysterious and subterranean.
Aries An Aries individual loves to be a trophy on your arm. And are there any other hidden powers of the mind and thought at work in today's world politics? In Dark Star Rising: Magick and Power in the Age of Trump, historian and cultural critic Gary Lachman takes a close look at the various magical and esoteric ideas that are impacting political events across the globe. Far from the light pollution of civilization, protected by a special force of park rangers and volunteer astronomers, Bryce Canyon is a sanctuary for natural darkness.
The stars were known as "fixed" as they didn't appear to move in the same way as the planets do, which are also known as the "wandering" stars. This zodiac sign is your mortal enemy. If you are on a cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan. Interpretations for birthdays this week and general mood day by day. Watch trailers and view set photos from space movies and TV shows. Something can come to fruition, culmination, or a turning point. Posts about The Star of Kings written by venusastro. The fixed stars have been used in astrology as additional indicators of various things for thousands of years.
JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman are a famous couple with a Yod in the composite chart. It got its common name because of the high number of supernovae that have been. Please read the FAQ before posting! Capricorn Horoscope August The stars would be composed mostly of normal matter, like modern stars, but a high concentration of neutralino dark matter within them would generate heat via annihilation reactions between the dark-matter particles. By Brie Dyas. That's when the sky will likely to be clear and dark. The purpose of this article is to introduce the reader to the fundamentals of Esoteric Astrology, as well as to provide an understanding as to how this astrological system is revelatory.
We've got everything you need to know about your sign from Leo zodiac sign horoscope dates personality traits and characteristics that make you YOU and famous Leo people that share your horoscope. Dark Suns or Dark Stars are the alternative focal points of the planets and asteroids orbiting the Sun. The constellations chart is striking in its simplicity and design. The Homepagers Daily Horoscopes are penned by Deborah our resident astrology expert. You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.
Donald John Trump, Sr. Those born with the moon or Venus in Aries will often share this characteristic too… Read Aries, Beauty, it's all about the brow…. Studying the dark side of every zodiac sign, like the fears we have, can make astrology a more useful tool for everyone. When it comes to romance compatibility astrology, Gemini meshes best with fellow air signs, as well as energetic fire signs that share their vitality and zest for life. When identifying the zodiac signs' physical characteristics, you don't want to look at just the Sun sign.
Decan 2 Taurus Horoscope September Know about Taurus Weekly Horoscope Prediction Born Between April 21 — May 21 In Taurus weekly horoscope, we help you know your Taurus zodiac sign personality, things to do as per your preference, and other dimensional aspects of your traits through our correct and reliable Taurus weekly astrology predictions.
Your free astrology horoscope for the week of February 11th - 17th, , the week of a New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse is here for each of the zodiac signs. APN There are many references also to the seven angels, who are the 7 moons of Nibiru. With the sun joining Mars and Venus in Virgo, and a new moon in Virgo at the end of the week, this is the time to put some order into your love life.
Ophiuchus FAQ. We will continue to delight in the cross, while recognizing that others use the same image to represent their dark forces.
Tyler Tarot Leo 12222
Link to this page Print: Loading Sky Maps. Browse all products from Amy Jane Elves. Actually, we all have more than one Zodiac Sign. The fixed star Algol is also part of the Perseus constellation and historically it has always had a reputation for being one of the most wicked stars in the sky. Learn how to counter the nonsense that moon-landing-conspiracy-theorists spew.
Pirate and poet lace ruff shirts and gothic military tailed frock coats. Sylvia Sky, M. Eris is the new planet discovered in that was found to be larger than Pluto. In the end, only something much less subjective and calculated overall could truly answer the question, how dark is your soul? Below we attempt to do just that and will tell you how dark your soul is, based on your zodiac sign.
The New Moon of the 5th, in a fellow Earth sign, is working very much in your favour. Screen printed by hand in New Hampshire 18 x 24 is a 2 color screenprint on lb blue stock Signed and stamped We also have the Southern Hemisphere, if you are feeling completist S. Shop for customizable Dark Star clothing on Zazzle. Here the planet of love, Venus and Uranus form the base of the Yod, while dreamy Neptune, the patron star of Hollywood is at the apex.
What are Rising Signs? Your Rising Sign, otherwise known as an Ascendant, is the Zodiac Sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the moment you were born. So we have the masculine Sun stopping in its tracks to usher in a new, sisterly solar cycle. Light pollution is a growing issue for amateur astronomers, but with many of our sites. The constellations govered by him are Ashwin, Magha and Mool.
The North node is called Rahu and the South node is known as Ketu. The midheaven, is in Gemini and the ruler is therefore also Mercury. So the government is all about misinformation, particularly about foreign countries. The sun is also in quincunx with the midheaven and this means that there are certainly differences of opinion between the president and the government.
That, of course, comes as no surprise considering the majority Democrat congress. The Moon in the 1st house with a favourable trine from Mars indicates that there will be a change of sentiment among the people and that they will start to see more clearly. This may mean, considering the overall chart ruler of retrograde Mercury, that people start to see through the smokescreen, coming from the government, start to be clearer about what really matters.
Venus in the sixth house suggests should be good for the ordinary people, however, it is afflicted by a square from Mars and receives a boost from a Jupiter trine. This indicates that some will do well and others less so. Jupiter is in his own sign of sagittarius and so very strong, Mars is in Taurus and so very weak. On balance, therefore, ordinary people are going to do well in the next six months. My guess is that those working in home industries will do better than those involved in international trade.
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- Mercury Neptune Conjunction !
Mars is in the 9th house suggests that there will be more religious scandals and maybe also judicial misjudgments. However, Mars is supported by both Saturn and the Moon. Jupiter in the 4th in sagittarius indicates that there will be good weather, good crops and generally a very productive and fruitful period. Overall, though, agriculture will do well. Uranus in the 8th house suggests that there will be many unusual deaths.
There is a semi-square with Neptune and this suggest to me that these are likely to be drug-related deaths. Expect the number of opioid-related deaths to increase during this period. Neptune is loose conjunction and opposite the ascendant. There will be those who talk about socialism, but their message is not clear and the people will not accept it. All in all, it seems that DJT will still be firmly in the saddle. Yes, a sizable portion of the population will still not be able to accept him, but in general, the country will do fairly well and the Trump fans will stay loyal.
The biggest upset is that people are starting to see through the lies emanating from the government about intervention in foreign countries. A continuation of the withdrawal of America from the world stage will continue apace during the next six months. Nothing seems to suggest that the US will get its way in Venezuela and this will represent the beginning of a sea change at home and abroad.
JMG I have been watching the actual moonrise. The next will be in This earth tide is much smaller than the ocean tides. However, it appears to have a significant impact on earth currents. The sun causes about a third as much of an earth tide as the moon does. These are the telluric electric currents as I understand them. I will appreciate this in my SOP ritual tonight.
Thanks for the predictions. The US can be very isolated from external movements so it is resistance to rather than embrace of those outside concepts that comes to my mind immediately. Oh, no!
Mercury Neptune Conjunction 12222
And on the forecast: this particular crisis era has gone on what feels like forever, and no resolution in sight. All but one of my grandchildren and all of my grand nieces and grand nephews have never known any other kind of world. So… more of the same for another 6 months, alas. Time Magazine had a predictably shallow cover article on the multitude of contenders for the Democratic nomination. I hope so! If cardinal — 3 months, until the next cardinal-sign Sun ingress.
If fixed, the rest of the astrological year. I suspect there will be increased tension in all countries between what the people want and what the leadership wants. The 5th house is suggestive of speculative investments such as stocks and the entertainment industry, and likely tells of endings or losses in these areas.
I love your charts. They have a clear, concrete, verifiable feel to them. This one, at first glance, could appear to be forecasting a deceptively vanilla 6-months. I got an email from Shane on January 21st that was short and supportive but sounded rather defeated, but you all know how Shane could be at times. A week later I got a Kentucky obituaries link from his email address that I didnt really know what to make of.
Maybe someone sent it out to his address book? Feel like I should have followed up on that more now. On a higher note literally , I think I actually sqeeked when I saw the title of your post this week! I love these ingress charts and enjoy getting to learn how they work through your casting and interpretation.
Thanks for letting us know John Michael. I love your astrology posts — I always find them so interesting. I just had a random curious thought while I was reading this post — if you do mundane astrology for a country in the southern hemisphere, do all the same meanings of the signs still apply, and do you still use the March equinox or do you use the September one, which would of course be the Spring Equinox for that part of the world?
Virgo - Horoscope - by Michele Knight
Sorry to hear about Shane — I might only comment occasionally, but I read regularly and I always enjoyed reading his posts. I was saddened to hear about the passing of Shane W. He will be missed. JMG — thank you for the forecast. I hope that farmers especially the ones with family farms do well as you predicted during the next six months.. Does this have any significance beyond whatever a Mars-Node sextile would mean, if that means anything? Alban Eilir to all, believer and nonbeliever alike! May God grant us peace in the coming season.
Gwydion, interesting. Phil H. The current as I understand it is a little different. The spread of anarchism from Europe to the US in the late 19th century is another example. This is the new normal, and it will continue until the next dark age arrives. Moon conjunct midheaven and Sun conjunct nadir argues for a much higher risk of governments falling or being overthrown in that band of longitudes over the next six months. Thanks for the Brexit and ingress charts. The hysteria from Remainers is off the charts.
I guess Merc Rx in detriment conjunct Neptune says it all, with Merc ruling both media and trade deals. Is this the beginning of the end of the EU? Talk is now about Italy, Greece and Hungary leaving…. How do the astrological charts translate to what is seen in the sky? I know it is tricky to translate 3-dimensions to two. So if the ascendent is the sign at the eastern horizon, does that mean the mid-heaven is 90 degrees up to straight over head? Is the top half of the chart above the horizon, and the lower half below the horizon?
What is the source for your quotations about earth tides and earth currents? It sounds interesting. Dear Patricia Matthews, A commentator on youtube called Thersites the Historian has a series of videos on the Democratic contenders which is about as good as I have seen so far. Greer, does your reading give any insight as to whether President Maduro will be able to fight off the attempted US coup? Which, I might add, is not supported by, I would guess, most of the American people.
L, thank you. Jeffrey, the US is in daylight time now. Bridge, yep. Matt, the circle of the horoscope represents the ecliptic, the notional line traced by the sun across the background of the stars. With regard to the decline of the western Roman Empire it is my understanding that the term was invented and used disparagingly by people of the Renaissance.
The dark ages were indeed a time of decentralization, political fragmentation and economic decline. But they were also a time of creativity and positive change. What are your thoughts on this topic? How do the dark ages of other civilizations compare to that of the western Roman empire? He was a great rascal. Too bad. This week on the main blog we talk about starting seeds and my experiments in heirloom germination.
Come visit. Come help us figure out the ways to impart our collective knowledge to the next generation. If you have registered, and not signed in, perhaps you missed our email letting you know your account was approved. More specifically, what would you look at to estimate how the immigration crisis on our southern border will play out in the next six months.
I sort of miss Shane — he irritated me mightily, but I did find myself agreeing with him a time or two. I hope his family is navigating the inevitable sorrow from losing a dear family member well. Same thing, different terms based on different perspectives. That may happen in the next couple of years, but the situation is too unsettled to give any specifics. As far as candidates are concerned, did a sketch analysis a couple of weeks ago. My husband and I have been listening off and on the live coverage of the parliamentary debates in London.
The coverage we listened to today, however, seems to have descended into idiocy. Just one thing about the election: My understanding is that George McGovern lost so very badly not because he represented the mainstream liberal establishment in the eyes of the voting public, but because he represented to them rightly or wrongly the anti-war movement and the sixties counterculture, the radical excesses of which the public was rapidly tiring of. After all, regular commenters take breaks sometimes. Blessings on your spirit, Shane. Happy spring, friends.
I bred my rabbits today. I hope that the good year for agriculture also applies to my little farm, beset by legal harassment locally. Question: sidereal and tropical astrology both have their adherents, so they must both work. Does one work better than the other in particular geographical areas? Observation: The Third Estate natives are restless. In my quietly Red area I am seeing yellow flags with red rattlesnakes on them suddenly popping up all over.
Something big is building. Pity to hear about Shane, he was always fun to read. I wondered what happened to him after his last post, he seemed rather depressed. About your reading, I remember in one of your previous readings you mentioned that Trump and his followers would gradually get stuck in an echo chamber. OK — matter of terminology, I see. The thing is, at the beginning of the crisis era or rough spot our problems seem like a mess of unsolvable ones. Which as time goes on settles into one big problem with people working on it in more or less agreement or screaming their heads off as an irreconcilable minority.
And of course the new consensus has historically often meant a dictator, which is unpleasant to contemplate. Thank you for posting the link to the obit. I found the one who died to be enigmatic and challenging, which turned out to be a very positive learning experience for me. I will miss the way my assumptions got challenged: some were reinforced, one or two were modified, but always after study and thought to see if there was something of substance in the challenge to the assumption.
I learned how to ignore things that were, ummm, irritating, and then he would come up with a wonderful gem of a post.
Three times, now, they have guided me, prodded me, to do one of these. Tonight, the third, for the recently departed member of this forum, was the first for someone I never met in person. I hope it eases his journey. Also known as mantle tides. The tectonic plates that float on the molten layer above the core also have tides. So the mantle does move with the Sun and Moon like the tides of the ocean. My question is twofold : First will Uranus in Taurus impact the banks and our economy in the coming years? How will this powerful alignment impact the U. Your international mass movement might be Extinction Rebellion, which is planning mass civil disobedience to get climate disaster onto the political radar.
Nelson1, Les R. Denham2, and D James Siebert2 Search and Discovery Article There could be some discussion needed about terminology of earth currents — authors above call them electrotelluric currents. I remember the good days he and Bill Pulliam d. August had many an argument. Please add my condolences. JMG PS to your distinction between earth tides and earth currents. I suspect the reality will be far more underwhelming and wonder how that is going to go over….
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In addition to trending by region and state, toward the bottom of the page there is a full electoral vote map. Hi all, This might be tangential to this weeks post, but not to much I hope. I heard a radio interview with the author of this article and it rather caught my attention as an example of how to avoid political polarization. Their is a great example in the first part of the article that one Presbyterian pastor is applying and it is really good. China continues to play the game of asking for more time to address trade issues…which they got with an extended tariff deadline.
I was hoping to lure Shane to the potluck this summer. Please go over to the Obituary page and post your fondness for Shane for his offline family. I know it would be a pleasure for them to find the breadth of people who will miss him. Of course, we have forever yet in political terms what, 15 months until the the general election campaigning officially begins and more than 19 months until the actual election , so a lot can happen in the interim. I think the allure of the golden Obama years will prove irresistible, which is why I think Biden will get the nod unless he does something disqualifying entirely possible.
For my own part, I agree that folks are likely going to become less interested in the perpetual-gridlock. Aside from broad policies on trade, immigration, and war as in: tariffs; securing the use of living wage labor of our own citizens; and not fighting stupid foreign wars , the federal government should be leaving most things to states and localities to manage, I would argue. A less-functional federal government might result in more effort being into those solutions. But I see your read as by-and-large a holding pattern for another six months, with some action on the various economic fronts.
Off and on over the last year,I have seen news items of several states moving to solve one problem or the other on their own, state officials usually frankly acknowledging that the Federal government is completely dysfunctional. That makes me hopeful. This despite the best legal team money can buy and judges in both trials clearly hostile to the plaintiffs.
I would call these trials a genuine watershed event. There are now said to be no less than 11, cases pending against Monsanto, with plaintiffs clearly eager to get their cases into court before some sort of arbitration is imposed from above. I would guess that Sonnie Perdue might be fired this year. I think he was brought into the Ag Dept. Various factions among the donors have persuaded various folks who ought to know better to attempt presidential campaigns—stronger means of persuasion may have been used in some cases, as with, I suspect, Senator Harris.
That, the Oregonians could tolerate. Booker is a bachelor and Klobuchar happily married with children. The death of Shane saddens me quite greatly. When he stopped posting I began to wonder if he may have passed, and found the confirmation of my fears quite the shock.
JMG, may I ask, do you have any general advice on how to best pray for someone who has recently died? First, I too will miss Shane. I had the good fortune of meeting him a few times, and whenever we spoke I was left shaking my head at some things, and also impressed by his enthusiasm for so many different topics. I will miss his insight and enthusiasm, as well as some of the discussions he started here.
Are there any aspects of the chart which are particularly surprising to you? Anything which caused you to significantly revise your own earlier predictions or opinions? As for future presidents who may clean up the mess, I think a person who is surreptitiously preparing to be the Republican candidate after Trump is Tucker Carlson. It would not surprise me in the least to see him make the short sideways move from politicised media to mediated politics. The question as to why astrology works is indeed baffling. Another way of looking at it is that all changes on earth are reflections of changes in the upper worlds.
And then there are at least 2 varieties of western astrology, sidereal and tropical, and Chinese astrology, and they all seem to work well enough to satisfy their users. Baffling indeed. Mister N, no doubt that was also a factor, but there was also a huge gap between the liberal coastal establishment and conservative Middle America, and McGovern directed his whole campaign toward the concerns of the privileged left and ignored the majority of the voters, rather the way the Democrats are doing today. Pogonip, I have no idea.
Varun, yes, I see that. Patricia M, gotcha. As for a dictator, well, to some extent — the last three examples of the species were George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Roosevelt. For example, last month Saturn crossed the second house cusp of the US foundation chart; from now until July, we can expect stabilization and retrenchment to be a significant factor in the US economy. When it passes back into the first house in July, expect the conservative movement in the US to pick up steam again. Dear Phil, I was also thinking about Bill — another member of the community we lost suddenly.
Tidlosa, that could also be it. I hope this ends a little less badly…. David, my guess is that when it comes out and turns out to be a dud, everyone on the TDS end of the left will pretend that it never mattered and start talking loudly about something else. Shane did a lot of work for Joel on the magazine, and after he dropped out of sight, Joel went looking. David, it will indeed be interesting. Violet, no particular advice, since it depends very much on your relationship with the deities you pray to.
Will J, H. Green and Raphael both have books titled Mundane Astrology , which are good solid introductions to the art. As for Venus and Mercury, er, when are they square? Not in this ingress chart, surely. Adam, quite a number of the things in this chart came as a surprise to me. Will, none at all. Pete: I am no astrologer, but it sounds good, solid, conservative conservation-type austerity with a dark mood underneath. I myself like to joke! Philsharris: I read the obituary and it was as minimalist as one could get.
Birth date, death date, age, name of parents, high school attended. Now reading the article on Watertown. Love it! And not just the North Country. Long ago there were Hopi elders who predicted that the children would turn against their parents when they came to understand that their parents generation had fouled the earth they were to inherit. Anyway, thank you for these chart readings; they are most helpful. Wherever you are, buddy, you will be remembered fondly. May you reach wherever you need to be soon enough. I can live with my curiosity as to why it works, I actually relish my curiosity.
There are different varieties of astrology just like there are different varieties of magic, and, I suspect, for somewhat the same reason. The astrology that works in a particular culture is specific to that culture: the Mayans, for example, treated Venus as a war planet, somewhat the same way we treat Mars. For example, in Jyotish, the signs are the same as the houses: the first house is the same as the sign that contains the ascendent. The second house is the next sign. Aspect rules are weird. Jupiter, for example, casts trines. If Jupiter is in the first house, it casts its beneficial glance on the entire fifth and ninth house.
No other planet casts a trine. And on and on. The last four dictators: Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt and Trump were and are all Crisis period dictators. The next period will see a behind-the-scenes dictatorship with no specific person in charge. Edgar Hoover was a typical example: he saw his job as identifying and neutralizing people who were rocking the boat, and he was very effective at it. As far as a building consensus is concerned: there is very much a consensus on the left, especially the younger generation.
The right is trying to mock most of that consensus. I expected a lot of what you seem to have found surprising. A simple example: the challenge to the Democratic party elite establishment. Most of the gains in the mid-terms were from the grass roots, not from the Establishment, and a lot of the new faces in Congress have the Establishment running scared. My guess is that the old Democratic elite will be pretty much out of power in the party by the Democratic convention — which is well over a year away.
Like many others here, I always thought I would meet him one day … what a character — not enough of those in the world. A pretty dim picture of the project, even given my absurdly low expectations going into the article. What utter foolishness. When I ge frustrated with the state of things, I just remind myself how insignificant all of this political foment is in the grand scheme of cosmic time even geologic time and I feel much better.
I have a question. What determines the position of the midheaven and thus the size of the houses? What am i seeing wrong? Where and how requires much deliberation. I just wanted to also express my sadness at the loss of Shane. Capricorn stellium generation - Saturn-Uranus. Neptune Transits to Natal Mercury. Observations - astroshop eu Blog. August Astrology The Monthly Forecast. A year in UK politics The Aries ingress. Mythic Zodiac. Watch these 2 planets: Mercury and Mars Astronomy. Blog - Lilith Rebellion. See Mercury and Venus in the pre-dawn sky from the Southern.
Important Astrological Dates From — , Uranus in.