Libra horoscope 8 november 2019

Libra November In November it will be necessary to achieve success . Many things will not go your way. 4, 8, 22, 24, Special note.
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November 12222 monthly horoscope

The dynamics of this financial year are due to shift this month and while there might be some resistance from the old guard, this will work to your advantage. Since returning in March Uranus has had a dream run. Not only was there a lot of planetary activity in your financial sector at the time, where the focus is on what you do with the money you have, there has been nothing but support since then. With no planetary activity on the other side of the sky in your income sector, Uranus has had it all his way.

This means that throughout this financial year the focus has been on your financial situation and money matters, which means on what you do with the money you have or on money going out. There has been no planetary activity in your income sector or on money coming in, so money matters have been able to make it all about them. This is why the whole dynamics of this financial year are about to shift, because finally income matters are getting their turn and oh boy, are they going to run with it.

Libra Horoscope October – Astrology King

As each planet returns they will oppose Uranus in their early days, but any financial tension will not only be brief but motivating. The asteroid Pallas did return to your income sector last month but this was more a chance to get your attention. Mercury is normally here for 14 to 15 days but a retrograde turn at the end of the month will keep him here for two months, which means he and his smart head for money will still be here when Mars returns next month.

When it comes to the activity on the professional front this month you are right in the Goldilocks zone, where things are not too hot, not too cold and are just right.

Libra October 12222 Horoscope: Love, Money & Career

Needing to come to a standstill ahead of his direct turn next month, Neptune has the brakes on. There could be some excitement on the job front when the Moon moves through from 10th October to 12th October. This could see some unexpected developments on the job front or things that have been up in the air become more certain. In the meantime, while Neptune is watching over things on the job front, the North Node is watching over things on the career front and in particular, is watching over a sense of professional direction which it is its job to maintain and update.

Key Dates:

Neither the North Node or Neptune are calling too much attention to themselves, but they are standing guard over job and career matters. What makes the difference this month is the return of the faster moving planets to your income sector. As well as kicking off the most potentially lucrative months of , each planet moving through your income sector will at some point move into a friendly aspect to the North Node on the career and Neptune on the job front.

This planetary activity will still be playing out when Neptune turns direct next month. From the moment the first planet returns to your income sector on 3rd October this will create positive dynamics across the income, work and career fronts and it will stay that way for the rest of the year. Also read: Libra Horoscope Anne has worked as a professional Astrologer, writing Horoscope Content for the media, public and private clients since and currently provides Horoscope Content to companies in New Zealand, Australia, USA, Canada, the United Kingdom and around the world.

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Parashara is considered to be the Father of Astrology. It represents the position of planets at a specific time as seen from a specific place. In other words, it is the pictorial representation of planets at the time of birth.

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The horoscope or Kundli is the basis of astrology and astrological predictions. Kundli works on mathematical principles, and that is why it generally gets quite accurate predictions.

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Kindli is also employed for matching the compatibility of prospective marriage partners. It is also widely used for calculating the auspicious time-frames for holding an auspicious activity, starting a new business, or, for that matter, starting anything new.

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Select date. Mumbai, India Sunrise : Sunset : Festival Calender October Select date. Sun Sign The most easy to understand feature of Astrology. Planets Explore all about the 9 Agents of God — the 9 Planets.

Moon Sign The factor influencing your mind and emotions. Ascendant The House which forms the basis of the Horoscope.