Planet significance astrology

Here's What Each Planet Means in Astrology. Megan Parry · Mar 27, mail_outline. No shade to anyone who merely skims their horoscope every morning.
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Every person is born with a special horoscope chart made up of 10 planets, but only a few of those planets are what astrologers call personal.

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The planets include the Sun, which represents your ego and the way other people view you. It's also the Sun sign that you may already be familiar with. You have a Moon sign which symbolizes the mother and your feelings, and a rising sign which tells about what you are here to do and accomplish.

When there is a Full Moon or a major planetary change, you can look at these planets to see how this affects you personally to understand your daily horoscope readings better. Sometimes a personal planet, like Mars will tell you things about your home life. The Moon can reflect feelings that you need to address.

What do the planets symbolize?

Different areas of life that we function within, your ascendant is the way you handle those houses. Each planet in astrology represents one of these houses. Here are the meanings for each personal planet in astrology that affect your horoscope and zodiac sign's personality. The Sun represents male energy, the divine masculine within each of us. The Sun gives us our strength and the type of vigor we carry. The Sun is how we show up to the world. Let's peel back more layers and see what the Moon has in store.

The Messenger in Your Birth Chart

The Moon is representative of the female archetype, we all have a divine feminine ad this is where she resides. She is your sensitive nature and how you express in your private life. This is the layer revealed to our close friends and relations.

Exploring Pluto and its significance in astrology - Times of India

You may find your very private trends in feeling and thought fit more closely into your Moon sign. If the Sun is your Living room then the Moon is likened to your kitchen. Mercury is the planet of communication, it represents both verbal and written communication. Mercury in your natal chart will indicate your day to day communication style.

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Your BS-Free Astrological Guide To The Sun, Moon, & Planets

Even if all the planetary retrogrades of this summer have you convinced otherwise, the planets really do have some good and, yes, plenty of bad, too to offer us earthlings. Mercury isn't all about breaking our phones and letting our emails get hacked — it's also a powerful conduit for productive communication.

Mars doesn't hang around just to make us cranky — it's actually the planet of energy and can help us get shit done. If you couldn't tell, we believe it's time to give the planets a little reputation rehab. We spoke with astrologer and author Carolyne Faulkner about how all of these celestial bodies can positively and negatively affect our lives. You're still allowed to complain about the next retrograde if it makes you feel better, but you might think twice after learning about all the good the planets can do.

On October 8th, Venus will enter Scorpio. In astrology, the planet Venus rules love and prosperity, while the sign Scorpio is associated with passion, poss.

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We all know about the havoc wreaked by Mercury retrograde, but what about Pluto? The dwarf planet has been retrograde since April