Darkstar astrology capricorn october 2019

Mars square Saturn at 15º Libra/Capricorn. Oct 28 Sun opposite Uranus at 4º Scorpio/Taurus. Oct 30 Sun on Gacrux at 7º Scorpio. Oct
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There can be a cause that you work towards enthusiastically.

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A new communications project can excite you and bring you into contact with interesting, helpful people. New people may come into your life and seek out your friendship, or existing friendships may be refreshed or enhanced. Opportunities to advance or for new learning experiences can come through associates, friendships, and networking. Potential negatives: Over-emphasis on activities that take you away from your practical responsibilities, too often. However, for the most part, you are likely to take advantage of this period in your life in order to expand your social life and friends base and to dream up exciting new paths for the future.

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  • Lunar Eclipse July 12222 For All Starsigns~ Karmic Binds by Darkstar Astrology.
  • This is a period for looking within and learning of your inner strength. Matters from the past are magnified in your life now.

    Horoscopes by Jamie Partridge

    You tend to sort through the attitudes that serve you well, and the behaviors that need to go in order for you to grow and improve — a cycle that lasts until December when Jupiter will enter your sign and you are ready to share yourself more fully with the world. This is generally a warm, protective cycle, although with Jupiter in the background in your chart, there may be some sense that you are not truly living or experiencing your life to the fullest, or that your joy in life is not as obvious to others.

    With so very much activity in the sector of your chart that rules private matters, anonymity, healing, and endings, this is one of the more withdrawn, reflective periods of your life. You may be exploring the hidden elements of life or developing your spirituality now. You may also be especially compassionate and empathetic. This can be a powerful period for volunteer work, or for work done behind the scenes, in private, or in the helping professions.

    Capricorn October 2019 ~ MUST-KNOW’S FOR CAPRICORN FOR OCTOBER ~ Astrology ~ Horoscope

    Potential challenges: Escapism. However, it acts to magnify the area of the chart that it affects, and at times it can be uncomfortable if you are having difficulties in this area. In your case, if you are lonely or if you feel helpless, and if you have troubles facing your past, then this influence can heighten these issues.

    Full Moon October 12222 ~ Striking Gold

    Releasing control is necessary. Building your faith is the work you are doing now. While your tendency is to play a supportive role to others, if taken too far, you will need to draw some boundaries when it comes to your energy and time. There can be some strains on mental and physical health. There is stronger joy in being of service to others, but do be careful that you take care of yourself as well. However, for the most part, you are likely to feel emotionally secure and supported during this cycle. Your perceptions heighten. Your ability to make sacrifices for others increases, and you can build your confidence in yourself as you help and support others.

    An influence in December is particularly supportive of these things. This can be a period for developing your psychic abilities. Interestingly, another influence on the very same areas of life, outlined below, is a contracting influence. This means that you can reach a wonderful balance. With self-discipline, you find more joy and confidence. There are always areas of life that require more simplicity.

    Tests may be part of the picture as you learn that life with only growth and expansion can run away with itself.

    Your Favorites

    There may be tests of sorts in these areas of life, as if the universe is checking that the foundations are strong. Things built on weak foundations may very well crack under the pressure of these tests. Those that are strong will endure and strengthen. This influence will be with you until It can be felt most strongly earlier or later in the cycle, depending on whether you were born earlier or later in the sign of Aquarius. This year, it will influence those born from approximately January 31 to February 10 and with an Aquarius Ascendant of degrees the most.

    Detach yourself from these things as much as possible.

    October Horoscope Decans

    Put things to rest. This can also be a time when you give of yourself to others, as you are valuing charity more than usual. You could be struggling with issues of self-worth, and this is a fine time to really explore what it is that holds you back from going after what you want and deserve in life.

    You are somewhat introspective at this time and you might isolate yourself from others in some manner—a process that tends to come naturally at this point. There can be some time.

    There can be a retiring, somewhat withdrawn or private element to your personality. Health issues, generally of a psychosomatic nature, may come to the fore. You may be attracted to alternative ways of living, and to self-study fields, such as psychoanalysis. There can be much to learn and enjoy during this cycle. With Saturn in the background of your chart, you might often feel quite free of restraint. Saturn performs very well in its own sign Capricorn.

    Dark Star Zodiac Sign

    The last time Saturn moved through Capricorn was from , and similar themes can emerge now. In , there is wonderful planetary support for all of these efforts. Yet another influence in December helps you find more joy, pleasure, and confidence in taking care of your spiritual needs and for your increased self-discipline. Your Aquarius Horoscope points to areas of your life that seem to speed up so that you can take some risks, innovate, and revolutionize.

    These areas include the following:. In March , you entered a lengthy period in which communications, learning, and connections may have been unpredictable and unusual, but also inspiring and exciting. The Blood Moon-Uranus square might bring unexpected events into your life, which could result in anxiety and uncertainty. In order to take advantage of the energies radiating from the eclipse, be prepared to harness your patience, self-control and keep an open mind to new opportunities on the horizon.

    Any changing conditions which might arise as a result of the Blood Moon will require a bit of adaptability on your part.

    Aquarius Horoscope Preview

    Lunar eclipses tend to affect horoscopes in the same way Full Moons do but in a much stronger way. Astrologers consider total eclipses of this magnitude an incredibly profound experience. The Blood Moon eclipse will play out at roughly zero-degrees and 52 minutes in Leo. The eclipse will also present itself as a time of opportunity and change. Lunar eclipse January falls in an area of the sky with only dim stars Jamie Partridge, AstrologyKing.